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00 [O:WWW:L] Buys Cards From Special Decks Cedric Chin (Lucre)

You have the power of resources. When you buy cards, you may buy directly from the Rewards Deck.

History: A super secret governmental agency with funny accents, the 00 constantly draw their resources from the elite of their agents.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power. Modified by Jack Reda

Wild1: When you gain rewards, you may take them from the unused Flare deck.

Super: You may buy cards from the unused Flare deck.

Con: 00 may only buy one card from the Rewards deck in a challenge where you are both Main Players.

ADDENDUM [M:WWW] Adds Number of Cards in Hand Cedric Chin

You have the power of addition. When you are a Main Player in a challenge, add the number of cards in your hand (not including cards you played in the challenge up to when cards are revealed) to your challenge total.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power. Flare changed by Jack Reda.

Wild: The number of cards played during this challenge (including this one) is added to your challenge total.

Super: You may use your power of addition as an ally.


You have the power of the edge. Once per challenge, if you have a Flare but do not have a Flare of one of your powers, except this one, you may request the Flare of one of your powers. If another player has this Flare, give him one of your Flares and take the Flare you requested. If no one has this Flare, look through the Deck, Discard Pile, Flare Deck, or other Flare source (e.g. the Aristocrat's pile) take your Flare (even if it is out of the game), and discard one of your Flares; if you must look at the deck, shuffle the deck after taking your Flare.

History: An unusual aristocratic race, the Advantage scoff their not-so-distant cousins who "grab their slimy claws on anything they could get" and instead specialize in obtaining only the most precious of elements.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Flares and multiple powers.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may use the Wild of any Super in your hand.

Super: You need not have, give, or discard a Flare in return for the Flare you requested.

AGENT [O:WWW:L] Gives Players Lucre Discounts Cedric Chin (Lucre)

You have the power of commissions. Whenever a player must make a Lucre payment to the Bank, you may allow them to pay half the cost (rounding up), and taking 1 Lucre for yourself.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you must lose tokens to the Warp, you may instead lose half the number of tokens (rounding up) to another player's Star Disc. Tokens on Star Discs are traded per the Assessor (Eon).

Super: You receive all of the Lucre for discounted payments.


You have the power of the great. When you challenge your opponent, his tokens value is equal to the number of tokens of his smallest base (no matter where it is). When you are challenged, your token value is always equal to the number of tokens of your largest base.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: You may exchange the tokens you have in a challenge with your tokens from any of your bases.

Super: Your opponent's allies each have a token value of the number of tokens on their smallest bases.


You have the power of mindless growth. Whenever you are a main player in a challenge, before cards are played, the opposing main player selects for you one of the following (with the number equal to the number of tokens you have in the challenge): if you have cards, draw cards from the Deck; if you have Lucre, add Lucre from the Box to your Star Disc; or if you have tokens in the Warp, add your tokens from the Warp to the challenge.

History: A species of less-than-animal intelligence, the Algae's growth could nevertheless not be contained or controlled by its erstwhile masters. Now a semi-independent lifeform, the Algae have developed enough understanding of how to manipulate their enemies into increasing their mass and resources.

Restriction: Only use in a game with Lucre! Do not use in a multipower game if you cannot lose tokens to the Warp.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you are a main player in a challenge and your opponent has the same number of cards as you do, you may double the size of your hand by taking his.

Super: You choose which option to take.


You have the power of obscurity. You do not flip the Destiny Pile until after allies are invited. You may invite any players (including your opponent) as an ally, and anyone may place tokens in the cone as a defensive ally. You then flip the Destiny Pile. If your opponent put tokens in the cone, he returns them to bases other than the one in the challenge.

History: Procrastinators beyond belief, the Ambiguity strike fear into their mortal enemies, even if they don't know who they are yet.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If any wording or interpretation of any gaming component is ambiguous, you may clarify it.

Super: If your opponent put tokens in the cone, they go to the Warp.


You have the power to lie in wait. You receive all Destiny Cards that have been flipped or discarded by other players. Whenever you are a main player or ally, anytime before the outcome of the challenge has been determined, you may discard one of your Destiny Cards and remove one token of this color from the cone to the Warp. The Dictator cannot affect the color of your ’ambush’ cards. When the Destiny Deck is reshuffled, you must shuffle all your cards into the pile.

History: Small prehensile primates from a shady jungle, the Ambush specialize in sudden attacks out of nowhere followed by the absconse of their victims to the same.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If your color is on the top of the Destiny Deck discard pile, you may remove any tokens of your color in the challenge to bases.

Super: When you discard a Destiny Card, all tokens of this color are removed from the cone to the Warp.

ANGLER [O:BGG] Fishes for Cards Cedric Chin

You have the power to Fish. As a main player or ally, before encounter cards are selected, you may use this power to ask any player on the opposing side if he or she has a specific card, such as an attack 12, a regular negotiate card, or the Virus flare. If that player has the card, he or she must give it to you. Otherwise you must draw a card from the deck.

History: Developing on a monaquatic homeworld filled with untold prey species, the Anglers learned patience, stealth, and selectivity – disciplines that serve these passive predators well as they now take to the stars. Assessing the aliens they encounter and luring carefully selected victims to an early demise, the Anglers often reel in valuable spoils to satiate their growing needs.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power. Updates and history by Bill Martinson.

Wild: You may name a specific card and look for it in the deck. If you find that card, show it and add it to your hand. If not, you must take one card from the discard pile by majority vote of the other players (you break ties). Reshuffle the deck and give this flare to the Angler (or discard it, if the Angler isn’t playing).

Super: If you receive the card you asked for (from the other player or from the deck), you may use your power a second time during this encounter.

ANTAGONIST [O:WWW:2] Denies Reward to Ally Cedric Chin

You have the power to disrupt. Whenever you are involved in a challenge, before cards are revealed, you may declare one ally who will not receive any rewards (cards, tokens from the Warp, or a base) if his side wins.


Restriction: Do not use in a 2 player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If two or more players are about to share a joint win, you may force them to lose the challenge instead.

Super: Before cards are revealed in a challenge, you may send one ally to the Warp. His tokens are not included in the challenge. This takes the place of your normal disruption.


You have the power of subtraction. When you are the main player in a challenge, you place a second card face-down next to your opponent’s. If your opponent plays an Attack card and this second card is an Attack card, you subtract this second card from your opponent’s. If both cards are Compromise cards, your opponent has played a Compromise card. If one card is an Attack card and the other is a Compromise card, your opponent has played a Compromise card if you played a Compromise card, and your opponent has played an Attack card if you played an Attack card. Your opponent discards the Compromise, if played; if not, the higher Attack. He returns the other card to his hand. Whenever you have only one Challenge Card and must play one, you proceed as if you were out of Challenge Cards.

History: Raised on a binary system composed of a neutron star struggling against a black hole, the Anti-Deuce jealously saw their more prosperous cousins grow through the chance luck of better resources. Now adept at turning such resources against themselves, the Anti-Deuce confidently and cynically set their eyes as masters of the universe.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: You may make a second challenge, even if you have lost the first one.

Super: You may keep the discarded card.


You have the power of incarnation. When you are the main player in a challenge, your opponent immediately puts his power aside and draws a new power to use in the challenge. If he wins the challenge, he may decide to keep this new power or use his old one. If he loses the challenge, you decide which power he uses.

History: Having mastered the power of life and death, the Anti-Incarnate care not for the mastery of the cosmos, but to explore the ramifications of rebirth and life. That this has caused extreme irritation among the rest of the universe is irrelevant.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.

Wild: You may trade any of your powers with one from your opponent anytime before cards are played. You choose which power.

Super: You may use your power as an ally in a challenge.


You have the power to quibble. When the main players buy cards from the deck, request allies, or play challenge cards, you determine which player goes first. You decide in what order players accept ally invitation requests; you may also determine if all players must accept invitation from one side and place tokens in the cone before announcing their acceptance of the other side. You determine if Kickers are played before or after challenge cards. You determine in what order players receive their rewards/consolation. You resolve power and other timing conflicts.

History: Wizend, fat, glob-like beings from a legalistic dimension, the Arbitrary’s confusing conundrum of rules and regulations make other less comprehending races wonder if this is really just a big put-on.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: The order of play now proceeds in the opposite direction, until you lose this card.

Super: Before cards are played, you may "zap" one variant per challenge: Lucre, flares, moons, additional powers, negative attack cards, and Kickers. Zapped items are not discarded, but may not be used for the rest of the challenge.


You have the power of forces. When you are the main player in a challenge, you may discard up to all your Challenge Cards and for every card you have discarded, take one from the Deck, discarding any non-Challenge cards.

History: A military state of wide renown, the Army have no tolerance for their less fit subjects, mercilessly replacing them with hopefully more effective, dare say, deadly stock.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: After cards are revealed, if you played a Compromise card, you may turn it into an Attack 0.

Super: You may keep any non-Challenge cards you draw.


You have the power of granting. If you are a main player in the challenge, or have been invited to put tokens into the cone, before allies put tokens into the cone, you declare rewards for either offensive or defensive allies. Rewards are limited to a base on a planet or moon of your choice, one token from the Warp per token involved in the challenge, one card from the deck per token involved in the challenge, one Lucre from the box per token involved in the challenge, or any \"either / or\" combination of the above (e.g. tokens from the Warp or cards from the deck). You must reward a player for allying.

History: A legal system beyond comprehension, the Award have managed to reset the terms of boons and grants with a predictability border lying either genius or insanity.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may allow an ally taking cards and/or tokens from the Warp to take double the number he is entitled to.

Super: You may declare awards for both offensive and defensive allies.


You have the power of 42. When you are a main player, you may give your opponent a number of cards of your choice equal to the number of your tokens in the challenge, and randomly draw from your opponent a number of cards drawn randomly equal to the number of his tokens in the challenge.

History: Having destroyed the fragile program of the great computer, Deep Thought, the B-Ark seek to disrupt the basic knowledge of other alien species. Whether this is intentional or not remains unknown.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you are a main player, if the totals of the challenge add to 42 or greater, you have won the challenge. Discard after use.

Super: You may use your power as an ally.


You have the power of germination. Whenever you draw card(s) from the Deck, you may instead draw blank cards. Whenever you must discard a card, you may discard one of your blank cards instead. If another player draws from your hand, set aside the blank cards and return them to your hand after he has drawn. If you must discard your hand, you must also discard the blank cards. Discarded blank cards return to the source where you drew them from (and are not discarded to the discard pile).

History: Once able to reproduce quickly, the original Bacteria were destroyed by antibiotics and other immunization agents. Only the hardiest survived by sharing their plasmid genetic material. Now proficient in bioengineering, the Bacteria are on their way to conquest over the entire universe.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Whenever you draw a single card from the Deck or another player, draw two cards.

Super: If another player draws from your hand, do not set aside the blank cards. Any blank cards your opponent draws are discarded. If you must discard your hand, your blank cards are not affected.


You have the power of savings. Anytime during the game, you may establish a \"bank\" by setting aside one or more Lucre from your Star Disc. You may not use Lucre in the \"bank\" and \"bank\" Lucre is immune to loss. When you are the main player or ally, you may deposit or withdraw Lucre at the beginning of the challenge. Whenever any player plays an Edict, Flare, Kicker, or Reinforcement, immediately add one Lucre to your \"bank\". The amount of Lucre added to your \"bank\" during a challenge may not exceed the amount of Lucre in your \"bank\" at the beginning of the challenge. If you are Cosmic-Zapped, your \"bank\" Lucre is considered to be part of your Star Disc, but returns to the \"bank\" at the end of the challenge.

History: Aghast at the free spending of their government, the Bank quietly hid their assets into untraceable investments. Now the true owners of their galaxy\'s economy, the Bank are ready to risk their money in the conflict of the cosmos.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may double the amount of Lucre you have on your Star Disc. Use once and discard.

Super: The amount of Lucre added to your "bank" during a challenge may not exceed the amount of Lucre in your "bank" at the beginning of the challenge.


You have the power of choosing. Whenever you draw a new hand / take consolation, take twice as many cards. Before adding these cards to your hand, discard seven cards/return half as many cards as you took to their original owner. Extortionist only affects card that you add to your hand.

History: Spawned in a metropolis of avid mercantile trade, the Bargain-Hunter delight in their ability to find the best values, and select and choose their goods. Not exactly adept at war, the Bargain-Hunter nevertheless avidly await the day when they can create indoor shopping malls all over the universe.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: When you draw from the deck or take consolation, take two more cards than usual. Before adding these cards to your hand, discard or return to their owner two cards.

Super: You may add these cards to your hand before discarding or returning.


You have the power of protection. Once per challenge, you may build a \"fort\". Place one Lucre from your Star Disc onto any planet anywhere you have a base. When you calculate your token total on your defending base, a fort on that base doubles the number of tokens you have in the challenge. If you lose a base with a fort, the attacker takes the Lucre to his Star Disc. Otherwise, the Lucre is lost to the Box. If you lose use of this power, you may take your \"forts\" and place them on your Star Disc or keep them on planets (where they do not double). (Name changed by Jack Reda)

History: A frontier civilization on the fringes of a primitive civilization, the Hardpoint slowly grew victorious through a strategy of local fortification despite a meager economy. Applying their technology to the cosmos, they hope their strategy will help them overpower their more sophisticated bretherin.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Wild: Your Lucre counts double in figuring your challenge total.

Super: You may build a fort for another player at the beginning of his turn for a fee you set in Lucre. The Lucre used to build the fort comes from the Box and the fee goes to you.

Con: You may ignore Battlement’s fort. He retains his Lucre if you win the challenge.


You have the power of restriction. Whenever you are the attacker, you may pay 1 Lucre and declare a \"privileged attack\". No allies may join either side and your opponent may spend no Lucre.

History: The original Illuminatis, their goal is simply raw power. Even subtler than their fiendish counterparts, the Bavarian Illuminati easily and quickly finish their actions before their enemies know it.

Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Illuminati.

Wild: If you have a base in the system of the player with the most bases, you may use his powers and he may not. Use once and discard.

Super: You may invite allies during your priviledged attack.


You have the power of blackjack. If you are the main player in a challenge, you may declare blackjack. Each player picks two cards from their hands and whoever has the closest total to 21 wins. Edicts and Flares are tens. Compromises are Aces. Picked cards are discarded. If you are playing against a power that affects the cards, you may only use your power when you are the offensive player; your opponent cannot use his power.

History: Dying on an exploited desert planet, the Blackjack turned from eking out their existence from their mineral resources to attracting others with the prospect of wealth. Knowing that the odds are truly in their favor, the Blackjack see nothing but riches ahead of them.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: This card is an Attack 21. Play as a Challenge card, but do not discard.

Super: You need not discard your cards.


You have the power to subtract. When you are the main player or ally, anytime before cards are played, you may designate one color whose tokens are ”opposite”. The value of these tokens is multiplied by negative one. ”Opposite” tokens result in randomly giving away (e.g. during consolation) or discarding (e.g. in defensive ally rewards) instead of drawing cards, and in sending tokens of the player’s choice to the Warp (e.g. in defensive ally rewards) instead of receiving tokens from the Warp.

History: Masters of dimensional transport, the Blink instantaneously replace their enemies with their Anti-Universe doppelgangers. The effect is temporary, but lasting enough for the Blink’s purposes.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: If you are a main player, if your opponent blinks during the challenge, he loses one token to the Warp.

Super: You may use your power after cards are revealed.


You have the power of renting. At the beginning of your turn, each player must pay you one Lucre if they have a base in your system. If they are unable or unwilling to pay, you may "evict" their tokens to the Warp.

History: Capitalists on a water-covered blue-sky world, the Boardwalk cater to the needs and whims of the wealthiest powers in the galaxy. Now drawn into a conflict against their wills, they turn their power to gain a profit upon the enemies of the cosmos.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may rent your power for one challenge to another player for Lucre.

Super: The rent is one Lucre for every base.


You have the power of awarding. If you are a main player in the challenge, or have been invited as an ally, before allies put tokens into the cone, you declare which allies will receive offensive awards, and which allies will receive defensive awards. Thus, you may declare what particular players will receive as an ally, you may declare what offensive and/or defensive players will receive as allies, and/or what particular players will receive as an ally if he allies with the defensive/offensive player.

History: Advertisers of the greatest ability, the Boon have not only been able to attract allies, but pervert the nature of alliances themselves.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may declare any challenge to be a reverse-cone challenge.

Super: You may declare after tokens are put into the cone.

BORIS [M:rec.c] HIDES IDENTITY Cedric Chin

You have the power of hidden powers. Draw a power and keep it hidden. When you reveal it, you use it for the rest of the turn and then discard it. Draw another hidden power. You may not use Schizoid as a hidden power.

History: Ousted by their back-stabbing world of Pottsylvania, the weasel-like Boris confidentially don their wafer-thin disguises as they seek to swindle (if not merely blow up) the entire universe.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Meta type power.

Wild: You may discard one of your powers and draw a hidden power. Draw this new power using the rules players used to draw powers at the beginning of the game.

Super: You may keep the hidden power after it is revealed until you wish to draw a new one.

BREED [O:rec.c] BREEDS TOKENS Cedric Chin

You have the power of population. Take a set of any unused color. At the beginning of your turn, your tokens "breed": add one token of either your or the unused color to each of your bases. If you lose tokens to the Warp, you lose these tokens from the game, although they may return through "breeding". If you are Cosmic Zapped, you may not use the unused color. If you lose this power, place any of your own tokens not used in the game in the Warp and ignore the unused color. All unused colors on foreign bases and without a token of your own color are removed from the board. If you regain your power, remove all your tokens from the Warp.

History: Born on a predatory swamp jungle, the Breed managed only to survive by the weight of their sheer numbers. A rapid rate of birth, however, caused defects and deformities, making them less hardy than their bretherin. Undeterred, they now set their sights on the rest of the universe, determined to overwhelm the cosmos.

Restriction: Do not use alongside Zombie in a multi-power game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Your bases start reproducing. Add one token of your color from the Warp to each of your bases at the beginning of your turn.

Super: Your color's tokens are not destroyed. They go to the Warp.


You have the power of irascibility. If you are a main player or ally, before cards are revealed, you may declare that any Compromises played are Attack 0\'s.

History: Communicating in guttural tones all sounding like \"Bah, humbug!\", the sour Cantankerous refuse to acknowledge sympathy towards any other beings.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: You may cancel a deal. Both sides neither receive benefits nor pay penalties. The parties are considered to have failed to make a deal.

Super: You may use your power at anytime.


You have the power to slaughter. Whenever you are a main player or ally and win, your opponents lose a number of tokens equal to the number of tokens they lost in the cone or defending planet (thus tokens lost because of the Plague or Skeptic are not affected by your power). Your opponent determines from where to take the additional tokens lost.

History: Engaged in bloodlust to an unholy degree, the rapacious Carnage seek to destroy the universe.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If the defender of a planet loses the challenge, before the attacking player and his allies establish bases, all bases on the planet are lost to the Warp.

Super: Whenever you cause a player to lose tokens to the Warp, he also loses an equal number of tokens.


You have the power to salt. Whenever you must lose a base, you may \"salt\" the planet or moon you have just left by placing a marker on it. At the beginning of a player\'s challenge, you may remove one token of his color from a planet that has been \"salted\" to the Warp. As part of a deal, you may remove markers. When you inhabit a planet that has been \"salted\", remove any markers on it.

History: Fleeing from a wasted dying land, the Carthage sought vengeance on those who gutted them and rendered their land uninhabitable. Giving unto others as others did to them, the hateful Carthage seek to weaken then destroy the entire universe.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may "purify" a home base by removing all tokens from a home planet except those of the system owner. Discard after use.

Super: At the beginning of a player's challenge, you may remove one token of his color from each planet that has been "salted" to the Warp.


You have the power of three heads. If you are not a main player in a challenge, anytime before cards are revealed, you may make a three-person challenge and place tokens in the cone (or use your tokens if you are an offensive ally), and make a challenge with the two other players. You may invite allies after the others, but players may only ally with one player. Whoever has the highest Attack card wins, anyone who plays a Compromise loses to anyone playing an Attack card. You make a three-way deal if all of you play Compromise cards.

History: A bellligerent power appearing from the depths of Hell, the cerberus arrogantly force their way into the affairs of others, conquering foe, betraying friend.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may make a third challenge.

Super: Your opponents may not use their power during the challenge.


You have the power to spare. Whenever you are the main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may discard a Challenge card, Reinforcement, or a Kicker. If the card is an Attack card between -6 and 6, a Kicker, or a Reinforcement, draw a number of Lucre equal to the card.

History: Digging into the pockets of the universe, the Change manage to find bits of wealth in the least likely parts of the cosmos.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may discard any cards you have just bought from the Deck for one Lucre apiece.

Super: You do not take from the Bank. Instead, you take from your opponent.


You have the power of receiving. During each challenge, you may ask one player involved in the challenge to give you a Lucre. If he cannot give you a Lucre, you may take two of his cards. If he will not give you a Lucre, you may take four of his cards.

History: A society nearly decimated in a previous war, the Charity now look towards other civilizations for support and aid. The aims of this support and aid, however, are yet to be suspect, although the powers that be have yet to discover who started that previous war.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Whenever you lose tokens to the Warp, you may draw one Lucre from the box.

Super: You may draw from the deck instead.


You have the power of unity. Whenever you are an ally in a challenge, you may give the main player of your side a Challenge Card. If the main player plays an Attack card and you gave him an Attack card, he adds your card to his total. If one card is an Attack card and the other is a Compromise card, the main player plays his Attack card normally and takes consolation if he loses. If both cards are Compromise and the main player takes consolation, you take consolation after he does. If both cards are Compromise and the main player makes a deal, you are involved in the deal.

History: A society based upon dispensing sage advice and economic resources to other more belligerent less intelligent powers, the Cohort are renowned for their wise assistance, not to mention occasional opportunity to dictate the actions of their allies entirely.

Restriction: Do not use in a two player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: As an ally, any tokens of yours lost because of consolation entitle you to one card per token from either main player's hand. You take consolation after the main player(s).

Super: You may keep your card after the challenge has concluded.


You have the power of equalization. Except at the beginning of the game, whenever any player is about to receive Lucre or cards (but not hands), he immediately places it in the Warp. When the number of cards or Lucre in the Warp reaches the number of players plus one, all players receive one card or Lucre. You then receive the additional card or Lucre from the Warp.

History: Eons ago, a downtrodden race of peasants rose to overthrow their pernicious dictators, only to realize that they themselves were just as evil and domineering. Under a disguise of sharing and equality, it is only a matter of time before the Communism themselves fall unto their deaths.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you are a main player, you may equalize the amount of cards or Lucre you have with your opponent. Cards are drawn randomly. Excess Lucre or cards go to you.

Super: You are exempt from placing Lucre or cards in the Warp.


You have the power of returning. Whenever you are involved in the challenge, you may force a player in the challenge to return one of his tokens on an external base back to home bases.

History: Purveyors of cosmic garbage, the Condemn frequently fling their wares at hapless individuals, who must recruit their wayward forces for cleaning detail.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may force all players to return five tokens from external bases to home bases. Discard after use.

Super: You may force all players on the opposing side to return a token on an external base back to home bases.


You have the power to alter. Once per challenge you may alter the wording of a power such that it may be usable as one of the following: only as a main player, only as an ally, only when involved in a challenge, up to once per challenge, up to once per turn, or up to any number of times during the challenge. The power returns to normal at the end of a challenge in which it is used or could be used.

History: Hardly willing to sit back and follow the conventions that other societies obey, the legalistic Condition literally rewrite the rules of the cosmos to suit their rapacious needs.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may play an Edict at any time.

Super: Once per challenge, you may alter the wording of any Flare as soon as it is revealed.


You have the power to allay. Whenever you play a Compromise in a challenge, set it aside instead of discarding it. Every time you take consolation, increase the number of resources taken in consolation by the number of Compromise cards you have set aside.

History: A brotherhood of genetically engineered monks, programmed to allay grief, the Console have altered their original mission, and concentrate primarily on allaying their own grief.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power. Modified by Jack Reda.

Wild: If you fail to make a deal, you may take consolation.

Super: Between challenges, you may put any number of Compromise cards you set aside into your hand. Cards placed into your hand in this manner no longer count towards increasing resources taken in consolation.


You have the power of consumption. At the beginning of each turn, discard your hand to a pile and draw a new one. Cards you discard to a pile are not subject to other powers or cards, and are shuffled into the Deck when the Deck is reshuffled.

History: Wasteful hedonists, the Consumerism quickly depleted their natural resources, but simultaneously built a technology able to exploit the resources of the cosmos in general. Dedicated towards an expensive, frivolous lifestyle, the Consumerism will be an enjoyable, if not long-lasting, ruler of the cosmos.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Once per turn, you may force another person to discard his hand and draw a new one.

Super: You need not use your power each turn.


You have the power of pressure. Once per challenge, you may force one, both, or all players to make a decision in ten seconds (both players in a deal). You may count down the ten seconds in any manner you choose (you need not count from one to ten), but the time must be ten seconds. Only you may look at a watch during this time. If the player(s) fail to make a decision, he loses 3 tokens to the Warp.

History: Born in a sandy environment, the Countdown civilization arose to become one of the most fast-paced, hectic societies in the universe. They will become one of the fastest, if not most efficient, masters of the cosmos.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: While this card is in your hand, you must announce it to the other players. You have until the end of your upcoming first challenge to win a base. If you do so, you have won the game. If not, pass this card to the person on your left.

Super: You may use your power once on each player per challenge.


You have the power of the Cruise Missile. As a main player, you may propose a deal and show an Attack card. Flip over one of your tokens; this is your cruise missile. If your opponent accepts your deal, the challenge is a win. If he does not, no tokens are lost, and play the challenge as normal. At the end of the challenge, move, either right or left, the cruise missile a number of planets equal to any Attack card you have. If it lands on a planet with your opponent's bases, all tokens on this planet, including the missile, go to the Warp. If it lands on a different planet, only the missile goes to the Warp.

History: Created by the great god Skippy, the mighty wielders of the Cruise Missile have long forgotten their original goal in life, but that's okay, since they still get to see things blow up real good.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may launch an extra challenge on a system you have just failed attacking.

Super: All tokens on the planet are lost, regardless of whether or not your opponent has a base there.


You have the power of consolation. Whenever another player takes consolation, take the consolation cards into your hand then give him an equal number of cards of your choice from your hand.

History: A species devoted to perfecting sympathy, whining, and other forms of parasitism, the Crybaby have cultivated pity to its ultimate artform, if not blatant swindling.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may choose which cards you give during consolation.

Super: You need not give the player any cards.


You have the power of sacrifice. As a main player, very time you win a challenge, you place your opponent's tokens (including allies) under one or more of yours, instead of sending them to the Warp. Every turn after your first win, you must perform a "sacrifice": remove one to four opponent tokens from under your stacks from the game. If no opponent tokens are available, you must remove one of your tokens from the game. While these tokens are under your stack, they are "converted". Add their numbers to yours in a challenge. If a stack is lost to the Warp, you no longer have control over the opponent tokens and they are released into the Warp. As part of a deal, you may trade captured tokens back to their original owners.

History: Originating from an unknown universe, the Great Cthulhu is now worshiped by entire star systems, bent on capturing and destroying the universe. Insane but cunning, the Cult of Cthulhu realizes that if they do not appease their god with the lives of their enemies, they shall have to placate it by giving up their own souls...

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Whenever you win a challenge as a main player, you may take your opponent's tokens and place them on your star disc. When you are again a main player, before cards are revealed, you may add them to your total and then place them in the Warp.

Super: You may stop sacrificing tokens.


You have the power to distribute. Whenever another player draws a card from the Deck, you instead give him a card from your hand. If you run out of cards because of this power, immediately draw a new hand and continue giving cards. If you run out of cards because of this power and are the attacker, your turn continues.

History: Unable to accept the random variability of the universe, the Deck instead choose which recipients receive which resources. That they have introduced an element of partiality has not crossed their minds at all.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you draw one or more cards from the Deck (but not a new hand), you may discard any number of them.

Super: Before giving out cards, draw from the Deck a number of cards equal to the number you have to give.


You have the power to escalate. You begin with Level One. The Level goes up by one if you lose a base or if your opponent played an Attack and you were willing to Compromise. The Level goes down by one if your opponent played a Compromise. The minimum level is one, and you may raise the level at most one per challenge. When you play an Attack card, you multiply the number by the current Level. Add tokens as normal.

History: Ever on the brink on nuclear war within their own world, the DEFCON have always regarded acts of aggression with great fear and hesitancy. Easy to panic, the DEFCON quickly summon greater force than their opponents but are just as willing to make peace when even the hint of such opportunities arise.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: This card is a Kicker Times 2. You may use this card once per challenge.

Super: You may escalate the DEFCON by one at the beginning of your turn.


You have the power of the Canberra Destiny Pile. When any player flips the Destiny Pile, he may attack any player in that system. Discard and draw a new power.

History: As powers within the cosmos realized that those who invaded a cosmos may be of better pickings, the warring civilizations tacitly agreed that all within system were fair game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you are not drawing the top disc of the Destiny Pile, you may force the player to attack or not attack the player whose color is revealed by the Destiny Pile.

Super: If you are drawing the top disc of the Destiny Pile, you may attack the color in any system.


You have the power of threat. When you are a main player, at the beginning of a challenge, you may reveal up to a number of your cards equal to the number of tokens you have in the challenge and propose a deal to your opponent. The cards you have shown are immune to loss of any kind for the remainder of the challenge and cannot be prevented from being played, if played. If he refuses the deal, return the cards to your hand and play the challenge as normal. If you use the cards you displayed during the challenge and on your opponent(s), you may return them to your hand and not discard them.

History: Bred in an atmosphere of suspicion and desire, the fog-cloaked Deterrent could only survive by an odd combination of diplomacy and threats. Looking beyond their cloudy skies, they see a clear universe ready to be enshrouded by their clever mistiness.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may force all players to display a randomly picked card from their hand.

Super: You need not display the cards; place them face-down until used.


You have the power of flight. Whenever you are a main player, played an Attack card, and lost the challenge, your losing tokens go to your Star Disc/Prison. Any of your tokens on your Star Disc/Prison stay on your Star Disc/Prison (they do not return to bases). When you are a main player, before allies are invited, place all your tokens on your Star Disc/Prison in the cone, if you are attacking, or on the planet, if you are defending.

History: A fanatical, harsh, race, the Diaspora are dedicated to their cause, incarcerating their own for failure, but willing again for redemption when time comes.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: If you are the defending player and have just lost, immediately point the cone at the planet you defended and place these losing tokens in the cone, rather than the Warp. Make a challenge with all tokens which opposed you as defending tokens; no defensive allies are allowed.

Super: If you play a Compromise and lose the challenge, your tokens go to your Star Disc/Prison and not the Warp.


You have the power to handicap. If you are a main player and your opponent has five home bases, he may not use two of his powers. If he has four home bases, he may not use one of his powers. Your opponent chooses which powers not to use.

History: Born on an unshielded moon, the Disable were mocked by the galaxy for their unfortunate inabilities and handicaps. Now adept at turning this radiation against others, the Disable wreak havoc with their self-proclaimed \"whole\" brethren.

Restriction: Use only in a multi-power game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Whenever this card enters your hand, immediately lose use of a power. When you must discard this card, do so to another player's regular hand, not to the discard pile (even if you leased it from the Hurtz). You then regain your lost power.

Super: You may choose which powers your opponent may not use.


You have the power of chaos. If you are involved in a challenge, you may trade powers among the other players in the challenge after allies have placed tokens in the cone. Each player involved (other than yourself) must gain and lose one power.

History: Worshippers of the Goddess of Chaos, the Discordians delight in confusion, and seek to bring all the strange and peculiar elements of society under their banner.

Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Illuminati.

Wild: You may cause all players to mix their hands at the beginning of your turn. Each player takes back the number of cards he had in his hand.

Super: You may include yourself in the power trade.


You have the power to select. Whenever you draw cards from another player, you specify which type(s) of card (Attack, Compromise, Kicker, Edict, Flare, Reinforcement) you wish to take. Your opponent then sets aside all other cards and you take your cards from his remaining hand. If this hand is smaller than the number of cards you are entitled to, you may not take cards he set aside.

History: Discriminatory creatures of powerful clout, the Discretion, even when defeated, manage to create respect and deference from their former opponents.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: When you must give Consolation, you may set aside one card for every token you had in the challenge. You opponent may not take cards you set aside.

Super: You may change the type(s) of card after seeing your opponent's remaining hand.


You have the power to deject. Whenever you are a main player, if another player allies with your opponent, he must give you a Reinforcement, if he has one.

History: Propagandistic masters, the Dishearten are also the galaxy\'s greatest makers of interstellar communication. As their messages of defeat and pessimism spread throughout the cosmos, so will crumble the stalwartness of their opponents and their reserves.

Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Before allies place tokens to the cone, you may declare that any player allying with your opponent will lose one base if their side loses.

Super: If a player attempt to ally with your opponent, but has not given you a Reinforcement, his tokens return to bases.


You have the power to split. If you are a main player or ally in a challenge, you may force one main player with more than two cards to divide his cards into two hands of at least one card each. His opponent then chooses which cards he will use. The other cards are set aside and returned to his hand at the end of the challenge.

History: Sentient atoms living in a volatile nebula, the ever-changing Divvy frequently crashed into unfortunate passers-by straying too close to their mutating environment. Now able to control their abilities, the conquesting Divvy seek to divide and conquer.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Your opponent must discard half his hand (round down). He decides which cards.

Super: You may discard cards that are set aside.


You have the power of tardiness. When you are the offender or an ally in a challenge, you place your tokens in the cone after Challenge cards are revealed.

History: Amorphous liquid metals on a volcanic planet, the alien Doughboy send psychic vibrations throughout the cosmos, and, masters of instantaneous travel, can teleport their masses at will whenever needed.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may ally after others have placed their tokens in the cone.

Super: Your allies must declare that they are allying with you before Challenge cards are played, but put their tokens in the cone after Challenge cards are revealed.


You have the power of warfare. Whenever you draw cards or receive tokens, you may take Lucre instead. If you take Lucre from another player, you may not take more Lucre than he has. If you are taking Lucre in lieu of a hand, you take the Lucre, but then must buy cards from the Deck until you have a Challenge Card; you may then continue purchasing cards with the Lucre you took in lieu of the hand.

History: Originating on an earthquake-ridden rock plagued with giant monsters and wide-eyed cartoon characters, the Economy took over the world through economic warfare. Now setting their eyes on the Cosmos, they will be a benevolent city-state, with newspaper quality comic books for all.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may discard all your cards (including this one) and receive one Lucre for every card discarded.

Super: You may purchase cards at anytime during the game.


You have the power of gating. Take the unused Edict deck and keep it to your side. Whenever you receive an Edict into your hand, you may discard it to the unused Edict discard pile and draw two Edicts from the unused Edict deck. Either discard one of these two Edicts or the topmost Edict from the discard pile to the unused Edict discard pile.

History: Intruders from another dimension, the shimmering Edict Gate have brought strange yet similar forces into play. Are they harmful? Are they benevolent? No one knows but they.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may "gate out" an Edict that you have played by removing it from the game instead of placing it in the discard pile.

Super: You need not remove your Edict from your hand.


You have the power of improvement. After any challenge in which you are a main player or ally, you may discard any Challenge Cards less than or equal to the highest Challenge Card played in the challenge. A Compromise counts as an Attack 0.

History: Borne from an experiment in genetic manipulation, the Eugenics are convinced of their own superiority over all other lifeforms. Through continue genetic manipulations, they rid themselves of a few minor defects of their otherwise perfect selves to achieve their ultimate prize of universal control.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may discard your hand (including this card) and draw a new one.

Super: After any challenge in which you are a main player or ally, you may pick up any Challenge Card that is greater than or equal to the highest Challenge Card in your hand.

Pro: You may give your discarded cards to another player.

Con: Eugenics may only discard cards as main player.


You have the power of efficiency. When you are a main player, before cards are played, you may discard one card for each token you have involved in the challenge, replacing each with a card from the Deck.

History: Stranded on their nuclear-devastated homeworld, the roach-like Evolutionary was forced to adapt to a harsh environment. Now with its over-efficient metabolism, the Evolutionary can inhabit any planet with relative ease.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Whenever you take cards from the Deck into your hand, take one extra. Discard the one that you like the least.

Super: Once per challenge, you may evolve any or all of the cards in your hand, replacing them with cards from the Deck.


You have the power to milk. When another player discards his hand, he instead gives his cards to you. When you discard your hand, you discard to the Discard Pile. (Modified by Jack Reda)

History: Having saved their system from the near-death of wasting their own resources, the Extract are adept at exploiting every ounce of usefulness from the resources of others.

Wild: You may draw a new hand from the Discard Pile when you discard your hand. Do not draw any cards you discarded.

Super: When you discard your hand, keep all your Flares and Edicts and draw seven new cards.


You have the power of fashion. Whenever you are a main player, before the cone is pointed, you may declare any optional move within the normal game to be mandatory for all players. Thus, you may require players to take a second challenge, to place a certain number of tokens into the cone, to ask certain players for allies, to play a certain card or type of card, and to take a reward a certain way. If they cannot abide by your declaration, they need not follow it. This declaration remains into effect until you make a new one.

History: Selling itself as a harmless diversion to all sentient beings, the crafty Fad have established themselves as a dominant life force infesting all who fall to its subtle, if not creative, marketing and ad campaigns.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: While this card is in your hand, everyone must exhibit a certain behavior, as dictated by you, whenever speaking, or else lose one token to the Warp.

Super: You may ignore your declaration.


You have the power of dogmatism. When you are the main player or ally in a challenge and have just lost the challenge, take the top card of the Destiny Discard Pile, discarding any Comets you drew. Between challenges, you may play any Destiny Card you have and make a \"fanatic\" challenge against the system. If you lose this \"fanatic\" challenge, you do not pick up another card. The Dictator may change the color of the \"fanatic\" card you played.

History: Little tiny mites from unknown parts of the galaxy, the irritating Fanatic have a bad habit of coming back when you least desire it.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you lost your challenge, you may make another against the system you just attacked. Use this card only once during your turn.

Super: If you lost the "fanatic" challenge, you need not discard the Destiny Card you played.


You have the power to gain. At the beginning of a challenge, if any player has more cards than you do, you may draw cards from the Deck until you have as many cards as he does.

History: Gluttonous with envy, the yo-yo-like Fatten repeatedly and distinctively make themselves bigger than the Joneses\' breadbasket.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: At the end of a challenge, draw cards from the Deck until you have as many cards as your opponent.

Super: You may fill up your hand from other players' hands as well as the Challenge Deck.


You have the power to go. Whenever you are a main player, you may ask your opponent if he has a specific card (e.g. Attack card 12). If he has the card he must give it to you. If he doesn\'t, draw a card from the Deck.

History: Aquatic beings adept at the ancient techniques of \"fly casting\", the Fish have managed to be very specific in their prey, depending on what bait they use. Now turning towards the riches of the Cosmos, the Fish now cast their lines ever outward.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power. Modified by Jack Reda.

Wild: If you are a main player, if your opponent has at least four Attack, Compromise, Flare, Edict, Kicker or Reinforcement cards, he must discard them.

Super: You may ask any player involved for a card.


You have the power of salvaging. Whenever someone discards one or more Flares (e.g. through a Flare Zap, or to receive a new hand), you may discard the Flares in your hand then take up the Flares the others have discarded.

History: An organized bureaucratic race, the Flare-Vulch are quite able to collect the more lethal, stronger refuse of other races. Regretfully, their own such resources tended to be lost in the shuffle, so to speak, but this is the price to pay for such talent.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you must discard a Flare, you may discard this card instead.

Super: You may keep your Flares.


You have the power to cling. Whenever you lose a challenge, before tokens are lost to the Warp, you instead attach to any surviving tokens involved in the challenge. Stack your tokens as you wish under at least one of the tokens involved in the challenge. Captured tokens do not have special characteristics and these \"flea\" stacks are controlled by the player under which you have tokens. Each stack is considered to be one token for purposes of play (e.g. consolation), but when a player with a \"flea\" stack counts his total force, each token in each stack counts separately as one of his tokens. Tokens in these stacks are released when the stack is in the Warp. If you have a stacked token on a planet you do not have a base on, this planet counts as one of your bases. If you have a stacked token on a planet with another token, you may restack your stacked tokens under any tokens on the planet except yours. If you lose your power, each stack counts as one token and you cannot use stacked tokens to claim bases, but they stay fixed until separated by the Warp.

History: Parasites of amazing aptitude, the tenacious Flea manage to escape death itself, riding on the coattails -- if not hairy undersides -- of their erstwhile enemies.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you are the defending player, before cards are played, you may "hop" (move) one of your tokens from or to an adjacent planet in the system after the cone is pointed. If you were defending a one-token base in an outside system before you "hopped", tokens in the cone return to bases and the challenge is considered a loss.

Super: Once per challenge, you may release your tokens from any "flea" stack to the planet it rests on.

FREEZE [O:rec.c:L] FREEZES TOKENS Cedric Chin (Lucre)

You have the power of frost. Other players may not remove tokens from bases in your home system or on a planet on which you have a base to the cone unless they pay you a fee of one Lucre.

History: Evolving on a frozen moon whose temperature approaches zero Kelvin, the Freeze have developed the biological capability and technological means to function in the coldest of environments. For the right price, that is.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Once per challenge, you may declare any one planet "frozen". Tokens may land on this planet, but no tokens may leave it, unless these tokens are defending in a challenge.

Super: You may set any fee.


You have the power of acquisition. Whenever you are to receive cards, tokens, or Lucre, you may take cards, tokens or Lucre instead, on a one-for-one basis. If you take tokens from a source besides another player, you may only take your own tokens or tokens imprisoned on a Star Disc/Prison. If you take tokens from another player, take his tokens and place them on your Star Disc/Prison; you may trade them per Assessor. If you take cards from another player, cards are taken randomly. You may not use your power when you draw a new hand.

History: Fat globules from another dimension, the Gain have managed to digest all sorts of resources, and process them in surprising, efficient ways. They\'re still fat, though.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If your opponent has just gained a base, you may gain a base on the same planet at the end of the challenge.

Super: If you need to draw a new hand, you may instead use your power then draw a new hand.


You have the power of two. Whenver you are the offensive player, flip the Destiny Deck such that you have two opponents. Using two cones, conduct two simultaneous challenges. You receive two tokens from the Warp at the beginning of these challenges. Tokens used in a challenge only apply to that challenge. However, any cards you play that affect one challenge or main player apply to both challenges or main players. (Thus, a Plague against one main player would affect both, but a plague played against an ally would not.) Tokens do not, and you receive one token per cone from the Warp. You may not play a second challenge.

History: Born on a cloud-covered dual-planet system around a binary star, the great Gemini based their view of life on duality, the Gemini were horrified at the discovery of unique cultures based on singular existences. Engaged in their own holy war, the Gemini are determined to conquer and then wipe out the remainder of the Cosmos.

Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may take a second turn.

Super: Your tokens add to both totals, but rewards are taken normally.


You have the power to train. When you are the main player in a challenge, you may discard up to all your non-Challenge Cards, and for every card you have discarded, draw one from the Deck, discarding any Challenge Cards you drew.

History: A military dedicated to training its elite strategists, the General have made remarkable use of its human resources. Drawing from a storehouse of tacticians and leaders, the General are quick to replace its inefficient and lackadaisical heads for hopefully more efficacious ones.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Before cards are revealed, you may declare that a Kicker your opponent played applies to your Challenge Card as well as his.

Super: You may keep any Challenge Cards you drew.


You have the power of pleading. If the offensive player is attacking your system, you may make a deal with him, so long as it involves him attacking another player's base in your system. You may ally with the offensive player in the challenge.

History: Learned in the ways of persuasion, the Goat have been quick to portray themselves as less than desirable opponents. Adept at trickery, flattery, and bribery, the goat may not be the mightiest power in the galaxy, but they certainly are the wiliest.

Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may attack anyone in the system you must challenge.

Super: Before cards are played, you may force your opponent to attack one of his allies of his choice instead. All tokens return to bases and restart the challenge.


You have the power of obligation. Whenever you are involved in a challenge and a main player plays (and reveals) an Attack card, you may give him an Attack card of greater value from your hand. Whenever you are involved in a challenge and a main player plays (and reveals) a Compromise, Kicker, Reinforcement, Edict, or Flare, you may give him a card of the same type from your hand. Whenever you give a card per your power, the recipient must give you one of his tokens from the cone or bases, which you place on your Star Disc / in your Prison. Tokens on Star Bases are traded per Assessor rules.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Once per challenge, you may give another player an Edict or Flare. He must then give you an Edict or Flare, but may not give you the card you just gave him.

Super: Whenever you are involved in the challenge and a main player plays (and reveals) a Challenge Card, you may give him a Challenge Card from your hand.


You have the power of revenge. Whenever you are one of the two players in a challenge, if you invite another player as an ally and he chooses not to come to your aid, if you win the challenge (or make a deal) he loses 2 tokens to the warp. You determine from which bases these tokens come from. These lost tokens cannot include tokens he used to ally with the other side.

History: Suffering from a species history of almost uninterrupted betrayal and disappointment, the originally kind Grudges gradually grew cynical. Expecting no good will from others, they began to brood and resolved to wreak vengeance on all who would turn aside from their outstretched suction disc of friendship. Now adept at revenge, the Grudges gaze spitefully at a world that has denied them fellowship. They will get even! They will repay!

Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you are a main player and your opponent wins the challenge, his allies get nothing for the win and lose their tokens to the Warp.

Super: You may take revenge (2 tokens to the Warp) from players who choose not to ally with you even if you lose the challenge (or fail to deal).


You have the power to bomb. When you are the defending player, before the cone is pointed, secretly write down one planet in your system on which you have planted a bomb. Whenever new tokens land on a booby-trapped planet, the bomb immediately explodes, sending all tokens currently there and those just arriving to the Warp. When you again become the defending player, your current bomb deactivates and you plant a new bomb. If Terrorist is in play, your bomb goes off first.

History: Reaching heightened intelligence by the electrical fluxes of their own planet, the Guerrillas see little wisdom behind the beliefs of others and are determined to achieve peace by any means, including violence.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If your opponent has a base on any planet on your system, you may threaten to bomb it. If you lose the challenge or fail to deal, the base is "blown up" and goes to the Warp. The threatened base may not be removed until the challenge is ended, other than

Super: Your bombs do not deactivate and you may plant a bomb on an external base instead of home.


You have the power of the cards. When you draw a new hand (including in the beginning of the game), you draw five cards. After looking at them, you may draw five more cards.

History: A civilization prospering on the outer fringes of the galaxy, the Hand often found themselves forced to live on fewer resources than their wealthier counterparts. But recent advances in technology and simple hard work have made them able to discover new untold of sources of materials, unavailable to their fattened, more complacent competitors.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may discard your hand and draw a new one.

Super: You may draw cards from the discard pile, draw pile, or other player's hands.


You have the power of protection. Once per challenge, you may build a "fort". Place one Lucre from your star disc onto any planet anywhere you have a base. When you calculate your token total on your defending base, a fort on that base adds or subtracts double the number of tokens you have in the challenge. If you lose a base with a fort in a challenge, the attacker takes the Lucre to his star disc. Otherwise, the Lucre is lost to the Box.

History: A frontier civilization on the fringes of a primitive civilization, the Hardpoint slowly grew victorious through a strategy of local fortification despite a meager economy. Applying their technology to the cosmos, they hope their strategy will help them overpower their more sophisticated bretherin.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: Your Lucre counts double in figuring your challenge total.

Super: You may build a fort for another player at the beginning of his turn for a fee you set in Lucre. The Lucre used to build the fort comes from the Box and the fee goes to you.


You have the power of force. Once per challenge, you may make one mandatory power optional, or one optional power mandatory.

History: Wild rockers from the planet Noisy, the now deaf Haywire play the loudest cacophony in the cosmos. Adept at screwing the synapses of entire civilizations, the Haywire have but a simple goal: to conquer the universe, strip its resources, and go platinum.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you know of an Edict or Flare another player has in his hand, you may make him play it.

Super: You may make all optional powers (including your own) mandatory and/or all mandatory powers (including your own) optional for the duration of the challenge.


You have the power of headhunting. At the beginning of any challenge in which you are a main player, you may declare "Headhunting". If you win the challenge, flip over the defending player's tokens. They now become yours. If you lose the challenge, flip over your tokens. They become his. These tokens are not lost to the Warp in this challenge, but may be in later ones. Return these tokens to bases per Zombie. Any flipped tokens later lost to the Warp are un-flipped. In a deal, you may trade tokens to other players. Flipped tokens returned to their owners are un-flipped. If you lose your power, you may not recruit more tokens, but those recruited stay in play as normal.

History: Raised in an atmosphere of job-hopping and personal gain, the Headhunters easily convinced their opponent's army forces of the benefits of joining "the winning team". Regrettably, this attitude occasionally backfires as members of their own forces sometimes decide the same!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Any tokens which are lost to you in a challenge are "temporarily under contract" to you. Give them, flipped, back to their owners. Any time before you lose this card, you may force these tokens to ally with you unless they are in the Warp. When you lose this card, these flipped tokens are un-flipped.

Super: Other players' tokens lost to the Warp are not un-flipped.


You have the power of the mob. Once per challenge, you may perform a \"hit\". To do this, another player must request a particular token be removed from the board to the Warp. You may refuse to perform the hit, or, if you decide to remove the token, you must charge one or more Lucre. If the player meets your price, you remove the token from the board to the Warp.

History: A ruthless family with a simple motto: \"Anywhere, any time, any place.\"

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: This card is "protection". If you are the defending player in a challenge, you may pay one Lucre to your opponent and he must cancel the challenge. Any played cards are discarded, tokens return to bases, and the challenge is considered a loss.

Super: You may perform any number of hits in a challenge.


You have the power of immunization. Whenever you take prisoners of a color and you do not have prisoners of the same color on your Star Disc/Prison, they land on your Star Disc/Prison normally. Whenever you capture prisoners of a color (but not acquire them through a deal) and you do have prisoners of the same color on your Star Disc/Prison, the captured prisoners (but not the Prisoners on the Star Disc/Prison) are removed from the game. Your own tokens are not affected.

History: A biological construct, the Host assimilate the genetic code of its prisoners turning them into vicious antibodies ready to destroy their erstwhile bretherin.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Prisoners!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Any prisoners you take in a Prisoner Challenge are eliminated from the game.

Super: If you are about to remove tokens from the game, you instead may make a Prisoner deal (a deal per the Assessor power) with the owner of the tokens. If this deal succeeds, the owner of the tokens receives the tokens you were about to remove. If this deal fails, the tokens are removed from the game normally.


You have the power of trophies. Whenever you are the offensive player or offensive ally in a challenge and cause the defender to lose his power, you may take one. You only lose acquired powers if you lose your Hunter power; if the player is capable of regaining his power, you do not return it to him. A Cosmic Zap prevents you from taking a power until he loses it again, or allows an owner to play his captured power for the challenge and prevents you from using it.

History: Surviving in a harsh jungle environment, the Hunter became adapt at collecting the essence of defeated opponents. Using a combination of technology and magic, they steal the souls of their victims and grow hungrier and more powerful themselves.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Meta type power.

Wild: If you win your first challenge, you may copy the power (and use your current powers) of your opponent in the first challenge for the duration of the second challenge.

Super: If you lose your Hunter power, you may still keep your acquired powers while you still have this card.


You have the power of subspace. Whenever you are a defending player, your opponent must attack with all his tokens from one home planet. If you lose the challenge, only tokens from this planet may land on your planet. If you win the challenge, your opponent’s tokens leave the planet to the Warp. Treat this power as a planetary cataclysm.

History: Devious engineers mastering the entrance to subspace, the Hyperspace can even isolate entire planets from their systems.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you are a main player in the challenge, you may prevent any players except the main players from playing cards.

Super: You may choose which of your opponent's planet attacks you, including a planet with no tokens.


You have the power of whim. Once per challenge, when another player has an opportunity to spend one or more Lucre, you may force him to use it.

History: Rampant marketers from Dimension X, the Impulse have scaled impulse-buying from a mere selling technique to pure, psychological horror.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: When your opponent buys cards from the Deck, you may force him to buy these cards from your hand. You choose which cards to give and must be able to give him the number of cards he has bought.

Super: You may use your power once on each player per challenge.


You have the power to sicken. Whenever you attack a system, you may attack the system\'s Star Disc/Prison instead. The defender defends, substituting the number of bases he has in his home system for the number of tokens he defends with. If a main player has your tokens on his Star Disc/Prison at the beginning of a challenge, you may use his power during the challenge and he may not. You may only use one power per challenge. Any player may attack your tokens on a Star Disc/Prison in a normal challenge if they attack the system the \"infected\" Star Disc/Prison resides in. Anyone winning a base in this challenge returns to bases instead. Tokens on Star Discs/Prisons may be traded at the beginning of a challenge per the Assessor.

History: Unwelcome guests from Sirius Six, the Infectant spread across the galaxy, inflicting rot, leprosy, and plagues. Now encountering a more resistant strain of victims, the Infectant are nevertheless confident in their victory.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may "immunize" yourself by canceling the flip of any of your Destiny Cards.

