Planet Variants
The WARP Planet Variants

Planet Variants

With an extra set of planets with unique sticker artwork covering them, Adam McLean decided to create special abilities for each planet.

Additional round planet tiles with new artwork.

At the start of the game, each player draws 5 planets to place in his home system.

Each planet has a special ability or unique characteristic (not unlike moons). A colony on any foreign planet still counts towards the win (except where noted).

1. