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EBAY [O:Warp:LR] Auctions Cards Jack Reda (Lucre/Rewards)
You have the power to auction. Any time you are a Main Player, you may suspend the challenge before alliances are made. Draw the top 5 cards of the Rewards Deck and place them face up. Announce an opening bid amount. Starting with the player to your left, everyone must bid at least one more Lucre or Pass. Passing players may no longer bid. Highest bid wins the cards and play then continues. If no one bids, you must pay the opening amount and you take the cards.
History: The Ebay have accumulated a lot of goods, and have an uncanny knack for finding someone in the cosmos that wants it.
Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre.
Recommended for use in a game with the Rewards Deck.
Phase 1
Phase 5 - Defense invites allies
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.
Wild1: You may auction use of your power for one challenge.
Super1: You may flip over an additional 5 cards for this auction.
Super: You may add cards from your hand to the lot before the auction begins.
Con: You may renege on a Pass and continue bidding.
Displayed 1 powers.