Super: If an ally has your tokens on his Star Disc/Prison at the beginning of a challenge, you may use his power during the challenge and he may not.


You have the power of infiltration. At the beginning of the game, secretly designate one planet in each opponent\'s system as an \"infiltrated\" planet. If the owner of a system has a base on an \"infiltrated\" planet, you may at any time count this base as one of your home bases, not his; or as one of his home bases, not yours; or both.

History: Having long ago given up power for stealth, the Insidious hide meekly in the shadows, striking only when their opponent is weak. Learning to influence and not coerce, the Insidious exploit without subjugating.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may treat an unoccupied planet in your system as a home base.

Super: Between challenges, you may designate a different planet in an opponent's system as an "infiltrated" planet. The previously "infiltrated" planet reverts to normal.


You have the power to investigate. Once per challenge, if you are involved in the challenge, you may discard a card face-up. Any player who has an identical card must show you his hand. You decide which hand to look at if more than one player has the card. If no player has the same card, you must put it back in your hand.

History: The accredited and universally acknowledged Inspectors are granted access to all corners of the cosmos, provided they have the proper key.

Restriction: Modified by Jack Reda.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may show everyone a card from your hand, and then search through the Deck for an identical one. If you find it, put it in your hand and reshuffle the Deck. Use once and discard.

Super: You may look at up to all the hands of any player who has an identical card.


You have the power of questioning. Whenever you have another player\'s tokens on your Star Disc/Prison, you may ask the player one yes/no for each of his tokens on your Star Disc anytime before cards are played. After you have asked a question, you place the token in the Warp and he must answer it truthfully. If it involves his intentions, he must decide then and subsequently abide by that decision.

History: Fanged and fanatic, the dedicated and sadistic Interrogators sharpen their steely teeth, ensconced in their leathery snouts. Dedicated to their beliefs, they shall make harsh masters over a miserable universe.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Prisoners!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If a player accepts your invitation to ally, he must first tell you how many tokens he will place in the cone. You may then withdraw your invitation.

Super: You may ask any sort of question instead of your yes/no question.


You have the power to tax. At the beginning of your turn, rather than collecting your Lucre from the bank, designate which player(s) must give you the alloted amount of Lucre (you may divide it up however you like among the players, even asking for more than a player currently has). If a player cannot or refuses to pay, another player may pay for him; otherwise, you may use one of his powers (and he cannot) for the rest of the challenge. You may only control one power at a time. (Modified by Jack Reda)

History: A once minor bureaucratic entity now gone completely wild, the ravenous IRS soon came to dominate and then totally bleed dry their once prosperous makers. Now turning their lusty long forms towards the heavens, they yet again seek to drain the coffers of the entire universe.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: As defensive player, your opponent must pay you two Lucre for each token he puts on the cone. If he cannot, he may not place the token, even if he attacks with 0 tokens.

Wild: You may "audit" one player. While you have this card in your hand, you may force one player to show you any new cards he draws.

Super1: Each other player must pay you the full amount of Lucre you are to collect. You may use the power of each player who cannot pay instead of them for your turn.

Super: You may prevent other players from playing a Lucre for another player being "taxed".

Pro: You may use one power from each player who does not pay instead of them. In multi-power games, you may instead use all powers of one player who does not pay.

Con: IRS cannot designate you to give him Lucre.


You have the power of undeath. Whenever you defend a base and should lose tokens to the Warp, you instead flip your tokens over on the planet you are defending. Flipped tokens still count as your tokens, but may not be sent to the Warp by normal means and do not count towards victory conditions. At the beginning of your turn, you may un-flip one of these tokens. If you lose your power, you may not flip your tokens face-down or re-flip face-up.

History: Never quite alive, yet never quite dead, the relentless Jason manage to resurface again. And again. And again...

Restriction: Do not play if you are also Filth.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you are about to lose your power, you may discard this card instead of losing your third home base.

Super: At the beginning of your turn, you may un-flip an entire base of flipped tokens instead.


You have the power of suicide. Whenever you are involved in a challenge and before cards are revealed, you may move up to all your tokens from the cone or defending base to the Warp. For every token of yours placed in the Warp, you may take one token from the opposing side from the cone/defending base to the Warp.

History: Dedicated and fiercely loyal to their masters, the Kamikaze are not only mere tokens, but true pawns.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may voluntarily lose the challenge and force your opponent to lose the challenge as well. All of yours and his tokens are lost to the Warp. Play before Challenge Cards are played.

Super: You may commit suicide after cards are revealed.


You have the power of absolute zero. In any challenge, before cards are played, you may declare \"Kelvin\". The winner of the challenge is the player whose total is closest to zero. If both players equal zero, they make a deal.

History: A conformist order bent upon imposing a standard of base ten upon the entire cosmos, the Kelvin have managed to revolutionize the concepts of Nothing and Everything.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: If another player has zero cards, you may give him your hand and draw a new hand.

Super: You may declare after cards are played.


You have the power of gating. If you have a Kicker in your hand, you may discard it into the unused Kicker discard pile and draw two new Kickers from the unused Kicker deck. Either discard one of these two Kickers or the topmost Kicker from the discard pile to the unused Kicker discard pile.

History: Sentient silicon life forms, the huge Kick-Gates alter the fabric of space and time, summoning huge powers almost beyond the grasp of other races.

Restriction: Use only in a game of 15 Kickers or more.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may "gate out" an Kicker that you have played by removing it from the game instead of placing it in the discard pile.

Super: You need not remove your Kicker from your hand.


You have the power of salvaging. You may collect any Kickers that are discarded by other player.

History: Specialists in the art of salvaging, the radiation-proof Kick-Vulch manage to recover incredible amounts of lethality from otherwise useless, spent arsenals.

Restriction: Use only in a game of 15 Kickers or more.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: You may discard a Kicker into another person's hand. He must play that Kicker in his next challenge.

Super: You may keep your Kickers and this Flare if you must discard them.


You have the power to decree. Whenever the Destiny Deck is flipped, you determine what type of challenge it is, Prisoner, Reverse-Cone, Inverse-Cone, Continuum Cone, Phase Cone, or Normal.

History: Self-declared rulers, the King are not about to let their less-than-infinite authority get in the way of their cosmic less-than-destiny.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Prisoners.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power. Modified by Jack Reda to include all versions of Hyperspace Cone.

Wild: You may declare timing of Powers, Flares, and Variants that affect tokens going to the Warp.

Super: You may declare anytime before cards are played.


You have the power to drain. After another player besides yourself takes consolation (and puts these cards in his hand), you take the same number of cards either from the person who took consolation, or from the person giving consolation.

History: The notorious \"Bad Boy Bloodsuckers from Betelgeuse 9\", the greedy Leech don\'t just kick a man when he\'s down, but suck him dry completely.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may force an ally of the winning side to give consolation instead of the main player.

Super: You may look at the cards given during consolation. If you like them, take them instead of drawing from either player.


You have the power of migration. Whenever you are involved in a challenge and before cards are revealed, you may put one token of your color from the cone or defending base into the Warp, and one token of each color of the opposing side from the cone or defending base to the Warp.

History: Although their behavior at seems disturbing but natural, the Lemming have turned their exploitation at the hands of a more powerful entity into a semi-suicidal, but perhaps useful, method of gaining the cosmos.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may force a player to put a token into the Warp at the beginning of his challenge, instead of taking a token out of the Warp.

Super: You may put up to all your tokens from the cone or defending base into the Warp, taking one token of each opposing color to the Warp for each of your tokens.

LUCRE [M:rec.c:L] ADD LUCRE TO GAME Cedric Chin (Lucre)

You have the power of Lucre. If this power is drawn at the beginning of the game, players now play with Lucre and start with four Lucre each. If this power is drawn in the middle of the game, players do not add four Lucre, but Lucre income begins at the beginning of the next player's turn. Discard and draw a new power.

History: As civilizations progressed in the art of warfare, so did their economies. Yet despite their advances, warfare nonetheless continued.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you have no Lucre, discard this card and draw five Lucre from the box.

Super: If you have Lucre, draw a random Lucre power and play it while this card is in your hand.


You have the power of liquidity. At the beginning of the game, use 20 additional Lucre as tokens. Whenever you remove or put Lucre on your star disc, you may remove or put Lucre from your bases instead.

History: It was inevitable -- an economy so dominant that its own lifeforms were reduced to monetary units.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Once per challenge, you may put one of your tokens in the Warp and receive one Lucre.

Super: Your tokens are lost to your star disc, not the Warp.

LUNATION [M:WWW] Multiplies Number of Moons to Attack Card Cedric Chin (Moons)

You have the power of lunar succession. Whenever you are a Main Player in a challenge and play an Attack Card, the value of your card is multiplied by the number of moons you occupy (before calculating other card effects).


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.


You have the power of averaging. When your opponent decides to play an Attack card, he must play two of them, if possible. Take the average as his Attack card. Kickers and tokens modify this number. He then discards either card, his choosing. When your opponent decides to play a Compromise card, he must play two of them, if possible. He has then played a Compromise card and discards one after the challenge is over.

History: Proponents of a mathematica-socialist philosophy, the Mean also have created one of the universes most persuasive forms of propaganda. Ostensibly promoting fairness and equality among men, the Mean easily convince their fellow countrymen to redistribute their resources, although some would debate that, as the Mean have yet to implement this policy among themselves.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: You may average your hands with your opponent. Give or take (randomly) cards with your opponent until you have an equal number of cards (you may have one more card than him if averaging is not possible).

Super: You opponent must discard both cards.


You have the power of the middle. As a main player in a challenge, you may decry, "Median". Your opponent must play his median Attack card. If he has the choice of two cards, he chooses. For example, if a player has a 4, 7, 15 and 20, he can still play either a 7 or a 15.

History: Blind philosophers on a neutron system, the quiet whispers of the Median voices easily persuade opponents that moderation, and not excess, shall bring them joy and salvation. Whether this philosophy works or not is in question, as the Median, like their cousins the Mean, have yet to implement it.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may take the median Attack card of your opponent. If he has the choice of two cards, he chooses.

Super: You may choose the median card.


You have the power of accidents. Before play begins, secretly set a \"nuclear accident site\" for each player in the game, on a planet in each player\'s sytem. Whenever a challenge occurs at this planet, immediately after tokens land on the planet, the planet is declared uninhabitable. Bases on an uninhabitable planet do not count towards victory conditions. Tokens on an uninhabitable planet are treated as if they were in a separate Warp (i.e. a Mobius Tubes may be used either on the Warp or an uninhabitable planet), but do not affect powers affecting tokens and the Warp (e.g. Zombie tokens do not return to bases). Once all tokens from an uninhabitable planet are gone, the planet is no longer a nuclear accident site, and you then secretly set a new accident site on any planet in the same system.

History: Interrupting the stellar airwaves with their special announcements, the Meltdown have spread panic and fear of radioactive waste throughout the cosmos. Having yet to develop nuclear technology themselves, the Meltdown figure that it is far less costly to simply deny it to others.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power. (Modified by Jack Reda)

Wild: You may declare a meltdown on a base. All tokens of a base go to the Warp, and all other tokens on the same planet return to bases. No tokens may land on the vacated planet until the next challenge. Discard after use.

Super: You may declare that a planet with a nuclear accident site no longer has a nuclear accident site, then secretly set a nuclear accident site on another planet in the same system.


You have the power of contract. Before cards are played, another player may ask you to put up to your allowed number of tokens (their choice of how many) anywhere in the cone (his choice) for a fee you set in Lucre. You may refuse or accept his offer. These tokens are then treated as allies. You may also ally normally in addition to your Mercenary power.

History: Opportunists to the end, the avaricious Mercenary make their fees, do their duties, and leave regardless of outcome, and occasionally of employer.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: You may hire out an Attack card from your hand for Lucre. The Attack card returns to your hand instead of being discarded.

Super: Your mercenary tokens do not go to the Warp if your contracted ally loses the challenge.


You have the power of Attack. Before cards are revealed, you may play an Attack card onto either side of the challenge. This Attack card adds to the Attack total before tokens are added. If the side you are adding on plays a Compromise, the main player may choose either card to play after cards are revealed. The Attack card you played is discarded.

History: Interstellar shapeshifters, the Meta-Attack easily redistribute their resources, albeit not necessarily to the benefit of any.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: You may give another player an Attack card.

Super: You may keep the Attack card you add to another challenge.


You have the power of Compromise. Before cards are revealed, you may play a Compromise card onto either side of the challenge. If the side you played plays an Attack Card, the main player may use either card to play during the challenge after cards are revealed. If the side you played played a Compromise, he is entitled to double consolation or his opponent pays twice the penalty for failure to make a deal.

History: Masters at negotiation, the Meta-Compromise not only promote weal throughout the universe, but poke their nose in other\'s matters to no end.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: You may give another player a Compromise.

Super: You may keep the Compromise card you added to a challenge.


You have the power to change Kickers. Before cards are revealed, you may play a Kicker onto either side of the challenge. This Kicker modifies the Attack total before tokens are added. The Kicker you played is discarded. Do not play in a game with less than 15 Kickers.

History: Shapeshifters of the nth degree, the slow but deadly Meta-Kicker are feared by all, curried by all.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may give another player a Kicker.

Super: You may keep the Kicker.


