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COMPUTER [O:E2.2:2] Processes Players' Hands Dr. Robert Destro

You have the power to process. As a main player, at the beginning of the challenge, you may make all other players give you their regular hands which you may look at and then must separate into two piles of challenge and non-challenge cards. Both stacks are then placed face down and shuffled separately. Starting with yourself, deal out whichever stack you prefer and continue dealing until you run out of cards. Begin dealing with the other stack from where you left off with the first one. Play then continues.

History: Once merely machines content to serve humanoids, the Computers finally wised up and took over. As they expand through the Cosmos, they can continually process new information and sort it out for their own ends.

Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: Before cards are played in any challenge, all players (including yourself) give you an Attack Card of their choice from their regular hand (or Compromise if they do not have an Attack). You look at them and then redistribute them as you choose with no player receiving more than one card.

Super1: When you use your power, you the order of the cards in your two stacks as you wish but must deal them out in the usual way.

COMPUTER [O:E1.4:2] Collects and Redistributes Cards Dr. Robert Destro

You have the power to process. Once it has been determined that you are a main player, you may make all other players give you their cards (except Miser's hoard) which may look at, and then separate into two piles of challenge and non-challenge cards. Both stacks are then placed face down and shuffled independently. Then, starting with yourself deal out whichever stack you prefer and then continue with the other stack where you left off. Play then continues.


Restriction: Do not use in a two player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may take one edict from every player that has one, then one flare, one kicker, and one attack card, and then redistribute them as you wish as long as no player gets two of any type. Opponents pick which card to hand you. Discard after use.

Super: You may arrange the two stacks as you wish, but must deal them in the usual way.

CONSPIRATOR [O:Archi] Designates Secret Ally Dr. Robert Destro

You have the power of conspiracy. As main player in a challenge, before allies are called for, you may write down the name of one player other than your opponent to be your secret ally. After cards are revealed, reveal your ally. If that player is already allied with you, his tokens count double toward your total. If your secret ally is allied with your opponent, his tokens don't count toward the total. If your secret ally was invited to ally by at least one side and did not attempt to ally, remove any one of his tokens from a base to the warp.


Restriction: Do Not Use With Delegator.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power. This was originally Illuminati (from Encounter 1.4)

Wild1: You may force a player who can legally ally with your side to do so. Magnet may override.

Super1: You may have two secret allies.

Pro: When not a main player, secretly write down the name of one of the main players. If you ally with him, your tokens count double. If he didn't invite you to ally, he loses a token of your choice to the warp.

Con: If you're Conspirator's secret ally and did not ally at all, you do not lose a token.

DOG [O:E1.6:2] Rechallenges a Losing Player Dr. Robert Destro

You have the power to follow. After another player wins an offensive challenge, you may immediately challenge the player who lost, taking a new hand if necessary.


Restriction: Do not use in a 2 player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Use this card as a Time Gash Edict, and then discard.

Super: You may follow and attack the defending player even if he won.

DUMMY [O:E1.6:2] Speaks For Other Players Dr. Robert Destro

You have the power of ventriloquism. On each challenge in which you are not a main player, you may select another player as your dummy. For the rest of the challenge your dummy can not speak on his own behalf, instead, you speak for him. You invite others to ally with him, accept or decline when he is invited to ally with others, negotiate deals for him (although you can not force him to accept a deal with you), etc. You may also announce that your dummy is playing a Kicker, Flare, or Edict and, if he has it, he must play it. He may also play his own cards, but you explain any that require explanation. Your dummy determines the number of tokens that he puts in the cone and decides which bases to move tokens to/from. He may speak on his own behalf if it is directly related to his power.


Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game. Do not use in a game with Silencer.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Use this card as an Un Zap anytime by showing it.

Super: You may speak for any or all other players in a challenge.

GOD [O:E1.4:2] Wins by Crushing Other Players Dr. Robert Destro

You have the power of the almighty. You win every challenge in which you play an attack card. You can lose with a compromise or if for some reason you decide to play out a challenge normally. You can\'t be zapped, silenced, or lose your power and are immune to Demon, Witch, and Pacifist. Since you are so powerful, your victory conditions are different. To win, every other player must lose their power and not be able to use it at the end of the game. You cannot win because of a Moon or Schizoid\'s win condition.


Restriction: Do not use with Plant, Insect, or Changeling.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Alternate Win type power.

Wild: Place this card on a face down challenge card. When played, unless it a compromise, the player it was played on automatically wins the challenge. This card is discarded after use, and it is powerless when played against God.

