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AXIOM [M:FFGfo] Strength In Numbers Adam McLean

You have the power to Augment. As a main player, use this power to count each ship you have in an encounter as the number of ships that you have in the encounter (For example, if you have 3 ships in the encounter, they are each worth 3, total of 9). When collecting rewards or compensation, each ship is worth one.

History: A very unimposing species when encountered alone, but beware, as they grow in numbers they grow in strength and courage. Having been determined to expand their influence, they have begun to overpopulate their modest home world. Looking outward to prevent themselves from consuming their own kind, they have but one alternative ... consume everyone else's.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: As a main player, each ship you have in the encounter is worth two.

Super: All of your allies ships are also worth how many ships you have in the encounter (If you have 3 ships in the encounter, all ships on your side are worth 3, etc.).

Super: You may use your power as an ally.

ENCHANTRESS [M:BGG] Afflicts Opponent When Loses Adam McLean

Game Setup: Take the deck of Affliction cards and place them on this sheet.

You have the power of Affliction. Whenever you lose an encounter or fail to make a deal, you may use this power to search through your Affliction deck and choose one card to give to your opponent. They must place the card faceup on their alien sheet and are bound by the rules on that card until they discard it. At the start of any player's Regroup Phase, before the offense retrieves a ship from the warp, each player who has an Affliction card(s) on their alien sheet may choose one action: 1) Take one ship from any of his or her colonies to place on the Affliction card, if they have more than one Affliction card, they must choose which one to place the ship on, 2) If the number of ships on the card are equal to the cost, lift the affliction by discarding the card and returning it to you, the player can return the ships to any of his or her colonies, 3) Do nothing with the Affliction card.

History: For aeons, the Enchantress' were noted for their kind and giving ways, which made them popular friends of neighboring races. Little did anyone realize, however, if you got on their bad side, that generous giving came at great cost ... to you.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power. Affliction cards:
Must ally with 4 ships if invited (Cost: 2)
4 card hand limit (Cost: 2)
Give away Artifact or Flare (Cost: 2)
Cannot play an Artifact or Flare (Cost: 2)
Must discard Flare after use (Cost: 2)
Encounter card chosen at random by opponent (Cost: 3)
Show highest attack card (Cost: 3)
Gives compensation instead of receiving (Cost: 3)
May not ally (Cost: 3)
Must offer a card for each ally (Cost: 3)

Wild: As a main player, if you lose an encounter or fail to make a deal, after collecting compensation, you may give away 1 card for each ship you lost in the encounter to any players that opposed your side.

Super: After the destiny card is flipped and the defense is chosen, you may change any one Affliction card on any player's alien sheet for another one from your deck. The number of ships on the original card will remain on the new one.

MANTIS [O:FFGfo] Devours Opponent's Cards Adam McLean

You have the power to Prey. As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may use this power to force your opponent to discard as many cards in his or her hand as you have ships in the encounter. If, after using this power, your opponent is left with no encounter cards in his or her hand, they must continue the encounter without playing an encounter card (playing no encounter card is equal to playing an attack 00 card). If your opponent was left with no encounter cards, after the encounter is resolved, your opponent discards his or her remaining cards, if any, and draws a new hand.

History: The Mantis have struggled for centuries at cultivating lasting friendships with other species, even amongst their own kind they have a tendency of turning their house guests, visiting for a meal -- into the meal. They look innocent and mild when observed in their natural environment, remaining still in fervent prayer, but don't be fooled by their sincerity, otherwise you might find yourself invited over as ... err, for a meal.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: As a main player, after encounter cards are revealed, you may change your opponent's encounter card into an attack 00.

Super: As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may look through your opponent's hand and choose the cards you want to discard up to the number of ships you have in the encounter.

NOMADIC [M:FFGfo] Leaves Home System Adam McLean

You have the power to Migrate. At the start of any player\'s regroup phase, before the offense retrieves a ship from the warp, use this power to win the game if you have all of your ships, that have not been removed from the game, on your foreign colonies. You must have no ships on your home planets or in the warp. You do not lose this power because of having too few home colonies, and you may still win the game via the normal manner.

History: Coming from a barren and debilitated home, the Vagrant have searched the universe for a more productive world to call their home. By nature, they are a gentile species, but having searched now for many years, are finding the most suitable planets to also be the most hostile. But they will be leaving their enfeebled home, and now, at all costs.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Alternate Win type power.

Wild: You may use your alien power if you have at least 1 home colony.

Super: You may win the game if all of your ships, that remain in the game, are not on your home colonies (can be on foreign colonies or in the warp).

PANTHERA [B:FFGfo] Hunts Opponent's Ships Adam McLean

You have the power to Hunt. Whenever your player's color or a wild card is drawn from the destiny deck, move all ships from a foreign colony to another planet in the same system and use this power to send any other player's ships on that planet, up to the number of ships you moved, to the warp. The ships you send to the warp may come from several opponents.

If you do not have any foreign colonies, and your player's color or a wild card is drawn from the destiny deck, you may use this power to send 4 ships from any of your colonies to the warp to establish a foreign colony, on any other player's planet, with 2 ships from any of your colonies. The ships coexists with the ships already there, if any. If this power is zapped, you do not lose the sacrificed ships to the warp.

History: Having roamed the darkest reaches of their homeworld, the silent but deadly Panthera have become such adept hunters that even the bravest of explorers not dare venture into the depths of the planet's surface. But with visitors no longer stumbling into their daunting abode, the Panthera are being forced to sacrifice their comfort zone and broaden their hunting grounds beyond the confines of the atmosphere and into the vast horizons of the cosmos.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may take 1 ship from any of your colonies and move it to another colony. On the planet you move your ship to, send 1 ship from any opponent on that planet to the warp. You may not strip a planet of your ships, or establish a new colony, in order to use this flare.

Super: Whenever your color or a wild card is drawn from the destiny deck, you may move all ships from a foreign colony to another planet in any other player's system and send all opponent's ships on that planet to the warp. If this card is zapped, you may still use your alien power as normal.

WRENCH [O:FFGfo] Alters Opponent's Hand Adam McLean

You have the power to Sabotage. As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, use this power to take cards, at random, from your opponent's hand equal to the number of ships you have in the encounter along with an equal number of cards from the deck. After looking at the two sets of cards, give one set to your opponent, and discard the other. If, after using this power, your opponent has no encounter cards in their hand, he or she loses the encounter automatically.

History: Not noted for their military prowess, the Wrench have resorted to finding ways in which to weaken their opponent from within. They hope that over time, their systematically altering what their opponent's value, they can themselves strengthen their own position in the universe.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may choose two cards at random from your opponent's hand. Discard one and give the other back to your opponent.

Super: You may keep the other set of cards that you don't give to your opponent.

Displayed 6 powers.