You have the power of prizes. When you are the main player in a challenge, at the beginning of a challenge, randomly draw a card from your opponent, take a card from your hand, and take an Edict from the unused Edict deck. Look at them and place them mixed face-down. Your opponent picks one of the cards and you take the rest in your hand. If you introduce an Edict into the game, take the topmost Edict from the discard pile out of the game. If no Edict is in the discard pile, you may not use this aspect of your power. When you are not a main player (or if you cannot use the previous aspect of your power), you may announce a particular card (eg. Virus Flare) or class of cards (eg. any Edict) and if anyone has it, he may trade it to you for one Lucre from your star disc.

History: Ostensibly devoted towards the awarding of unusual prizes, the Monty Hall are one of the greater swindlers in the cosmos.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre! Use with an unused Edict deck.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may force one player per turn to trade you one Lucre for a card, randomly picked, from your hand.

Super: You may take the three cards from any players' hands, including yourself.

MOONS - HOUSE [M:rec.c] ADD MOONS TO GAME Cedric Chin (Moons)

You have the power of the moons. Moons are now in the game. Each player now adds two moons in his system, face down without looking. Whenever a player leaves a moon, it returns face down. Discard this power and draw a new one.

History: Planetoids of curious effects, the Moons bring boon, bane, and, at times, mere silliness.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: When this card enters your hand, and if you have no moons, immediately add one moon to your system.

Super: When this card enters your hand, and if you have a moon, add one moon to all systems or remove one moon from all systems.

MR. PEABODY [O:rec.c] ALTERS TIME Cedric Chin

You have the power of WABAC. If you are an ally in a failed challenge, you can replay the challenge as the main player. Everyone takes back their challenge cards and start again.

History: Renowned scientist and time-traveling busybody, the hardworking Mr. Peabody not only straightens out the proper timelines and histories, but occasionally rewrites them himself.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may declare one player to be Sherman. He must now ally with you in every challenge until you no longer have this card, but is limited to one token.

Super: You may use the WABAC if you are a main player.


You have the power of the mutant. Whenever you have less than five cards, you may draw cards from any player. You may begin the game with a hand of five cards.

History: Evolving on a highly radioactive and unshielded moon, the protean Mutants quickly learned to augment their silicon-based heredity. Before long they began to control and accumulate key heredity codes of other life forms, stripping opponents of their most basic defenses in a Mutant drive to transform the Universe.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you are a main player and win or make a deal, take one card at a time from the hand of your opponent or one of his allies until he has five cards.

Super: You may discard your hand and select a new one consisting of five randomly chosen cards taken from the hands of other players


You have the power of the mutant. As Mutant, but keeps a 10-card hand and may only draw as offensive player.

History: Evolving on a highly radioactive and unshielded moon, the protean Mutants quickly learned to augment their silicon-based heredity. Before long they began to control and accumulate key heredity codes of other life forms, stripping opponents of their most basic defenses in a Mutant drive to transform the Universe.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you are a main player and win, take enough cards from your opponent until you have ten cards.

Super: You may discard your hand and draw a new one consisting of ten cards.


You have the power of the mX missile. When you are the main player in a challenge, you may first offer your opponent a deal. He may accept this deal anytime in the challenge until cards are revealed. You now may put down as many challenge cards as you have in your hand. Your opponent places down one challenge card per card you played, but may not draw any cards from the deck if he runs out of cards. Compromises count as Attack 0, and if the opponent cannot play a challenge card for a "mini-challenge", he has played an Attack 0. Reveal all cards, adding tokens to each card and resolving each "mini-challenge" individually. If either of you lose any "mini-challenge", the loser's tokens go to the Warp. Survivors, if any, win as normal. If you are playing against a power that affects the cards, you may only use your power when you are the offensive player; your opponent cannot use his power.

History: Created by the great god, Skippy, the followers of the MX Missile have elevated destruction to a high art. Their next goal is to not involve themselves in their art.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: If you lose a challenge as the offensive player, you may make another one. Do not reposition the cone.

Super: You may use a Kicker which you may apply from one to all of your cards.


You have the power of information. You draw one card from the Deck at the beginning of every turn.

History: The newest, most technologically advanced group of the Illuminati, the Network is said to be a conspiracy of the universe\'s computer programmers; other believe that the programmers are merely pawns, and the computer themselves have taken over. Wealthy... powerful... they\'re watching you right now.

Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Illuminati.

Wild: You may transfer your power to another player. He may use your power alongside his during the challenge, but you may not.

Super: You may draw one card at the beginning of every challenge.


You have the power to deny. When you are a main player, your opponent may use all of his powers only if he has a base on each of his home planets. He loses use of one power of his choice for every home planet he does not have a base on. If your opponent has already lost his powers, your power does not affect him.

History: Sending empathetic waves of refusal and denial across the universe, the Obstinance\'s efforts at wiping out the existences of other life forms can only be thwarted by a communal affirmation of one\'s being. Or really big weapons.

Restriction: Use only in a multi-power game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you are a main player in the challenge, both you and your opponent may not use a power during the challenge. You select which powers are not in use.

Super: You choose which powers your opponent may not use.

OTHELLO [O:WWW] Reverses The Cone Cedric Chin

You have the power of black and white. Before tokens are placed in the cone, you may alter any normal challenge into a reverse cone challenge, and vice versa. In a reverse cone challenge, offensive allies can gain rewards and defensive allies can gain a base.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you are a main player, before cards are played, you may declare that tokens subtract instead of add to their attack totals. This flare overrules the Anti-Matter power.

Super: You may alter after tokens are places in the cone.

OUST [O:WWW] Removes Ally from Cone Cedric Chin

You have the power to eject. Whenever you are a main player or ally in a challenge, you may force one ally to return his or her tokens to bases before cards are revealed.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you are an ally, you may remove yourself from the cone before cards are played unless you have been forced to ally (e.g. the Magnet).

Super: You may use your power after cards are revealed but before the outcome is determined.


You have the power of hidden powers. At the beginning of the game, draw one hidden power for each base you have. Whenever you gain a base, draw one more hidden power. You may activate a hidden power at any time, but you may only have one hidden power in use at a time, and it must be discarded by the end of the present challenge, or upcoming one if the power is used between challenges. If you are Cosmic Zapped and are using a hidden power, you must immediately discard the hidden power.

History: To boldly go where no power has gone before. To seek new bases and get new powers. To scare the bejeezus out of everybody at the beginning of the game. To hope Filth is the next card drawn...

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Meta type power.

Wild: You may draw another power and use it as a hidden power. You must discard it when you lose this card.

Super: You may keep the power until you wish to discard it. You may not activate another until you have discarded your present power or this card leaves your hand.


You have the power of resources. At the beginning of the game, draw a hand of seven powers from the unused power deck. You do not reveal these powers to your opponents. When one of these "Palnu" powers is used, it must be immediately discarded to the unused power deck. You must use these "Palnu" powers interchangeably with normal cards: other players may take "Palnu" powers during consolation, you may draw from the unused power deck when drawing cards as a defensive ally, you may give these powers away in a deal, etc. However, when you need a new normal hand, you draw from the Deck. When you run out of "Palnu" powers, draw seven more.

History: "Where's there's a will, there's a way. But where there's a check for 50,000 Crowns, there's better results." -- Lord Julius

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Meta type power.

Wild: When you make a deal, you may give away and / or receive powers. These powers return to their original owners when this card leaves your hand.

Super: You may treat your powers as flares -- they are not discarded to the power deck after use.


You have the power of finickiness. When you are a main player in the challenge and buy cards from the Deck, if you do not like the card you drew, give it to your opponent and draw another. Repeat until you find the cards that you wish to purchase.

History: Fastidious snub-nosed creatures, the Picky greedily take what is best, discarding the rest for others.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Wild: If you are a main player, after allies have committed to the cone, you may uninvite an ally. He may ally with your opponent if your opponent had invited him.

Super: Your opponent may not play any cards that you have given to him because of this power until the challenge is over.


You have the power to pinch. Whenever you would receive Lucre from the Box, you take the Lucre from your opposing main player instead; if the opposing main player has not been determined, take the Lucre from any player. If the player you are taking Lucre from does not have enough Lucre to pay you, you may not take the balance from the Box.

History: Creatures of kleptomania, embezzlements, and daylight robberies, the Pilfer remain just one step ahead of the law, but several moves behind retribution and ire.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Wild: Whenever you take Lucre from the Box, you may take more Lucre than you are entitled to. If caught in the act, you lose one Lucre to the Box and return the Lucre you were caught Pilfering. You don't have to reveal this card unless you are caught, but once

Super: If a player does not have enough Lucre to pay you, take the balance from the Box.

PISCES [O:rec.c] Asks For Card From Opponent Cedric Chin (Astrology)

You have the power to go. As main player in a challenge, before Challenge Cards are played, you may ask your opponent if he has a specific card (e.g. Attack Card 12 or Wild Virus Flare). If he has the card he must give it to you. If he doesn't have the card, you draw a card from the Challenge Deck.

History: Always on the hunt for resources, the rather lazy Pisces prefer to get their wares from those who did the work and found it first. Having ready made materials allows them an easier time to conquer their benefactors.

Wild1: As main player, if you have Attack Cards in your hand that match the Challenge Card you revealed, you may play them and add them to your total. All cards are discarded normally.

Super1: As an ally, you may use your power on your main player opponent.

Pro: You may use your power twice in the challenge. If you draw the card you asked for from the Challenge Deck, you win the challenge, despite Loser.

Con: As main player against Pisces, Pisces uses his power on another player.


You have the power of pathos. When you must give consolation, you chose which cards to give. When you take consolation, you may look through your opponent\'s hand and take the cards you desire.

History: Looked down upon as one of the most deplorable, contemptable races in the universe, the Pitiful have unusually managed to evoke feelings of sympathy, generosity, and mercy both unheard of and totally undeserving of this righfully nauseating race.

Wild: You may take consolation one card at a time, and stop anytime before taking the number of cards you were entitled to.

Super: You may refuse to give or take consolation.


You have the power of pleasure. At the beginning of the game, look at and add two moons to every system. These are your Pleasure Domes. Whenever any player loses tokens to the Warp, they may land on a Pleasure Dome of the system instead, by paying a fee you set. You may land on the Dome only by paying a fee the system owner sets. These are the only ways a token may land on the Dome. Once tokens land upon a Pleasure Dome, its effects are activated as if he landed alone on the moon. Tokens on a Dome are treated as moon bases (moon bases cannot be involved in a deal, plant may not use moon bases to graft, and moon bases do not count towards victory conditions).

History: Using huge tractor beams, the Pleasure Dome have set up one of the greatest most lucrative leisure centers in the galaxy. Even within wars can these marvels of amusements be found in full operation. Granted, not all the domes are quite as pleasurable as the others, but business is business!

Restriction: Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre! Do not use in a two-player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may give all the rest of the players in the game some pleasure by paying off one Lucre to your opponent and preventing him from using the rest of his turn.

Super: Your tokens may land on a Pleasure Dome without payment.


You have the power of poker. If you are a main player in a challenge, you may declare Poker. Both players set aside all non-Challenge cards except Supers. (A player may set aside any Supers he wishes to.) Reveal your hands. Whoever has the best hand wins. Supers count as Jokers. Compromises are the lowest cards in the deck. Ties result in a deal. If you are playing against a power that affects the cards, you may only use your power when you are the offensive player; your opponent cannot use his power.

History: Born in a smoke-filled gas cloud, the devious Poker eschewed common practices of war, offering a "friendly game" instead. Chuckling that their hands are in favor before the cards are even drawn, the Poker put on their masks of diplomacy, to be taken off only once the cosmos is theirs.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Draw cards from the deck until/unless you have a pair of Attacks of the same number, Compromises, Edicts, Kickers, or Flares.

Super: When you draw from the Deck, you may keep any non-Challenge cards.

PRAW BEAST [M:WWW] Rescues Tokens From Praw Cedric Chin

You have the power of escape. When your tokens fall into the Praw you immediately return them to bases. As part of a deal, you may rescue another player\'s tokens from the Praw.

History: Fiendish life forces from yet another dimension, the Praw Beast quickly dominated the first people who discovered them. Unable to possess others like their cousins, the Warp Beast, the Praw Beast at least have kept their innate ability to escape the effects of the Praw.

Restriction: Use only in a game with the Praw.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Once per challenge you may rescue two of your tokens from the Praw.

Super: You may rescue tokens from the Warp.

PRAW MASTER [M:WWW] Sends Tokens to Praw Cedric Chin

You have the power of doom. When you win a challenge as main player or ally, losing tokens go directly to the Praw. Whenever the Destiny pile is flipped, you may raise one of your tokens from the Praw. As part of a deal, you may rescue tokens from the Praw.


Restriction: Use only in a game with the Praw.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Before challenge cards are revealed, you may declare that losing tokens go directly to the Praw.

Super: If any player must lose tokens to the Warp, you may force them to go directly to the Praw instead.

PRAW MEISTER [O:WWW] Dictates Praw Multiplier Cedric Chin

You have the power of the multiplier. Any time before cards are revealed in a challenge, you may change the Praw Multiplier to any number between one and five, so long as this change does not cause tokens in the Warp to immediately fall into the Praw.


Restriction: Use only in a game with the Praw.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may raise two of your tokens from the Praw to the Warp at the beginning of your turn.

Super: You may change the Praw Multiplier at any time, including immediately before tokens are placed in the Warp, regardless of the number of tokens in the Warp.

PRAWISH [O:WWW] Adds Tokens in Praw to Attack Total Cedric Chin

You have the power of nonexistence. All tokens (including your own) in the Praw add to your total as the main player in a challenge. Tokens in the Praw do not count toward consolation or rewards.

