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BINARY [O:Warp:RH] May Use Planetary Power Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)

You have the power of the Binary. As defensive Main Player, you may choose to use one of your Binary system planetary powers in lieu of your other powers.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems. Use only in multi-power games.

Phase 2 - Destiny

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.

Wild1: As an ally, you may use the power of any player not involved in the challenge. They may not use their power.

Super: You may use your power as offensive Main Player.

Con: Binary may not use his planetary powers instead of his normal ones against you.

GAS GIANT [O:Warp:RH] Adds Tokens From the Gas Giant Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)

You have the power of the Gas Giant. Whenever you are challenged on any external base, before cards are played, you may remove tokens from the base (down to one) back to your Planetary system, or add tokens from the Gas Giant hex to your defensive base (up to four).


Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.

Phase 6 - Allies accept

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: You may add your tokens from the Warp to your side as defensive Main Player (to a total of four).

Super: You may add or remove tokens as offensive main player (up to four and down to one).

Con: Gas Giant may not add or remove tokens in your system per his power.

OORT CLOUD [O:Warp:RH] Plays Comets to Affect Challenges Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)

You have the power of the Oort Cloud. You may play one or more Comets from your Oort Cloud hand in any challenge where you are involved (so long as multiple Comets does not create conflict in the rules), before Challenge Cards are played. You also collect any Comet that turns up normally in the Destiny deck.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: You may cancel the effects of a Comet that is currently in play.

Super: You may use your power after Challenge Cards have been played.

Con: Oort Cloud may only play one Comet on your turn, and it must be when the Destiny card is initially revealed.

PULSAR [M:Warp:RH] Chooses Higher or Lower Total to Win Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)

You have the power of the Pulsar. As defensive Main Player in an external challenge, you must declare (before allies commit) whether the winner, if an Attack card is played, will be the player with the higher total or the player with the lower total.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.

Phase 3 - Point Cone

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: You may remove a Kicker played on your side after cards are revealed. The Kicker is discarded.

Super: You may use your power as offensive Main Player.

Con: You may force Pulsar to choose Higher Total wins.

RINGS [O:Warp:RH] Use Virtual Rings for Defense Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)

You have the power of Rings. As defensive Main Player, each of your external bases has a "virtual ring" protecting it. The value of the ring is equal to the number of your tokens on the base plus the number of external planet bases you have. For example, if you have two external bases, and you are attacked on one where you have three tokens, the ring is worth 5 points. You may add or subtract the virtual ring value when calculating challenge totals.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.

Phase 2 - Destiny
Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: After calculating challenge totals, you may add or subtract one for each card still in your hand.

Super: Your virtual rings are worth the number of external planet bases times the number of your tokens on the base.

Con: Virtual Rings are only worth the number of external bases Rings has.

ROSETTE [O:Warp:RH] Adds Adjacent Tokens Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)

You have the power of the Rosette. When you are defensive Main Player, you may add tokens from any of your external bases to your total without putting the additional tokens at risk. You may also evacuate tokens from the challenged external base to any other external base where you have tokens.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: You may move all of your tokens from an adjacent base in the same system where another player has just established a base.

Super: You may use your power as offensive Main Player.

Con: Rosette may only add tokens from his external bases that are not in your system to his total.

SIX-PACT [O:Warp:RH] Switches to Planetary Powers Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)

You have the power of the Six-Pact. Whenever you are the defensive Main Player, you may switch one of your normal powers with one of your planetary powers. The switch is permanent. You may only switch back when you are again the defensive Main Player (or switch to a different planetary power).


Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems. Use only in multi-power games.

Phase 2 - Destiny

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.

Wild1: Set your hand aside and draw an equal number of cards from the deck for this challenge. Afterwards, discard the new cards and take your old hand back.

Super: You may use your power as offensive Main Player.

Con: Six-Pact may not switch to one of his planetary powers when you attack him externally.

SPACE DUST [O:Warp:RH] Tokens are Attacked Separately Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)

You have the power of Space Dust. When you are defensive Main Player, only one of your tokens can be challenged on the planet base. The other tokens are not involved in the challenge.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.

Phase 2 - Destiny

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: When a player is about to take consolation, you may set one card from your hand aside. It is immune.

Super: Any time you lose a base, you may leave one token behind. If there was only one token to begin with, you must lose the base.

Con: You may attack all of Space Dust's tokens on an external base.

SPIRAL [O:Warp:RH] Gains Rewards Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)

You have the power of the Spiral. As defensive player, whether you win or lose, you get a "reward" of one of more cards from the deck and/or tokens from the Warp to bases (or from the Praw to the Warp) corresponding to the number of your tokens defending. You get this "reward" immediately after the outcome is determined. If you get cards, they are subject to the Extortionist.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.

Phase 8 - Reveal cards

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: You may choose to earn rewards rather than occupying a base in a challenge where you were on the winning side.

Super: You may use your power as offensive Main Player.

Con: Spiral does not receive rewards if he won the challenge.

WORLD SHIPS [O:Warp:RH] Collects Destiny Cards for Winning Jack Reda (Reverse Hex)

You have the power of World Ships. Whenever you win a challenge as defensive Main Player on an external base, you may take the current face-up Destiny card and add it to your World Ships hand.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Reverse Hex systems.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: If you color comes up in the Destiny Deck twice in a row, you may cancel the second one.

Super: You may collect the current Destiny card when you win a challenge as offensive Main Player.

Con: World Ships may not collect Destiny Cards of your system color.

Displayed 10 powers.