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GOBLIN [M:Archi:H] DETERMINES HAZARDS Matt Stone (Hazards)

You have the power of mischief. Whenever another player must take a Hazard card, you look at it first. If you desire, you may discard it and make him draw the next one instead. This card takes effect if possible.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Hazard cards.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Booby trap a color. Announce the color, and whenever it is flipped in the destiny pile while you hold this card, the player's turn ends.

Super: You may discard your own Hazard card after reading it and take the next one.

GREMLIN [O:Warp] Gives Players Hazard Cards Jack Reda (Hazards)

You have the power to Meddle. At the start of any player\'s turn, draw hazards from the hazard deck (even if not part of the game normally), and place them on this sheet until there is one for each player in the game.

When another player draws from destiny, you may use this power to play a hazard from this sheet, even if no hazard warning appears on the destiny card. If a hazard card would be drawn normally, you may replace the hazard drawn with one from this sheet.

History: Gremlins can never leave well enough alone. They exist in a culture that rewards interference, trespassing, and insubordination. While other races may attempt to live in peace, the Gremlins remind them that trouble is always brewing.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Hazard type power.

Wild: When your color is drawn from destiny, you may force the offense to draw a new hand.

Super: You may play a hazard from your alien sheet when you draw from destiny. If you draw a hazard normally, you may replace it with one from your alien sheet.


You have the power over hazards. When you must draw a Hazard card, instead of reading it, give it to another player. If it can affect him, it does. If you look at the card, you must take it yourself.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Hazard cards. Do not use in a 2- player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You need not take a Hazard Card.

Super: You may read the card before you decide who to give it to.

HOBO [M:Archi:H] COLLECTS LOST ITEMS Matt Stone (Hazards)

You have the power of reclamation. You collect all cards discarded by other players as the result of Hazard cards, and add them to your regular hand. (You collect Edicts and Flares even if the Vulch is in the game.) In addition, you take any power cards that are discarded by other players as a result of Hazard cards and add them to your own. Finally, any tokens which should be lost to the Warp by other players because of a Hazard card go to your star disc instead. At the start of any challenge in which you have tokens belonging to your opponent, you may try to deal for them in addition to the challenge.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Hazard cards.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Nullify a Safety as another player tries to use it. Discard after use.

Super: You may occupy any bases vacated by other players as the result of Hazard Cards.

RISK [O:Warp] Deals Hazard Cards to Players Jack Reda (Hazards)

You have the power to Endanger. Game Setup: Deal one Hazard card to yourself for each player in the game. Keep these cards separate from your regular hand.

Any time before the Destiny Phase, you may use this power to play one of your Hazards on the offensive main player (even yourself). If that player already drew a Hazard card from the Hazard deck, your Hazard supersedes it.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may discard a card at random from your hand (including this one) to avoid having to draw a Hazard card.

Super: You may draw a new set of Hazards to use for your power, replacing any unused ones.


You have the power to stop hazards. You may offer to neutralize the effect of a Hazard card on another player in return for a base, cards, Lucre or tokens. If he accepts, take what is offered, and the Hazard does not take effect. You may not neutralize your own Hazard card.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Hazard cards.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Give the top Hazard Card to another player. Discard after use.

Super: Your offer must be accepted.

TSUNAMI [M:Archi:H] KEEPS HAZARDS IN HAND Andy Latto (Hazards)

You have the power to create hazards. Whenever you win a challenge as a main player or ally, take a hazard card from the deck and place it in your regular hand. Whenever you lose a challenge as main player or ally, give your opponent a hazard card from your hand if you have one. Hazard cards may be part of a player's hand like any other card. If any other player has hazard cards in his hand at the beginning of his turn, they all take effect (in the order of his choice) at the very beginning of his turn (before getting another hand). They are then discarded. If you lose your power temporarily or permanently, you discard all hazard cards in your hand, but hazard cards in other player's hands continue to take effect.


Restriction: Use only a game with hazard cards.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may choose to have the effects of a Hazard card taken by another player affect you instead of him. Give this card to that player after use.

Super: Whenever you draw a Hazard card, you may place it into your regular hand.

Displayed 7 powers.