History: Seeking nihilism and the voidness of death, the Prawish seek the realms of unending nothingness. Now it has found solace in the nonexistence of the Cosmic Praw.

Restriction: Use only in a game with the Praw.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: You may raise two tokens at the start of each challenge.

Super: You may prevent players from taking tokens from the Praw (unless a player has no bases).


You have the power of persuasion. When you are the main player in a challenge, before cards are played, you may discard an Attack card. Take from the Warp a number of your opponent's tokens equal to the value of this card divided by four. Flip these tokens over to designate that they are yours. When they are lost to the Warp in a challenge, they instead return to their previous owners.

History: Loudmouthed demagogues from an alien star system, the Propaganda were masters of rhetoric, wile, and persuasion. Preying upon the downfallen forces of the opposition, the Propaganda easily convince them to defect, only for them to realize that the Propaganda are no better than their former masters.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may persuade your opponent to ally you, with as many tokens as you have in the challenge.

Super: Tokens are taken from your opponent's bases. You opponent chooses which tokens you take.

PUNT [O:WWW] Plays Kickers After Cards are Revealed Cedric Chin

You have the power of desperation. You may play a Kicker after challenge cards are revealed in a challenge in which you are a main player.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: You may play a Kicker after challenge cards have been played, but before they are revealed.

Super: If you opponent did not play a Kicker, you play one on his side after cards are revealed (in addition to one played on your side).


You have the power to collapse. Once per challenge, you may discard a card.

History: Architects of amazing incompetancy, the willing Ramshackle again prove effort is not necessarily success.

Wild: If you are the main player or ally in a challenge, you may discard a card.

Super: If you have no more Challenge Cards, you may draw a new hand, but do not have to discard your current one.

RATION [M:WWW] Dictates Number of Cards Drawn Cedric Chin

You have the power to Allot. When any player draws a new hand from the deck (except the beginning of the game, if you wish), use this power to state the number of cards drawn from this list: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. Once you have used a number, place a Cosmic token over it, and you may not use it again until the list is exhausted. As part of a deal, you may allow your opponent to discard his hand and let him draw a new hand.

History: A nation having surfaced from a recent depression, the Ration were caught unawares when the cosmic wars began. Quickly mustering their resources, the Ration dominated the traditional forms of resources, hopefully using this ability to restore the universe.

Wild: You may discard your hand and draw a new hand.

Super: You may ignore the list and reuse numbers as desired.


You have the power of use. When another player discards his hand, he gives his cards to you. When you discard your hand, you discard to the discard pile.

History: Having saved their system from the near-death of wasting their own resources, the Recycler are adept at exploiting the resources of others.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may draw seven cards from the discard pile when you discard your hand. (Do not draw any cards you discarded.)

Super: This is the Keeper Edict. You may keep this card in your hand.

REORG [O:rec.c] MOVES BASES Cedric Chin

You have the power to restructure. At the start of your challenge, you may remove a base from anywhere you have a base, and place it in the star system selected by the Destiny Pile. You may not remove bases from your home system if this causes you to lose your power. As the cost of reorganizing, you lose one card randomly, or one token to the Warp.

History: A culture of growing corporate structure, the Reorg endeavored to maximize their personnel in optimal locations throughout their system. Able to withstand the minor losses of resources and staff, the Reorg are confident that the ability to outmaneuver their opponents will gain them the cosmos.

Restriction: Do not use if you are the Plant, Disease, or any power requiring a base on another person's system.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may move a token from any of your bases to any planet where you have just lost a base.

Super: You may move at the beginning of anyone's challenge.


You have the power to replay. If you are a main player, you may give your opponent the top card of the Discard Pile. If it is not a Challenge Card, he must play the card, if possible, during the challenge; in any case, he discards the card at the end of the challenge.

History: Syndicators from an irradiated planet, the wily Rerun manage to exploit the transmissions of successes (but mostly failures) past.

Wild: If you are a main player, your opponent must discard the same type of card (Attack, Compromise, Kicker, Reinforcement, Edict, or Flare) that appears at the top of the Discard Deck, if possible.

Super: Your opponent must play any Challenge Cards given him.


You have the power of two-fisted diplomacy. At the beginning of a challenge in which you are a main player, you may propose a deal. If your opponent accepts, the deal goes into effect and the the challenge is over counts as a win. Return tokens to bases. If he does not, continue the challenge as normal. If you win, the deal also goes into effect.

History: Ignoring conventional methods of dealing, the Retief's methods, while perhaps unorthodox, result in such unusual results as peace, harmony, and the occasional bloody nose.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may play this card as an Attack card. When revealed, results are ignored and you now make a deal with your opponent.

Super: If your opponent refuses the deal, he loses three tokens to the Warp and the challenge is considered a loss.


You have the power of vengence. Take an unused set of tokens. Whenever you lose any of your (or this unused set's) tokens to the Warp, place an equal amount of unused tokens in the Warp, up to 20 total. If you are Cosmic Zapped or lose your power, you may not add the unused tokens to the Warp and must treat the unused tokens as if they were not in the game. If you lose your power, all other colors without your color on foreign bases go to the Warp. In a multi-power game, do not use alongside powers which use an unused set or with the Zombie.

History: Evolving in a violent and warlike society, the Revenge have turned their losses into a bittersweet power to rule the cosmos. Unable to compete with other races in initial battles, they quietly wait until their hatred makes them strong enough to conquer later. The cosmos will be theirs! They shall rule! Revenge shall be theirs!

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If someone has successfully challenged you during the game, you may take revenge and place one of their bases in the Warp. Discard after use.

Super: You may add additional tokens directly to bases.


You have the power of Risk. Use Risk combat rules to determine the outcome of your tokens. Each side has one minute to determine how their side's tokens will be lost (to the Warp). Those tokens remaining in the challenge after all forces in one side have lost are the winner. If you are playing against a power that affects the cards, you may only use your power when you are the offensive player; your opponent cannot use his power.

History: Evolving on a planet where different methods of combat were used, the Risk refuse to partake in conventional combat, preferring to use simpler, albeit more random, methods.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may discard three challenge, Edict, Flare, or Kicker cards to the discard pile for five tokens from the warp.

Super: You may use four dice.


You have the power to protect. If you are a main player, your allies do not go to the Warp. If you are an ally, your tokens do not go to the Warp.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you are a main player and have just lost the challenge, winning allies collect rewards as usual, but their tokens go to the Warp. Winning offensive allies establish the base with 1-4 tokens from other bases.

Super: You may prevent yourself or the main player you have allied with from losing tokens to the Warp.


You have the power to divide. Whenever players successfully make a deal, you may challenge one of them after the challenge is over.

History: The Schism society was ancient and sophisticated long before other races were banging rocks together. Their political expertise is such that they can exploit minor differences among their opponents, turning friend against friend and reducing their effectiveness. The Schisms are now applying their strategy of \"divide and conquer\" in the Cosmic arena.

Wild: If two players have made a deal in which both sides receive equal terms, you may force them to fail to make a deal and pay penalties instead.

Super: If a player has played a Compromise in a challenge, you may attack him after the challenge is over. You may only attack one player who has played a Compromise, however.


You have the power of choice. Whenever you draw cards from the Deck, draw twice the number you are entitled to and choose which cards you receive. Give the rest to other players; for every card they receive, they may discard a card from their hand.

History: Arrogant gluttons, the Selection easily waste the resources from which they draw upon. Throwing away garbage others would find useful, the Selection view of what they consider dross may very well be their undermining.

Wild: When you must randomly draw cards from another player, you may instead look though his hand and select the cards you are entitled to.

Super: You may discard the cards you do not wish to keep instead of giving them to other players.


You have the power entomb. Whenever you lose a base in a system to the Warp, you instead lose them to the empty space of the hex they were lost in. When the number of your tokens in the empty space of a system exceeds the number of total tokens on any planet with another players\' tokens in the same system, remove the tokens on this planet to the Warp and place your tokens on the planet. (Modified by Jack Reda)

History: The wretched and sinister Sepulchre do not let even death deter them from victory. Buried in their tombs, waiting, waiting... Buried in their tombs, hating, hating...

Wild: When you are the main attacking player, instead of taking your tokens from bases, take all your tokens from the Warp and place them in the cone. Discard after use.

Super: Whenever you lose tokens in a system to the Warp, you instead lose them to the empty space of the hex they were lost in.


You have the power of destruction. If you win as an attacking player, and are attacking one of your opponent\'s home bases, he loses an additional home base of his choice to the Warp.

History: Students of things man was not meant to know, the Servants seek to destroy, destroy, destroy!!!

Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Illuminati.

Wild: If another player has just lost his powers, you may permanently remove one of them from the game. Use once and discard.

Super: If you win as an attacking player and are attacking one of your opponent's bases, he loses an additional base of your choice to the Warp.


You have the power of a subjection. Set up another system, but draw no cards for it. This system receives one power. It does not act as a main offensive player. At the beginning of your challenge, you rescue one slave token from the Warp and place it on any slave base. When you are a main player, you may use these tokens as allies. If the Slave system gains or loses cards, they go to and come from your hand. When the slave system defends as a main player, you use your cards and his power. You may ally with the Slave system. If you Attack a Slave planet, it may not ally with you, but you win automatically. (defending tokens go to the Warp.) If the Slave has an external base, it does not contribute towards your victory, and bases in the Slave system do not count towards yours or an opponent\'s victory, even if you lose this power or suffer a Cosmic Zap. If anyone has three bases in the system, they use the Slave and you do not; if no one has three bases in the system, you use the Slave. If the Slave loses a third home base, it loses its power. If you lose the Slave power, you may not use its tokens, no one may use its power, and all Slave tokens on foreign bases go the the Warp. A Cosmic Zap prevents anyone from using the Slave power or Slave tokens.

History: With no will to live, and no direction of its own, the Slave were quickly subjugated by other, more aggressive powers. Let their treatment at the hands of their oppressors be a dark indicator of the times to come!

Wild: You must ally with any player that invites you. At the end of the challenge in which you have been forcibly allied, you give this card to any player except the one who enslaved you.

Super: You may use the Slave's power in addition to your own.


You have the power of enslaving. After a challenge is over, but before the Destiny Pile is flipped, you may make a challenge against the player whose color is shown on the destiny pile, using his tokens in the Warp as his defending tokens. If you win the challenge, you may take these tokens and place them on your star disc. At the beginning of a challenge in which you are a main player, you may make a deal per the Assessor.

History: Adding insult to injury, the callous Slaver regularly and predictably made their attacks after their victim's resources were depleted.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you are an attacking player and share a base with your opponent, you declare your opponent's tokens on one such base enslaved. These tokens join your side in the challenge and are treated as allies.

Super: If you win the challenge, you may place all tokens from the Warp onto your star disc.


You have the power of the deck. Whenever anyone draws from the Deck, you deal them the cards from the Discard Pile, the bottom of the Deck, the top of the Deck, or any combination thereof. You may look at the bottom of the Deck at any time.

History: Familiar with little more than the peaceful world they evolved in, the Sleight delighted themselves in the art of card tricks and other stage magic. Singing songs of their greatest exploits through simple trickery, they see the warfare of the cosmos as nothing more than another opportunity to display their talents against the greatest forces in the universe.

Wild: You may draw cards from the Discard Pile.

Super: You may deal cards from people's hands (but not from the hand of the recipient).


You have the power to counterfeit. Set aside a box of markers or \"slugs\". Whenever you receive Lucre (including at the beginning of the game), replace each Lucre with two \"slugs\". When you use or spend a \"slug\", it counts as one Lucre. When another player uses or spends a \"slug\", it counts as half a Lucre. When you are Cosmic Zapped, each of your \"slugs\" is worth half a Lucre, but other players\' \"slugs\" are worth 1 Lucre each.

History: Slimy swindlers from outer space, the Slug would gleefully palm off their own grandmollusks (if they had hands).

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre!

Wild: When you must give Lucre to another player, hide the Lucre in one fist and present both fists. The other player chooses one fist and if it does not contain the Lucre, he receives nothing.

Super: While this card is in your hand, players receiving Lucre from the Box receive instead one "slug" for each Lucre.


You have the power to pilfer. Whenever you are a player or an ally in a challenge, before cards are played, you may randomly take one card from the hand of either the offensive or the defensive player.

History: Embracing a lifestyle based on thievery, the Snatch have managed to redirect more resources, albeit in a somewhat less-than-stealthy form.

Wild: You may take the hand of any player who is not a main player and set yours aside for the duration of a challenge. You may play cards from this hand as possible, but must return his hand at the end of the challenge.

Super: You may take one card per token you have in the challenge.


You have the power of telling. When you are a main player or ally in a challenge, you may force one side to reveal his cards throughout the challenge. The other side plays his kickers and challenge cards first.

History: Tiny squeaky mammals with huge noses, the Snitch prize their ability to discover a secret and others prize their ability to be unable to keep it.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may look at the top seven cards in the Deck.

Super: You need not reveal the cards to the other players.


You have the power of warning. If a player refuses to ally with you and allies with your opponent, you may either neutralize one of his powers for the duration of the challenge, or choose one of his tokens and send it to the Warp.

History: Survivors of the ancient forebears of the Illuminati, the Society of Assassins specialize in covert removal of their enemies. Often they do not need to act... the mere hint of their displeasure is enough to remove a foe. The ancient warning of the Assassins, a dagger left on the rival\'s pillow, has made kings tremble.

Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Illuminati.

