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ADVISOR [O:E1.6] Tells Players What to Do White Plains Encounter Group

You have the power of suggestion. In any challenge, you may tell one of the two main players how to conduct any one aspect of the challenge (choice of allies, play of cards, use of powers, etc.). If he does not follow your advice, you may assassinate any one of his tokens. In a game with lucre, he must pay you one lucre (if he can) if he takes your advice.

History: Believing that the key to conquest lies in being the power behind the throne, the crafty Advisors have infiltrated the councils of all important Cosmic contenders. The advice they offer is always slanted to achieve their own race's ends - but woe betide the ruler who does not follow it, and risks his Advisor's traitorous revenge.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: In any challenge you may advise one player who is not a main player how to (or not to) ally. If your advice is refused, you may take one card at random from the player, or one lucre.

Super: You may replace any token you assassinate with one of your own.

AESTHETE [O:E1.6] Arranges Players' Tokens White Plains Encounter Group

You have the power to order. Whenever the population of a planet changes, leaving two or more players' tokens thereon, you may organize those tokens in a symmetrical pattern of shape and color (if possible). Other players cannot disrupt such patterns (unless they have no choice), except by process which introduce tokens of one or more new colors to the planet (e.g. most attacks).

History: No race in the galaxy has a sense of beauty so highly developed as that of the Aesthete. Such is the compelling grandeur of the artistic masterpieces created by these beings that no sentient entity can resist being overwhelmed by them. The subtle power of these works has proven to be a great asset to the Aesthetes in their attempt to reorganize the cosmos into a form that will not offend their delicate sensibilities.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Once per challenge you may declare that the sight of one power in the game offend your delicate sensibilities. That power must be turned down and not used during that challenge.

Super: The patterns you create may never be disrupted in any way by any other player.

CANCER [M:E1.6] Removes Tokens and Spreads to Other Planets White Plains Encounter Group

You have the power to spread. At the end of every challenge, if you have foreign bases which are shared with other players, you may send to the Warp one token of another player from each such base. If you have foreign bases which are not shared with other players, and on which you have two or more tokens, you may spread from each such base by moving one token to an adjacent planet in that system. When the Destiny pile (or other process) directs an attack against a system in which Cancer is present, the attacking player may choose to attack Cancer. If hidden, this power must be revealed as soon as you obtain your first foreign base.

History: Tenacious and prolific, the insidious Cancers require only the smallest of pseudopod-holds to eventually choke out an entire system! Other species, uniting in terror, have developed extreme techniques for eradicating this horror before it's too late. Undaunted, the Cancers continue their quest for universal infection, and the spaceways echo their eerie war-whisper: "The Cancer spreads!"

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: At the end of each challenge, you may send to the Warp on cohabitating token on each of your foreign bases.

Super: You do not need to kill off cohabitating tokens before you spread.

CAT [O:E1.6:2] Adds Strength When Contacted White Plains Encounter Group

You have the power to opt. On each of your challenges, two discs from the Destiny pile are revealed (or the Dictator designates two colors, etc.). You mount two attacks simultaneously as directed. Allies may join either or both challenges, if invited. However, allies are limited to however many tokens they would commit to a single challenge. Cards are then played for both attacks, and then you determine which attack you will actually make.

History: Shy and cautious, yet swift and agile, the highly intelligent Cat never fully commits itself to a course of action until the last possible moment. Other species scramble in the costly and often vain attempt to prepare for all contingencies, never knowing which of its options the Cat will finally choose - and how could they, when even the Cat seldom knows?

Restriction: Do not use in a 2 player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: As a defensive main player, you may act as an ally for yourself.

Super: You choose between your attacks after cards are revealed. All cards played in both attacks are discarded.

GARBAGE COLLECTOR [O:E1.6] Draws a Hand from Discards White Plains Encounter Group

You have the power to recycle. You have no permanent hand. When you are involved in a challenge, you draw up to 7 cards at random from the discard pile. If not enough cards are available, draw the balance from the deck. When the challenge is over, keep any edicts or flares you wish and discard the rest. You may never have more than 7 cards in your hand at once.

History: Evolving late on a world harboring many industrialized species, the Garbage Collectors fought for survival in an environment all but drained of its natural resources. During this arduous racial infancy, they developed a superlative technology enabling them to reuse almost anything. Now the Collectors are applying this talent on a Cosmic scale, employing the supposedly useless castoffs of other races in their manic quest for resources which - for once in their lives - will not be hand-me-downs.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: At the start of your challenge, you may take the top card of the discard pile.

Super: You may fill out your hand with the deck instead of the discard pile.

GESTALT [O:E1.6] May Attack a Player's External Base White Plains Encounter Group

You have the power to see the big picture. On your challenges, you may attack the player whose color comes up in the destiny pile (or is otherwise designated) on any planet or moon which that player occupies, or proceed with the challenge normally.

