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BORG [O:BGG:CST] Assimilates Others’ Ships Bill Martinson (Cosmic Star Trek)

You have the power to Assimilate. Once per encounter, if you have a ship in the encounter or coexisting on any planet with another player’s ship, you may use this power to assimilate one opposing or coexisting ship. That ship is captured and used as your own (losing any special characteristics it had) until lost to the warp, rescued, re-captured, etc.

Whenever you have an assimilated drone in an encounter and its original owner reveals or plays an attack or reinforcement card, you may use this power to divide that card’s value by two (rounding down).

If you fail to make a deal, you may use this power to assimilate the ships the other player sends to the warp, placing them on any of your colonies.

History: Seeking perfection by assimilating biological and technological distinctiveness, the relentless Borg absorb everything in their path. Their onslaught is underscored by their monotone, unison reminders about the futility of resistance.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: As a main player or ally, after alliances are formed, you may remove one other player’s ship from the encounter and send it to the warp. Then, if possible, retrieve one of your own ships from the warp and place it on your side of the encounter (even if this exceeds the normal maximum of four).

Super: While using assimilated ship(s) in an encounter, you may copy their original owners’ powers. If there is a conflict with dual use of a power, the other player may not use that power.

FERENGI [O:BGG:CST] Makes Shady Deals Bill Martinson (Cosmic Star Trek)

You have the power to Swindle. As a main player, when you have made a deal or owe compensation, you may use this power to give the other player a non-encounter card from your hand instead of whatever you were supposed to give.

As a main player, if you are due compensation, instead you may use this power to look at the other player\'s hand and take any one card from it to add to your own.

You may reveal any negotiate card as if it were a Negotiate (Crooked Deal), and you may play any artifact card as if it were Finder or Keeper.

History: Possessing few respectable skills and virtually no social graces, the disreputable Ferengi are nonetheless among the universe’s most successful capitalists. These diminutive hagglers know just the right lies to tell to talk their way into or out of any trade agreement with practically any hostile species.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: When you have made a deal or owe compensation, you may give the other player this flare instead of whatever you are supposed to give.

Super: When using your power, you are not limited to giving the other player a non-encounter card. You may give any card from your hand or the top of the discard pile.

Q [O:BGG] Has Unlimited Power Bill Martinson (Cosmic Star Trek)

You have the power of the Q. Once during each player’s turn, you may use this power to do anything. For example, look through the deck for cards to give away, make up a new rule, rearrange the destiny deck, or anything game-relevant you can think of. You must propose your action in detail and it must be approved in advance by majority vote of the Continuum (all players, including you). You may propose any number of actions during the turn until one is approved.

Any proposal that makes a player win or not win the game requires unanimous approval. A proposal to give up the power of the Q by replacing this sheet with a new one requires only one other player’s approval if you specify the alien, or requires no approval at all if you draw the replacement at random. If the alien has Game Setup text or is not allowed in the current game, draw again.

You may play any artifact card as if it were any Zap artifact.

History: The origin and intentions of the metapowerful Q Continuum remain an utter mystery to the myriad civilizations with which it has come in contact. The single consistent element seems to be the ongoing torment imposed by one particular member of the Continuum.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: At the start of your turn, you may exchange the positions of any two planets or ships as long as this does not give you an extra foreign colony.

Super: When the Continuum fails to approve one of your proposals, you may state your intention to carry it out anyway. Do so unless another member of the Continuum intervenes by forcing you both to lose the use of your powers for the duration of the current and next encounters. The same player may not intervene twice in a row.

ROMULAN [O:BGG:CST] Spies on Everything Bill Martinson (Cosmic Star Trek)

You have the power of Espionage. After every destiny draw, you may use this power to peek at the top card of the destiny, cosmic, reward, tech, or hazard deck, one card in any player’s hand (at random), one player\'s unrevealed tech card, one moon, or one hidden power. If you peek at a card on a deck or in a hand, you may discard it by sending one of your ships to the warp.

You may play any artifact card as if it were Finder or Quash.

History: Stealth and subterfuge are the duty of every noble citizen of the Romulan Star Empire. As an offshoot of the Vulcan race, the Romulans possess striking physical similarities but few commendable qualities in common with their ancestral relatives. Never trust one, unless you are trusting her to betray you.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: At the start of any regroup phase, you may choose one card at random from the offense’s hand. After looking at it, return it to the offense or give it to one of your opponents.

Super: As a main player or ally, if your side loses, you may immediately cloak all but one of your ships in the encounter and return them to colonies instead of sending them to the warp. This occurs before any other effects target your losing ships.

TRILL [M:BGG:CST] Uses Skills of Previous Hosts Bill Martinson (Cosmic Star Trek)

You have the power of Host Memories. As a main player or ally, when your side loses an encounter and all of your involved ships are sent to the warp or removed from the game, use this power to transfer your symbiont to a new host by drawing a random unused alien power. If the alien power is mandatory, has Game Setup text, or is not allowed in the current game, draw again. Keep your previous host powers unless you are zapped, in which case the symbiont dies and you must discard all of your host powers (but not your Trill power). Your host powers are all active concurrently.

History: The relationship embodied in a joined Trill fuses the symbiont and host into a unique new person. Although the former hosts have passed on, their memories, skills, and abilities nonetheless remain and become part of the whole.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Meta type power.

Wild: You may draw an extra unused alien power to use for the rest of this encounter. If the alien has Game Setup text, is not allowed in the current game, or cannot be used during the rest of this encounter, draw again. Discard that alien after the encounter ends.

Super: When drawing a new host, you may keep a power even if it is mandatory, treating it as optional for the rest of the game.

VORGON [O:BGG:CST] Sends Ships Through Time Bill Martinson (Cosmic Star Trek)

You have the power to Timejump. As a main player or ally, after cards are revealed, you may use this power to increase or decrease your own ships in the encounter by doing one of the following: send any number to the future (this sheet), receive any number from the past (this sheet), receive any number from the future (the warp), or send any number to the past (the warp).

To receive ships from the future, you must add an equal number of tokens to this sheet. To send ships to the past, you must discard an equal number of tokens from this sheet. While you have tokens or ships on this sheet, you cannot win the game.

You may play any artifact card as if it were Timegash.

History: Visitors from the 27th century, the Vorgons use their mastery of time travel in their search for a quantum phase inhibitor known as the Tox Uthat. Should they find it, they will possess the terrifying power to destroy entire stars.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: During any reveal phase, you may send up to three cards from your hand to the future by setting them aside, facedown, with this flare. At the start of your next turn, after drawing a new hand (if necessary), take these cards back into your hand.

Super: Instead of timejumping your own ships, you may send all ships of one offensive or defensive ally to the future (your alien sheet). Those ships return to colonies at the end of their owner’s next turn.

Displayed 6 powers.