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The Amazing Alien Database

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You have the power to start over. At the start of each of your turns, you must start the game over in one of the following ways (your choice): Return your tokens to their original starting position; Discard all moons in your system (tokens on them return to bases) and draw as many new ones as you started the game with; Discard your regular hand, and draw a new one; or Discard all of your power cards, including this and any unrevealed powers, and take at random as many new powers as you started the game with. Assuming you have access to this power, you may do any of the above actions under all circumstances, no matter what has occurred to your tokens, planets, moons, etc... Do each of the above just like when starting the game with the exception that you only draw a number of powers equal to the number you need (no draw 4 choose 3 or similar method) - you are allowed to make/keep secret a power(s) if the start of the game allowed this.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.


You have the power to cancel. At the beginning of each challenge, immediately after the destiny pile is flipped, you choose one of the following game elements which will play no part in the game for that challenge: Powers, Moons (excluding tokens currently on Moons), Planets (but not tokens currently on Planets), the Warp (including tokens currently in the Warp - tokens that would go to the Warp go to bases instead), Lucre, Edicts, Flares, Kickers, Attack Cards, Compromise Cards, or Hazard Cards. You must name each of these once before you can name any of them again. Omit from this list any items from expansion sets not being used. The game element remains canceled until a new game element to be canceled is announced at the start of the next challenge. If you cancel hazard cards, none will be drawn if a turn begins before the next flip of the destiny pile. If a main player has no uncanceled challenge cards, it is as though he is out of challenge cards.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: While you hold this card, your turn is limited to one challenge.

Super: You can use the canceled game element, but nobody else can.


You have the power to clash. Whenever another player decides to take the second challenge of his turn, you may challenge him to a duel. If he does not accept, you get his second challenge. If he accepts the invitation, play out a challenge without any tokens. No other player may interfere in the duel in any way. If you win the duel, or make a deal, you continue the player's turn (if he is the Machine, his turn will end after your challenge, if you are also the Machine, your turn may continue. At the conclusion of this turn, play reverts to normal order.) As part of a deal during the duel, you may allow the player to keep the challenge. If you lose the duel or fail to deal, your next turn is limited to one challenge. If you lose two duels before your next turn, you lose that turn, and may not call for another duel until the turn is actually lost.


Restriction: Do not use in a 2-player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may force any two players (including yourself) to fight a duel. They must play a challenge without tokens or allies. The winner gets this card. If players deal or fail to deal, keep this card. Use only once per challenge.

Super: You pay no penalty if you lose the duel.


You have the power to swap powers. When you are a main player in a challenge, as soon as the defensive player is determined, take a power card from your opponent. This power is now yours. At the end of the challenge, give him a different power card (which may be this one). In each case, you choose the card. He may pay you a Lucre to choose the power card at the beginning of or end of the challenge, but not both. If you take a power, you must give one back, even if Cosmic Zapped.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre. Use only in a multiple power game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.

Wild: Give this card to another in exchange for the Flare of his choice from his regular hand. If he has no Flares, take his entire regular hand. Use only once per challenge.

Super: You may refuse to accept the Lucre, and choose both powers yourself.


You have the power to steal bases. Whenever you gain a base on a planet as the direct result of winning a challenge, you may attempt to steal another base. Point the cone at the next planet counterclockwise from the one where you just gained a base, and challenge the player in whose system that planet resides. No allies are allowed in the steal attempt. If you fail to win the extra challenge, you are "picked off", and all tokens on the original base you gained go to the Warp. If you succeed, you may try to steal another base, and so on, but if you are "picked off" at any time, tokens on the original base, and all of those you have stolen on this sequence go to the Warp. Steal attempts take place in addition to your normal challenge.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Whenever you are not involved in a challenge, you may steal the challenge card of one main player after it is played, but before it is revealed. He must play another card.

Super: You do not lose your original base or the tokens on it if you are "picked off".


You have the power of letters. Once per challenge, immediately after the destiny pile is flipped, you name a letter of the alphabet. No Power, Flare, or Edict whose name contains that letter may be used until the destiny pile is flipped in the next challenge. All 26 letters must be named before a letter is reused. The Letterman power is immune from this power and must be zapped at the time the letter is declared.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Once per turn, you may exchange one of your power cards for another power card beginning with the same letter of the alphabet. This power card must have been in the game, or currently be in the game.

Super: You may use powers, Flares, and Edicts containing the forbidden letter.


You have the power of challenge cards. As a main player, designate the number of challenge cards (at least one) to be played by each player in the challenge (you must have at least this many). If the attacker does not have enough challenge cards, his turn ends. If the defender does not have enough, he plays all he has, gets a new hand, and plays more. To determine the challenge winner, add the values of all Attack cards played (ignoring Compromise cards) by each side, and treat the sum as one Attack card. Deuce plays one additional card, while Procrastinator and the player opposing Decoy play two sets of cards.) If the loser played at least as many Compromise cards as the winner, he gets consolation. If one player played no Attack cards, he loses. If neither player played an Attack card, try to deal.


Restriction: Do not use with Doppelganger, Federalist, Insect, or Pacifist.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: As a main player or ally, you may change the maximum number of tokens of each color that may be placed in the cone to a number of your choice between 1 and 20.

Super: As a main player, you may specify the number of challenge cards that are to be discarded by main players after use (must be at least one). After the outcome of the challenge, you and your opponent each choose that many to discard, and put the rest of the cards you played back in your hand.


You have the power of war and peace. You start the game at peace with all other players. A player at peace with you may not voluntarily attack you or ally against your side when you are a main player or ally. Peace is broken if he has no choice.) You break peace with a player if you are a main player or ally on one side of a challenge, and they are on the other. You reestablish peace if you are allied on the same side of a challenge, or make a deal.


Restriction: Do not use in a 2-player game or with Hypocrite.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you fail to deal, declare war on the other player. Make an attack on a planet base. Neither side may call for allies.

Super: At the beginning of your turn you may re-establish peace with all other players.

TSUNAMI [M:Archi:H] KEEPS HAZARDS IN HAND Andy Latto (Hazards)

You have the power to create hazards. Whenever you win a challenge as a main player or ally, take a hazard card from the deck and place it in your regular hand. Whenever you lose a challenge as main player or ally, give your opponent a hazard card from your hand if you have one. Hazard cards may be part of a player's hand like any other card. If any other player has hazard cards in his hand at the beginning of his turn, they all take effect (in the order of his choice) at the very beginning of his turn (before getting another hand). They are then discarded. If you lose your power temporarily or permanently, you discard all hazard cards in your hand, but hazard cards in other player's hands continue to take effect.


Restriction: Use only a game with hazard cards.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may choose to have the effects of a Hazard card taken by another player affect you instead of him. Give this card to that player after use.

Super: Whenever you draw a Hazard card, you may place it into your regular hand.

Displayed 9 powers.