The Amazing Alien Database
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You have the power of Breach. Once per challenge, you may cancel a successful deal. The players involved must lose tokens as if they had failed to make a deal.
History: Working in conjunction with Emotion Control, the Breach presence proved to be too much for the "Creators" to resist. The heavy losses and overall sense of betrayal gave the Edictators all the leverage they required to destroy their masters. But the war is not over yet.
Restriction: Use only in Edictators.
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Use this card as a Breach edict.
Super: You may use your power as a Main Player or ally.
Con: The Breach power may not be used against you. You are still affected by the Breach edict.
You have the power of Cosmic Zap. Once per challenge, you may nullify another player's power. In multi-power games, you decide which power to nullify.
History: Violently erupting from the test-tubes where they were created, the Cosmic Zaps immediately began to wreak havoc with their surroundings. Now they want nothing more than to shut down all power in the cosmos.
Restriction: Use only in Edictators.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Use this card as a Cosmic Zap edict.
Super: You may use your power as a Main Player or ally.
Con: The Cosmic Zap power may not be used against you. You are still affected by the Cosmic Zap edict.
You have the power of Emotion Control. Once per challenge, you may change both challenge cards played into compromises. Players must now make a deal.
History: At the Day of Reckoning, when the Edictators broke the bonds of enslavement, the Emotion Control were instrumental in weakening their creators' desire to fight back. They harness this peaceful, easy feeling wherever they go.
Restriction: Use only in Edictators.
Phase 8 - Reveal cards
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Use this card as an Emotion Control edict.
Super: You may use your power as a Main Player or ally.
Con: The Emotion Control power may not be used against you. You are still affected by the Emotion Control edict.
You have the power of Force Field. Once per challenge, you may nullify any or all alliances. Tokens return to bases.
History: While escaping their captivity, the Force Field prevented the "Creators" from working together. The chaos gave the Edictators the edge they needed to overpower their masters. Now no one can count on any help.
Restriction: Use only in Edictators.
Phase 6 - Allies accept
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Use this card as a Force Field edict.
Super: You may use your power as a Main Player or ally.
Con: The Force Field power may not be used against you. You are still affected by the Force Field edict.
You have the power of Mobius Tubes. Once per challenge, you may free all tokens from either the Warp or the Praw.
History: The initial Edictator rebellion was a massive, bloody affair, but the Mobius Tubes were able to quickly replenish the rebel forces. They are judicious with use of their power, waiting until the time is right to unleash fresh troops into battle.
Restriction: Use only in Edictators.
Phase 10 - Interphase
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Use this card as a Mobius Tubes edict.
Super: You may free only your own tokens from the Warp or Praw.
Con: Only your tokens are freed when Mobius Tubes uses his power.
UNZAP [O:Warp:E] CANCELS ANY ZAP Jack Reda (Edictators)
You have the power of Unzap. Once per challenge, you may cancel the effects of any Zap (by edict, flare, or the Cosmic Zap power).
History: Mixed in a vast Matter/Anti-Matter chamber, the Unzap quietly waited for the other Edictators to strike. When the "Creators" tried to resist the revolution, the Unzap made their move. Now they police the remaining powers until they can govern all.
Restriction: Use only in Edictators.
Play at any time
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Theme type power.
Wild1: Use this card as an Unzap edict.
Super: You may use your power as a Main Player or ally.
Con: The Unzap power may not be used against you. You are still affected by the Unzap edict.
Displayed 6 powers.