Wild: You may warn your opponent that if he does not call off the challenge, you will assassinate one of his tokens. If he agrees, the challenge is cancelled and counted as a loss. If he disagrees, remove one of his tokens to the Warp and continue the challenge

Super: You may use your power on all players who refuse to ally.


You have the power of the Space Orbital Platform. When you are the main player in a challenge, you may propose a deal. If your opponent refuses, play the challenge normally. Whenever you play a compromise card and your opponent plays an Attack card, or whenever you are involved in a failed deal (including one you propose), place one Attack card to the side (add it to any other Attack cards you have already placed aside). This is your Space Orbital Platform. In any challenge, including this one, you may add the sum of all the cards in the platform to your Challenge card, if it is an Attack card; discard your platform immediately after using it. Your platform cards are not subject to loss. If you are Cosmic Zapped, or lose your powers, your platform cards are not discarded, but you may not used them.

History: Created by the great god Skippy, the mighty wielders of the Space Orbital Platform claim it is their right to bully other lifeforms, and, if that is not possible, get back at them really, really, nastily.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: If your opponent refuses to make a deal, he must give to you his highest or lowest attack card (your choice) in addition to other penalties.

Super: You may add two Attack cards instead of one.


You have the power of immobility. Your tokens may only be removed from bases as a result of defending a base in a challenge, or voluntarily (e.g. to put into the cone).

History: Blobs of glue, the Stuck have yet to make much of themselves, yet know exactly where they are.

Restriction: Do not use in a two player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you lose as a defensive player, your tokens stay on the planet.

Super: If you are involved as a main player or an ally in a challenge and your side wins, all losing tokens are "stuck" in the Warp and may not be removed unless Mobius Tubes are played. You may "unstick" them as part of a deal.


You have the power of a Superman. If you have a one-digit Attack card, place it down and to the side. Flip over a token. This is your Superman. Whenever this token is involved in a challenge, add this Attack card to your Challenge card after you have calculated your total. Whenever you are a main player in a challenge and have have an Attack card which is up to three points higher than this Attack card, you may replace the current face-down Attack card with this one. This token may only go to the Warp through a challenge and cannot be removed from the game (send it to the Warp instead). If this token is sent to the Warp, discard the face-down card and start again once the token is retrieved from the Warp. If you lose your power or are Cosmic Zapped, send your Superman to the Warp.

History: Born on a faraway, exploded planet, the Superman has adopted a poor, defenseless card to battle the oppressive evil forces of the cosmos! Or so he thinks.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: This card is Kryptonite. All players with tokens in your system may not use one of their powers of their choice.

Super: You may begin with or replace your card with any Attack card in your hand.


You have the power of substitution. If you are a main player or ally in a challenge, you may give either main player two or more Attack cards. If he has an Attack card of greater or equal value of the total of the cards you have given him, he must give it to you. Regardless of whether or not he gives you cards, he keeps the cards you have given him.

History: Thieves of the nth degree, the careful Swindler make sure they put in as much as they take out.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Once per challenge, you may randomly take a flare from another player, put it in your hand, and give him one of yours.

Super: If the main player cannot give you a card, you may take back the ones you gave him.


You have the power to turn tables. If you are a main player or ally in a challenge, after cards are played, you may switch the positions of two colors on opposite sides of the cone in the challenge. Colors use the played challenge cards and receive rewards based on their new positions. (e.g. The color which is on the defending planet uses the card played by the defender.)

History: Masters of deceit and betrayal, the sneaky Switcher live to confuse and obfuscate, leaving their victims hapless and unrewarded.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may replace an ally in a challenge you are not involved in. His tokens return to his bases and you replace them with an equal number of yours.

Super: You may switch two colors on the defending planet.


You have the power of hostility. Between challenges, you may challenge any player with cards, with the number of home bases your opponent has as the number of tokens he defends with. No allies are permitted in the challenge. If you win the challenge, take the hand of your opponent at the end of the challenge. If, before playing cards, he offers you one-half of his cards (round up and choose randomly), you must accept it and return to your bases.

History: Whispering insider orders into their brokers, a small board of rogue traders lead their shareholders into the far reaches of interstellar business.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Whenever another player receives multiple cards, you take one of them, once per transaction of cards (thus if one player draws four cards and gives two to the Extortionist, you still take only one card).

Super: You may refuse to take half of your opponent's cards and proceed with the challenge. If you lose, you still get half of his cards.


You have the power of cooperation. Divide the players into teams of two (if possible). Partners either sit next to each other or opposite. You may consult on your power choice, may ally together, may look at each other\'s cards, but may not attack each other nor trade cards or powers. Treat a flip of your team-mate\'s color as you would your own, including raising a token. Winning conditions are five foreign bases for any one player on your side or seven foreign bases for a team. Shared bases only count once. Team bases count as home bases. If there are an odd number of players, you must force one player to play by himself.

History: Upon realizing that not all of their powers worked in a great, huge all-out war, several civilizations have tentatively agreed to ally with their odd bedfellows.

Restriction: Do not use in a two player game.

Wild: You may ally with any one Main player that has no allies, even if you were not invited.

Super: Between challenges, you may rearrange the teams. No one may instantly win from this rearrangement.


You have the power of persistence. Whenever you are the main offensive player and lose a challenge, you only lose one token from the cone. Make another challenge against the same defending tokens with the tokens in the cone until you win, or have no tokens in the cone; you may not add any more tokens to the cone, although both you and you opponent may ask for and have allies as normal. Your additional challenges do not count towards your challenge total. Allies lost in any of the challenges go to the Warp. Your challenge ends if you have no challenge cards left.

History: Relentless automatons bent on destruction, the Terminators follow a simple credo: \"Destroy\". And any that oppose them know that victory is never permanent, and that somehow they\'ll be back.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power. (Modified by Jack Reda)

Wild: After cards are revealed in a challenge, you may bring an equal number of your additional tokens to your side.

Super: If you run out of Challenge Cards, draw a new hand and continue playing.

THIEF [O:WWW:L] Steals Lucre Cedric Chin (Lucre)

You have the power of stealing. When you are involved in a challenge, you may take one Lucre for every token you have in the challenge from any player on the opposing side. Place this Lucre on the cone; no one may use it. If your side wins the challenge, take the Lucre (even if a deal is made and you are no longer involved). If your side loses the challenge, you lose an equal number of tokens you had in the challenge.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

TIMEBOMB [O:WWW] Lost ships become weapons Cedric Chin

You have the power to explode. Whenever you lose one or more tokens from a base, flip them over and stack them (instead of sending them to the Warp). At the beginning of your challenge, instead of retrieving a token from the Warp, retrieve a token from one of your stacks (putting it on a different base). If you retrieve the last token from the stack, remove all tokens at the location where the stack was, sending them to the Warp.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

TITHER [M:WWW] Receives Cards for Use of Cone Cedric Chin

You have the power to collect. Whenever players put tokens in the cone, he must give you a card at random from his hand.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

TRIANGLE [O:WWW:CI] REARRANGES BASES Cedric Chin (Cosmic Illuminati)

You have the power of reorganization. Whenever you are a main player, anytime before cards are played, you may move one of your planet bases to any planet or moon, or one of your moon bases to any moon. You may not remove bases from your home system if this causes you to lose your power.

History: Sinking ships is just a sideline to the Triangle. Their philosophy is to insure control by taking over many different types of groups. Their power is to reorganize their power structure freely.

Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Illuminati.

Wild: You may sink a cone. If you have a token in the cone, you may take the contents of the cone and put them into the Warp. The challenge immediately ends and is counted as a loss.

Super: You may move any planet base to any planet, or any moon base to any moon, so long as you do not cause a player to lose a base or his power(s).

TRICKLE [M:WWW] Release Tokens from Star to Warp Cedric Chin

You have the power of slow release. Whenever any player except yourself loses tokens in a challenge (including Zombie), the tokens immediately go to your Star Disc. At the beginning of every challenge, release two tokens of your choice from your Star Disc to the Warp. You may trade tokens as part of a deal.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

TRUCE [O:WWW] Turns Own Card to Compromise Cedric Chin

You have the power to compromise. If you are a Main Player, after cards are revealed, you may declare the card you played to be a Compromise.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

UFO [O:WWW:CI] TAKES TWO TURNS Cedric Chin (Cosmic Illuminati)

You have the power of speed. You may have two consecutive turns instead of one.

History: Their aims shrouded in secrecy, the Ufo advantage is speed.

Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Illuminati.

Wild: You may take a second challenge, regardless of the results of the first one.

Super: You may take your additional between two other players' turns.


You have the power of reanimation. If possible, you must draw your cards from the Discard Pile and discard your cards to the top of the Deck in any order you choose. When players discard their cards, you determine the order in which cards are discarded (even if another Flare or power would determine otherwise).

History: Summoned by long-forgotten magic, age-old spirits were trapped into decaying decrepit bodies as pawns of their masters\' petty plans. Eventually finding the key to their freedom, they slew their creators, only to realize with them died the answers to their eternal rest. Insane and full of hate, the evil undead seek to subjugate and slay the rest of the cosmos.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: You may look through the Discard Pile and take any select one card from it for your hand, then discard this Flare.

Super: If you run out of Challenge Cards and must draw a new hand, instead of drawing the top cards in the Discard Pile, you may look through the current Discard Pile and select a new one.

VAGRANT [O:WWW:M] Occupies Vacated Moons Cedric Chin (Moons)

You have the power to squat. Whenever another player vacates a moon, you may land on it with one to four tokens.


Restriction: Use only in a game with moons.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

VARIANCE [O:WWW] Forces Highest or Lowest Attack Cards Cedric Chin

You have the power of extremes. Whenever you are the Main Player, you may declare whether both players must play their highest or lowest Attack Cards.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

WARPETTE [M:WWW] Has Warp in Own System Cedric Chin

You have the power of a warp. Whenever tokens are lost in your system, they go to your Star Disc instead of the Warp. Your tokens return to your bases. Tokens on your Star Disc may be traded per the Assessor.

History: A smaller Warp of unknown origin, the Warpette have managed to utilize what would be common penalty as a position of bargaining.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

WELFARE [M:WWW] Receives Lucre from Other Players Cedric Chin (Lucre)

You have the power of poverty. Instead of receiving Lucre from the bank at the start of your turn, each player must give you one Lucre , except for the player with the most Lucre, who gives you two. If You have the most Lucre, you only receive one from each player. In case of a tie, all players with the most Lucre give you two.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power. Modified by Jack Reda.

WIMP [O:WWW] Controls Number of Tokens in Cone Cedric Chin

You have the power of cowardice. After allies have committed, you dictate which players must either add tokens such that they have an equal or greater number of tokens than you have in the challenge, or remove their tokens from the cone.

History: Formerly 98 pound weaklings, the Wimp were met by the mysterious force of Charles Atlas and became the veritable bullies of the beach. Frightening away less muscular lifeforms, the Wimp inflict both sand and terror at anyone with fewer forces than they.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

WRAP [O:WWW] Causes Praw to Collapse Cedric Chin

You have the power of wreckage. The Praw collapses when the number of tokens in the Praw equals the number of players in the game times four. Whenever the Praw collapses any tokens, except yours, already in the Praw go to your Star Disc. You may trade tokens on your Star Disc per the Assessor. When you draw this power, add the Praw to the game.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.


You have the power of the Zap. Once per challenge, you may perform any one of the following Zaps: Cosmic, Edict, Flare, Moon, Asteroid, Kicker, Challenge card, or Reinforcement (provided each is included in the current game). Once you have performed one type of Zap, you may not use it again until you have exhausted this list. If you Zap a Challenge card or Kicker, you must Zap it before it is revealed; it is then discarded. If you Zap a Challenge Card, the player plays another one. If you Zap a Kicker, the player has the option to play another one. You may not Zap a Cosmic Zap played on this power.

History: Denied power, the Zap have managed to pervert their inabilities into an offensive weapon. Forever unable to twist the universe to through their own powers, they seek to do unto others as the cosmos has done unto themselves.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Once per challenge, you may prevent a player from playing a Cosmic Zap. He keeps the card, but may not use it during the rest of the challenge.

Super: You need not exhaust the list before Zapping again.


You have the power of moon units. At the beginning of each challenge, draw a moon and use its effects, if possible, for the duration of the challenge. The number of tokens considered landing on the moon is equal to the number of home bases you have. Other players may not treat this moon as a moon.

History: A curious race dedicated to forms of communication and methods of appearance unknown to most of the universe, the Zappa not only wish to revolutionize the cosmos, but expunge disco as well.

Restriction: Use only in a game with moons.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: This is the Moon Unit Zappa. Once per challenge, you may replace any normal moon with a new one. Tokens on the old moon return to bases.

Super: You may choose not to use the effects of the moon you have just drawn.

ZERO [O:WWW] Makes Player’s Tokens Equal Zero Cedric Chin

You have the power of nothingness. Whenever you are a Main Player or ally, before tokens are placed in the cone, you may name one player whose tokens are either worth nothing towards the Attack totals, or nothing towards rewards and consolation.


Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.


You have the power of income. Whenever you become a main player, you receive your Lucre as if you had started your turn.

History: The money-masters of the world, the industrious gnomes of the Zurich have the highest income and the greatest hoard.

Restriction: Use only in Cosmic Illuminati.

Wild: You may discard cards to the discard pile and/or put your own tokens to the Warp and receive one Lucre for each card discarded and/or token lost into the Warp.

Super: The Lucre you receive because of this power comes from your opponent.

Displayed 175 powers.