History: Arising as a colonial, single-cell life-form, the Gestalt evolved physically distinct individuals who retained their primitive interdependence. Thus, today, each "member" of the species is simply one functional fragment of a single, system-spanning being. Unable to conceive that other races are not similarly constituted. the Gestalt makes no distinction between individuals, perceiving them all as identical parts of the whole. This trait makes the Gestalt uniquely adept at recognizing and thwarting schemes on a cosmic scale.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: At the start of each challenge, you may move one of your tokens from any base to any of your other bases.

Super: Whenever you must lose tokens to the warp, you choose which ones you lose. Other outcomes of the loss are unaffected.

JAMMER [M:E1.6] Temporarily Reduces Hand White Plains Encounter Group

You have the power to disrupt. As a main player in a challenge, you immediately draw half (rounding down) of the cards from your opponent's regular hand. You do not look at these cards, and they cannot be used by your opponent during the remainder of the challenge. If you are the main defensive player and the offensive player runs out of challenge cards his turn ends. If you are the main offensive player and the defensive player runs out of challenge cards, he draws new cards from the deck one at a time until he draws a challenge card, which he must play. After the challenge, he retrieves the cards which you "disrupted" away.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: As a main player in a challenge, you may remove 3 tokens from the cone after cards are played, but before they are revealed. They are returned to bases if possible, or else go to the Warp. You can not remove your own tokens.

Super: Cards lost to your disruption power are added to your hand.

NOMAD [O:E1.6] Moves Tokens On Ships White Plains Encounter Group

You have the power to wander. You do not have a regular planet system. Instead, distribute your star discs amongst the other players' systems. Place five of your tokens on each star disc. The star discs are the ships of your nomad fleet. At the start of each challenge, you may move one of your ships from the system hex that it currently occupies to the next system hex to the right or left. At the end of each challenge, if you have multiple ships in one system, you may exchange tokens freely between any such ships that you still have tokens on. On a player's challenge, he may attack one of your ships if it is in the system whose color he flipped in the destiny pile. If a player successfully attacks one of your ships, your tokens go to the Warp and the ship counts as a base for that player and his allies. However, you still control the ship's movement and, other players cannot transfer tokens between ships in the same system. If you lose tokens from three of your ships you lose your power and can no longer move your ships or transfer tokens between them until you recapture one of your ships.


Restriction: Do not use in a four-player (or less) game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may reverse the direction of play starting at the end of the current player's turn. Discard after use.

Super: At the end of each challenge, you may freely exchange tokens between any ships that you still have tokens on and any bases you have in the system that such ships occupy. You may do this in addition to transferring tokens between ships.

QUANTUM [O:E1.6:M] Tokens Jump Between Bases White Plains Encounter Group (Moons)

You have the power of probability. During a challenge, before cards are revealed, you may call out a Quantum Number. If the difference between the Quantum Number and the sum of the cards played in the challenge is between 0 and 3, you may move one token from anywhere that you have one (e.g. bases, the Warp, another player's star disc) according to the table below.rr If the difference is the following move the token to:rr 0 Any location
1 Any home planet
2 Any unoccupied moon
3 Any of your bases
In computing the difference Compromise cards are treated as Attack cards of value zero. Powers that change card value affect the difference calculation, but Kickers do not.


Restriction: Use only in game with moons!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Once per challenge, you may declare any one voluntary action of any player to be improbable. Then flip a coin, if the player calls it wrong he can not take that action.

Super: As losing main defensive player, if the difference was between 0 and 3, you may move your tokens which would ordinarily go to the Warp to another planet (if you were defending a planet) or unoccupied moon (if you were defending a moon) in the same system. This replaces whatever move you would normally have made.

SENTINEL [M:E1.6:M] Cohabits Moons White Plains Encounter Group (Moons)

You have the power to cohabit moons. As a main player in a moon challenge, if the moon you are attacking is occupied you do not challenge the occupant. Instead you move your tokens to occupy the moon with his tokens. This is considered a successful challenge. Effects of Continuous moons continue and Immediate moons take effect as if they were unoccupied. Secret moons take effect when either occupant chooses to reveal them. You may offer players who attack you on a moon the right to cohabit. If they accept, their tokens join yours and the challenge is considered successful. You may also grant cohabitation rights as part of a deal. Players attacking cohabited moons must declare which inhabitant they are attacking. If they attack and defeat a cohabitant other than yourself, you must grant them the right to cohabit. If they attack and defeat you, the remaining players must immediately engage in a moon challenge using the tokens on that moon to see who gets to stay. The effects of the disputed moon are suspended until ownership is settled. You may start the game with tokens on any moon(s) in your own system.


Restriction: Use only in a game with moons!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may send any one moon to the Warp. Any tokens on the moon are dislodged in the Warp. The moon will reappear in the system of the next player to play a Mobius Tubes. Discard after use.

Super: As a main player in a moon challenge, you may have allies. You may also act as an ally in other moon challenges.

Displayed 10 powers.