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CONFEDERATE [O:Warp:TC] Allies With More Ships Jack Reda (Team Cosmic)

You have the power of assistance. When your ally is a main player, use this power to ally with as many of your ships as you have colonies (home or foreign).

History: The Confederates, believing their cause to be just, have always enthusiastically supported their allies, even to the point of committing superfluous resources to a mission. Their unyielding faith, seen by some as a hindrance, is the motivator the Confederates have always used to great advantage.

Restriction: Use only in Team Cosmic.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: You may let your ally draw a card from you at random (not counting this one).

Super: Your partner may ally with you with as many ships as he has bases.

CUSTODIAN [M:Warp:TC] Shares Another Power with Partner Jack Reda (Team Cosmic)

Game Setup: Draw an additional alien card.

You have the power of custody. You have use of the additional alien card drawn at the beginning of the game. After you use its power, use this power to give the alien to your partner. He or she keeps it until it is used, at which point it returns to you. The power may only be used once per encounter. The additional power may be Cosmic Zapped normally.

History: Guardians of adolescent races, the Custodians exerted their influence over impressionable minds. As they matured, the next generation of aliens became pawns for the Custodians' plans of colonization - the cost of their innocence a secondary consideration.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.

Wild: You may count an opposing allies' ships to your encounter total. Rewards for victory are distributed normally.

Super: You may assign control of your additional power to either yourself or your partner.

HOLO [O:Warp:TC] Parnter Plays Optional Encounter Card Jack Reda (Team Cosmic)

You have the power or virtuality. As a main player, if your partner is allied with you, you may use this power to allow him or her to also play an encounter card. When cards are revealed, choose which one will represent your side. Both cards are discarded.

History: A self-aware virtual race of three-dimensional, pixelated creatures, the Holos bounce from planet to planet in such rapid succession, other beings can neither tell from where the Holos come, nor whether their presence is real or imagined.

Restriction: Use only in Team Cosmic.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: When a Card Zap is played, you may nullify its effects by giving this card to the Holo. If Holo is not in the game, discard this card to play it.

Super: You may play an additional encounter card when allied with your partner. He or she chooses which to use when cards are revealed.

MEDIUM [O:Warp:TC] Plays a Card for Partner Jack Reda (Team Cosmic)

You have the power to Channel. Once per encounter, when your partner plays a card, you may play the same type of card (encounter card, artifact, flare, etc.). Your partner decides which of the played cards will actually be played, and the other card goes into your hand.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may play an attack card from your hand that equals the total of any number of played reinforcement cards, placing the reinforcements into your hand. They may then be played again.

Super: When you use your power, you may name any other player who must then also play the same type of card. Your partner picks from the three. You choose one of the leftover cards to put back in your hand, and the other player takes the remaining card.

SCOPE [M:Warp:TC] Attacks Any Player in Partner's System Jack Reda (Team Cosmic)

You have the power of purview. As the offense, whenever your partner's color comes up in Destiny, use this power to attack any player in your partner's system.

History: The cyclopean Scopes are adept at ferreting out their enemies in any terrain or environment, tracking them under the harshest of conditions. Their keen eyesight and uncanny sense of smell makes infiltration against them seemingly impossible.

Restriction: Use only in Team Cosmic.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: As the offense, any ships allied against you do not count towards totals if that player also has ships in the defensive system.

Super: Your partner may attack any player in your system if your color shows up in destiny on his or her turn.

Displayed 5 powers.