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FIDO [O:rec.c] RETRIEVES DISCARDS Brandon Freels

You have the power to fetch. When the cards are being sent to the discard pile, you may retrieve one of them being sent and offer it to another player. If he does not accept the card, you may keep it. If he does accept the card, give it to him and take one token from the warp or one card from the deck as a reward.

History: Trained for generations by a strict, but unknown alien race, the Fidos were bred for retrieval. Slinking out on their own, they can not help but fetch the debris of outerspace for whomever happens by, knowing they will still be rewarded in some way.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: Take the top card from the discard pile. When several cards are discarded at once, pick any of them.

Wild: Take the top card from the discard pile. When several cards are discarded at once, pick any of them.

Super1: When several cards go to the discard pile, you may fetch ALL of them, and offer them one by one to other players.

Super: When several cards go to the discard pile, you may fetch ALL of them, and offer them one by one to other players.


You have the power to shop. Once per challenge, when you are a main player, you may take the top 3 cards from the challenge deck and look at them. You may purchase any or all of them at 4 Lucre each. Any cards you do not purchase will be sent to the discard pile.

History: There was little to do on the Mallie homeworld but shop. Eventually, the Mallies bought everything. That left them no choice but to seek out new products, elsewhere in the cosmos. There is an old saying, "the most dangerous place in the universe is between a Mallie and anything on sale".

Restriction: Use only in a game with Lucre.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: When making a lucre purchase, receive double the amount of tokens, cards, flares, or attack bonuses for that purchase.

Super1: You do not have to pay for any of the 3 cards you pick up and look at.


You have the power of kicking. As a main player in a challenge, when the time comes to play kickers, you may play a reinforcement card face down just as if it were a kicker. When the cards are revealed, your reinforcement card acts just as if you had played a multiplicative kicker "times" the value of the reinforcement. The reinforcement card is susceptible to Kicker Zap. If you are Cosmic Zapped when using this power, you may return the reinforcement to your hand and use it as an ordinary reinforcement for that same challenge.

History: Spawned in a dimension of extremely low gravity, the Rockettes developed tremendous leg muscles. Upon venturing into the rest of the cosmos, they discovered that other alien races had inferior kicking strength.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild1: You may double the Attack Card you just played in the challenge before any other modifiers are taken into account.

Wild: You may double the Attack Card you just played in the challenge before any other modifiers are taken into account.

Super1: Any reinforcements you play act as kickers. The current value of the Challenge card is multiplied by the value of the reinforcement.

Super: Any reinforcements you play act as kickers. The current value of the Challenge card is multiplied by the value of the reinforcement.


You have the power to settle. If there is an unoccupied planet in the system which you are attacking, you may occupy it without pointing the cone or going through the attack sequence. Occupy it as you would an unoccupied moon. This counts as a successful challenge.

History: Realizing that the best parts of the cosmos were going to go fast, the Sooners got there first. This made it easy for them to conquer new lands, since there was no one there to put up a fight.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: As a main player or ally, you may place one token on any unoccupied planet in the system in which you have just won a challenge (offensive or defensive). The token you place must be one of those involved in the challenge.

Wild: As a main player or ally, you may place one token on any unoccupied planet in the system in which you have just won a challenge (offensive or defensive). The token you place must be one of those involved in the challenge.

Super1: Instead of flipping the destiny card, you may occupy ANY unoccupied planet in the game. This counts as a successful challenge.

Super: Instead of flipping the destiny card, you may occupy ANY unoccupied planet in the game. This counts as a successful challenge.


You have the power to regenerate. During the interphase between each challenge, you may take one of your tokens from the Warp and put it on any of your bases.

History: Evolved on a brutal planet with four suns, the Trolls' capacity for healing was developed on an unprecedented scale. Now, fearless of the consequences of battle, the Trolls recklessly advance upon other cultures, leaving little in their wake.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: You may free all of your tokens from the Warp.

Wild: You may free all of your tokens from the Warp.

Super1: You may regenerate bases on the planets in your home system. Regain a base on any planet in your system where you do not have one.

Super: You may regenerate bases on the planets in your home system. Regain a base on any planet in your system where you do not have one.

Displayed 5 powers.