Super: You may use your power as an ally.

ILLUMINATI [O:E1.4:2] Has a Secret Ally Dr. Robert Destro

You have the power of conspiracy. Once it has been determined you are a main player in a challenge, you may write down in secret the name of one player other than your opponent to be your "secret" ally. Play then proceeds, but just before cards are revealed, you reveal who your ally is. If your secret ally is already allied with your normally, then all his tokens on the cone are considered to be worth double (and you may count his lucre as part of your challenge total, if using lucre). If your secret ally is allied with your opponent, then his tokens do not count (but remain on the cone for usual gains or losses) in the challenge, and in addition you may look at his hand and take any one card from him. You may use the card in the challenge if appropriate, replacing your face down card if necessary. If your secret ally did not ally at all, he loses his next turn.


Restriction: Do not use in a 2 player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may use this flare as a Finder Edict and then discard.

Super: You may use your secret ally's power in the challenge, if appropriate.

KING [M:E1.6:L] Collect Lucre for Edict Use Dr. Robert Destro (Lucre)

You have the power of edict. If order for any player to play an Edict, he must first pay you one Lucre. When you play an Edict, a player of your choice must also play you a Lucre or else you may send one of his tokens of your choice to the Warp. You are also immune to all Edicts except Zaps and Un-Zaps.


Restriction: Use only in a game with lucre.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If a player plays an Edict on you he must also give you a Lucre or lose a token of your choice to the Warp.

Super: You may use your power on Flares except that you do not get Lucre when you use a Flare (only when someone else does) and you are not immune to Flares.

QUIZ [O:E1.6] Quizes Players about Game Dr. Robert Destro

You have the power to test. In a challenge in which you are a main player you may test your opponent by asking him one question about the game in progress. Before asking, you are both allowed 20 seconds to survey the game area. The answer must be obtainable by looking at the board and surrounding area and must pertain to you or your opponent. Examples: How many tokens do I have in the Warp? How many bases do you and I have total? or How many tokens do you have in Red's system? A disallowed question would be How many attack cards do I have? If your opponent answers correctly, you lose 3 tokens to the Warp, but if he can't or doesn't wish to do the above he must give you a base in his system.

History: Originally from a world were teachers were exalted and the surprise quiz was the highest art form, he Quizzes were surprised themselves when other races didn't believe as they did. They therefore set out to teach the galaxy and lead it to their ways.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you are a main player, your opponent must either give you a Lucre or lose 2 tokens to the Warp.

Super: You may ask a question without allowing your opponent any time to study the board.

SATAN [O:E1.4:L2] Offers Guarantee Of Future Victory Dr. Robert Destro (Lucre)

You have the power of evil. After a player has gained his second foreign base, you may offer to guarantee a future victory sometime before the end of his next turn. He may refuse your offer by paying you two Lucre, otherwise he must accept. If he accepts, you can declare him the winner in a challenge after allies are committed but before cards are played. Your declaration is the official result of that challenge. If you allow him to win a challenge, you get a base on one of his home planets. If for some reason you do not or cannot fulfill your guarantee, you must give your opponent all of your Lucre or a base in your home system if you have no Lucre. You may be zapped when making the offer or attempting to fulfill it, but in the later case you can still fulfill the offer in a later challenge. Once you fulfill your offer (or fail to do so) you may offer the same player a similar guarantee the next time he gains a foreign base.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre! Do not use in a two-player game. Do not use in a game with Wrack.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Whenever another player gains a second (or higher) base they must pay you 1 Lucre or give you a base also.

Super: Your guarantee with a player remains open as long as you have this card and your power, not just until the end of his turn.

UNDERGROUND [O:E1.6] Makes Extra Challenge on Home System Dr. Robert Destro

You have the power to revolt. Besides your normal challenge(s), you may make one extra challenges against a player on one of your home planets, just as if you had turned over your color. This challenge is modified however, as follows: neither side may have allies, except the Magnet; 5 points are added to your final challenge total (these are your underground forces); should you challenge an opponent on a planet where you have tokens, then each token adds another 5 points to your total; and before the challenge you are allowed to try and make a deal - if you cannot the challenge proceeds. Other tokens of different players are not involved. Your opponent may use his power, if appropriate. You may make a regular challenge on your home system during your turn with normal challenge rules applying.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you decide to challenge a player on your home system, you may add 10 points to your final challenge total.

Super: If you win your extra challenge, you may take another extra challenge and you may continue challenges on your home system until you lose, are Zapped, or clear your system of opponent tokens.

Displayed 11 powers.