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COMMANDO [O:MS:LP] Frees Imprisoned Tokens Matt Stone (Lucre/Prisoners)

You have the power to rescue. Once during any challenge in which you are not a main player, any other player may offer you Lucre to free his tokens from the Warp, Praw, or another player's star. If you accept the Lucre play is suspended while you lead your rescue mission. Your tokens in the Warp, Praw, or on the star are treated as offensive tokens, while tokens belonging to your client are your allies; tokens belonging to other players are considered defensive allies. You and your opponent play cards normally (Draw from the deck until you get a Challenge Card to determine a card for the Warp). You must play an Attack Card. If you win the challenge, your tokens and your client's tokens are freed to bases. If you lose, owners of "defensive ally" tokens collect defensive rewards.

History: The Commandos are saddened to see anyone lose their freedom, for prison equals death. They are quite eager to liberate all, for a price.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Wild1: Free all tokens from the warp. Players return them to bases.

Super1: On a rescue mission, other players' tokens do not count against you, nor do those players collect rewards if your rescue is unsuccessful.

Pro: You may play a Compromise Card to collect consolation but only reveal this card when Challenge Cards are revealed. If you attacked the warp, take the cards from the deck. If this card is zapped, your Compromise Card is treated as an Attack 0.

Con: Commando must accept your Lucre to free your tokens. You pay him 3 Lucre.


You have the power to capture. When you win any challenge as main player, you seize the tokens that your opponent lost in the challenge (including Zombie tokens). Immediately propose any legal deal in which you return the tokens in exchange for random cards, Lucre, other prisoners, and/or a base. If your opponent accepts the deal, he gets the tokens back and may put them on any of his bases. If he refuses, put the tokens in your Prison. The tokens of his allies go to the Warp or your Prison depending on the challenge type; you do not deal with the allies. You must propose a deal, and your opponent must respond, even if one of you is Silenced.

History: The carnivorous ancestors of the Felines captured their prey alive, taking delight in its helpless struggles. Modern Felines use the same techniques in battle, seizing their losing opponents and using them as pawns in deadly games of power politics.

Restriction: Use only in a game with prisoners.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: When you are not a main player, if the main players fail to deal you may seize the tokens that they lose as penalty and put them in your Prison.

Wild: When you are not a main player, if the main players fail to deal you may seize the tokens that they lose as penalty. Dictate a new deal for the two players. If they agree to the deal, they get their tokens back; otherwise put the tokens in your Prison.

Super1: When you win a challenge as main player, you capture your opponent and all his allies. Propose separate deals to each player. Each player writes down (without consulting with the others) whether or not he accepts the deal, and all answers are revealed

Super: When you win a challenge as main player, you capture your opponent and all his allies. Deal with each in turn, clockwise starting with your opponent; return or imprison each player's tokens separately. You must complete each deal before continuing wit


You have the power to peddle flesh. Before the start of each challenge, you may propose to one other player an exchange of prisoners for Lucre. You may either offer to sell the player tokens from your Prison, or buy tokens from his, but not both. Stipulate which tokens are involved, and the amount of Lucre; you may not specify more Lucre than the buyer has. The other player must either accept or reject your offer. If he accepts, implement the exchange immediately. If he declines to sell tokens to you, nothing further happens. If he rejects an offer to buy tokens from you, you may allow any of the other players to purchase the tokens for the requested price (if several players wish to buy, you choose one). If no one wants the tokens, or if you do not want to sell them to other players, you may put the tokens into the Warp and draw one Lucre from the box per token.

History: The Slavers view life as a resource like any other, to be exploited for their own profit. Their flesh-peddling is both a blessing and a curse to their Cosmic opponents, who can sometimes recover lost comrades but often find the moral stain (and the price) too great.

Restriction: Use only in a game with prisoners and Lucre!

Wild1: Between challenges, you may purchase any or all of the prisoners held by one other player, paying him one Lucre per prisoner.

Wild: Between challenges, you may give this card to any other player and purchase any or all of the prisoners he holds, paying him one Lucre per prisoner. The other player keeps this card.

Super1: If a player rejects your offer to buy tokens from him, you may purchase an equal number of tokens from the Warp for the price that you offered, paying the Lucre to the box. You may select any of the tokens in the Warp other than your own; put the tokens on your star.

Super: If a player rejects your offer to buy tokens from him, you may purchase an equal number of tokens from the Warp for the price that you offered, paying the Lucre to the box. You may select any of the tokens in the Warp other than your own; put the tokens on your star.

TOLL [M:KC:LP] CHARGES FOR USE OF CONE Ken Cox (Lucre/Prisoners)

You have the power of fares. In each challenge where you are not the offensive player, you demand a fee of one Lucre from the offensive player when he first puts tokens into the Cone. If he cannot or will not pay (he is allowed to refuse your demand), take any one of his tokens from any base and put it in your Prison. You do not demand a fee from players other than the offensive player, nor do you demand an additional fee from the offensive player if he adds tokens to or removes tokens fromthe Cone.

History: Masters of hyperspace technology, the Tolls have built huge Conic shunts which allow them to control interstellar travel. The Aliens caught in their hyperspeed traps have a simple choice -- pay the Toll or go to jail.

Restriction: Use only in a game with prisoners and Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: As main player in a challenge, if your opponent holds any of your tokens in his Prison you may demand that he "pay a toll" by freeing all of them to you. If he will not pay, he may not have allies (except the Parasite).

Wild: As main player in a challenge, if your opponent holds any of your tokens in his Prison you may demand that he "pay a toll" by freeing one to you. If he will not pay, he may not have allies (except the Parasite).

Super1: You may demand a fee (one Lucre, or you take a prisoner) from each player who puts tokens in the Cone, including defensive allies. An ally may withdraw his tokens from the challenge after your demand and not pay the toll.

Super: You may demand a fee (one Lucre, or you take a prisoner) from each player who puts tokens in the Cone, including defensive allies. An ally may withdraw his tokens from the challenge after your demand and not pay the toll.

Displayed 4 powers.