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GEOPHAGE [M:FFGfo:Pl] Devours Planets Zach Gaskins

You have the power to Devour Planets. When you are the offensive player and successfully win an encounter in another player\'s home system, use this power to move the planet tile partially underneath another planet tile in your home system. All ships that were on the \"devoured\" planet go to the warp; your ships and those of offensive allies establish a colony on the \"devouring\" planet.

When you are the defensive player involving one of your planets that has \"devoured\" one or more planets, use this power to add 10 to your total per devoured planet tile, after encounter cards are revealed.

A colony on a planet that has other planet tiles underneath it counts as a home colony for purposes of maintaining powers for each one of the tiles that is one\'s own color, and a foreign colony for each of the tiles that is not one\'s own color. A planet with multiple tiles is treated as a single entity (owned by the Geophage player) with regards to other planet-affecting powers and effects.

History: It wasn\'t that the planet\'s surface seemed to ooze like the flesh of a deep-sea creature. Nor was it the notion that the Geophage\'s ships seemed to use some sort of corrosive enzyme as their primary weapon. It was the horrific slurping sound they made as they slowly engulfed everything in their path: OM NOM NOM NOM...

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Planet type power.

Wild: When you win an encounter, you may retrieve one ship out of the warp or draw one card for each ship the opposing main player lost in the encounter. "you learn how to digest opposing ships for nutrition."

Super: You may devour planets as an ally (taking the offensive player and allies with you as usual).

PETORIAN [O:FFGfo] Guesses Opponent's Card To Win Zach Gaskins

You have the power to guess blindly. When you are the main player in an encounter, after encounter cards are played but before they are revealed, you may use this power to send one of your committed ships to the warp to guess what encounter card your opponent has played; you must specify the exact nature of the card (Negotiate, Attack #, or Morph). If you guess correctly, you win the encounter regardless of the card you played. If you are incorrect, you may continue expending your committed ships to make extra guesses, or stop and resolve the encounter normally with the remaining ships. If you are incorrect after sending your last ship, you automatically lose the encounter. Winning with 0 ships means you cannot gain a colony (or you lose the colony you were defending).

History: An oversight in galactic zoning charts resulted in a tiny moon successfully seceding from its larger system-nation. Despite having little to no infrastructure to speak of and a population of 5 (including the family dog), the stubborn determination of the President, his knack for bullheading his way through adversity, and sheer blind luck allowed the tiny moon of Petoria to persist as a recognized, albeit ridiculed member of the cosmos.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: Before any player draws their Destiny card, you may guess a color, "Special", or "Wild". If the card drawn matches your guess, you may retrieve a ship out of the warp or draw a card.

Super: If your "Attack #" guess is within 5 of the actual card value, you are still correct.

RUNWAY [B:FFGfo] Penalizes Chosen Card Plays Zach Gaskins

You have the power to dictate style. As a main player or ally, whenever a card is played during an encounter in which you are involved, you may use this power to take that card and place it face up in front of you (the "display"). A maximum of 5 cards may be arranged in front of you in this fashion; if you acquire a 6th, you must discard one to make room. You may take only one card per encounter in this fashion.

At any time, if any other player wishes to play a card that exactly matches one that is face up on the display, use this power to require that they either sacrifice a ship to the warp, or allow you to draw a card from their hand at random. If a card appears multiple times in the display, the cost is multiplied according to the number of copies on display (i.e. 3 copies of the card raises the cost to 3 ships/3 cards). Once this cost is paid, the card is officially played and is in effect (and may be responded to).

This power can be Cosmic Zapped when you attempt to add a card to the display, or when someone wants to play a card that is on display (eliminating the cost). If a Cosmic Zap is on display when this occurs, it does not require a cost to play (however, Cosmic Zapping others' powers still costs).

History: The Runway are the arbiters of haute-couture in the galactic expanse. They have their numerous sensory organs set on what is fashionable and what is tacky. So when they hear of interstellar conflict, they can't help but stick their noses in and demand that all parties involved engage each other in a stylish, dramatic fashion. Those who go against the opinions of the Runway find themselves socially and financially ostracized for reasons no one seems to be able or care to explain.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: When you reveal your Encounter card, you may discard additional copies of that exact card in your hand to aggregate their effects: Attacks sum together, multiple Negotiates give additional Compensation (1 additional card from opponent's hand per additional Negotiates played), or if used to deal, cause the opponent to lose 1 additional ship to the warp for each additional Negotiate if the deal is quashed/failed (You still only lose 3).

Super: The cost in ships/card draws is increased to two per copy of the card on display.

SINK [O:FFGfo] Uses Game Assets As Firepower Zach Gaskins

You have the power to use everything. When you are the main player in an encounter, before encounter cards are played, you may use this power to remove your ships from colonies to the warp, discard cards from hand, and/or move home planets to the warp that do not have foreign colonies. For each game asset that is expended in this fashion, add the following to your total once encounter cards are revealed:
Each ship: 1 (are not counted for compensation)
Each Encounter card (Attack/Negotiate/Morph): 2
Each Artifact: 5
Each Flare: 10
Each Planet: 15 + 1 per ship remaining on it (ships also go to warp)

Planets may be pulled out of warp (counting as one ship) during the Regroup phase.

History: The Sink believe in the philosophy of using any available resources to solve a problem, to weigh down the enemy until he drowns in his own failure. To that end, Sink vessels are their own weapons, and can be quickly converted into energy to fire other weapons, and so forth. Strangely enough, the only technology they haven't been able to retrofit into military purposes is their dishwashing basins.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: Before encounter cards are revealed, you may set aside any and all of your ships in the encounter. Each ship set aside is worth 3, but is sent to the warp at the end of the counter, and is not counted for compensation or powers that involve lost ships. Setting aside all your committed ships in this way does not end the encounter but does prevent you from gaining a colony (offense), or forces you to lose a home colony (defense).

Super: You may use your power as an ally, consuming assets at the same time that you commit ships. You cannot earn rewards for extra ships you consume.

Displayed 4 powers.