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ESPIONAGE [O:rec.c:S] USES SUBTERFUGE Silver (Subterfuge)

You have the power of sneakiness. As long as you have one or more Lucre in your bank and use of this power, you may perform any Subterfuge for which there is a card already, once per challenge. If caught performing subterfuge with this power, you lose one Lucre to the bank and one token to the Warp (you select which token), and must undo the act you were caught doing (though you need not admit to any other acts). If you have a Subterfuge card in your hand, you may perform that subterfuge "normally" (i.e. you do not have to have any Lucre to perform it, and the penalty for being caught is discarding the card rather than losing a Lucre and a token).

History: The Espionage toyed with the idea of playing by the rules for a short while. Logic decreed that they should use their power for good (their own good, that is). With that, they took to swindling the rest of the cosmos for all it was worth.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Subterfuge and Lucre.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: When someone takes cards from your hand for any reason (consolation, Extortionist, Mutant, part of a deal, etc.) and you still hold this card after the draw, you may play this card and "reclaim" one of the cards taken from you.

Wild: Whenever someone takes cards from your hand for any reason (consolation, Extortionist, Mutant, part of a deal, etc.) and you still hold this card after the draw, you may play this card and "reclaim" one of the cards taken from you.

Super1: If caught performing Subterfuge, you may play this card to make the cheat you were caught doing "stand," though you must still pay one lucre and one token to the warp. You may not use this card to give anyone an instant win.

Super: If caught performing Subterfuge, you may play this card to make the cheat you were caught doing "stand," though you must still pay one lucre and one token to the warp. You may not use this card to give anyone an instant win.


You have the power to resell. Whenever any Subterfuge cards are discarded, you may collect them, and place them in your hand. At any point in the game, you may use any Subterfuge you hold as any card that has been played so far in the game. Declare the card's new value when it is revealed. You may not repeat a value you have already used. You may not collect Subterfuge cards you discard.

History: Having experience with performing low, mercenary work in office, politics, and intrigue, the Jobbers turn official or public business to private advantage.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Subterfuge.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: Use this card as any card that has already been played.

Super: You may play a Subterfuge card as any card, even if you already used it as a specific card already.

Con: Jobber is unable to play a Subterfuge card as any other card against you.


You have the power to improvise. Throughout the game, if you do not have any Subterfuge cards in your hand, you may use another type of card as the Subterfuge of your choice. You must place a card in front of you face down to signify which type of card is being used (i.e. an Attack Card, Compromise Card, Kicker, Flare, etc.). This card is still considered part of your hand. Once you are caught performing a Subterfuge, you must discard this face down card. Then you must choose a different type of card to use as Subterfuge. You may not repeat a type of card until you have exhausted all types that appear in the deck. Additionally, you must rotate through the types of Subterfuge before repeating one. If you hold any real Subterfuge cards, you are limited to using those until they are discarded.

History: The MacGuyvers have a long history of finding themselves in sticky situations, with only their wits to help them escape. Making use of any and all materials at their disposal, they have managed to cheat death at every turn.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Subterfuge.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: This card may be used as any kind of Subterfuge card. Discard when you are caught.

Super: You may repeat the kind of card you use to improvise, as well as which kind of subterfuge card it represents.

Con: MacGuyver can not use an improvised card as subterfuge in any challenge in which you are both main players.


You have the power of morality. You may not use any subterfuge card you receive. However, whenever any player is caught performing a subterfuge, you gain a reward of either a token from the Warp, or a card from the challenge deck (or Rewards deck). There is no limit to the number of rewards you may receive in a challenge.

History: The Moralists live by a strict code, refusing to deviate from the rules. They know that virtue is its own reward, and happily accept the fringe benefits of not cheating.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Subterfuge.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: When someone is caught performing a subterfuge, you may intervene as you had successfully performed the subterfuge yourself, with no penalty.

Super: You may use any Subterfuge card you hold.

Con: Moralist does not receive a reward if you are caught performing Subterfuge.


You have the power of exemption. You may openly perform any act of subterfuge, so long as you hold the appropriate card. You do not suffer any penalty for being caught. You may only perform subterfuge once per challenge, and only in increments of one (i.e. one card from the deck, one token from the Warp).

History: Through a complicated series of legal amendments, proposals, and deals, the Proviso have gained diplomatic immunity from every culture in the universe. They are free to lie, cheat, and steal with impunity.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Subterfuge.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: Ask any player for a Subterfuge card. If they have one, they must give it to you.

Super: You may perform subterfuge secretly as many times per challenge as you can without being caught. If caught, you must still discard the subterfuge card.

Con: Proviso may not use subterfuge while you are both main players.


You have the power to penalize. Whenever a player is caught performing a subterfuge, you may select one of their tokens to sit in the "penalty box". The token is removed from play until the next time that player is the offensive main player. They may free their penalized token in lieu of raising one from the Warp, returning the token to anywhere he has tokens (not necessarily from where it came).

History: The Referees monitor the cosmos for anyone that strays from the intergalactic rules of engagement. Sequestering the offenders from the masses allows the Referees to maintain the balance of power, keeping them in the lead. The Referees now encourage others to cheat by any means necessary.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Subterfuge.

Play at any time

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: When a player is caught performing subterfuge, you may select any one of their tokens to send to the warp.

Super: Penalized tokens are ejected from the game.

Con: Your tokens do not go to the "penalty box".

Displayed 6 powers.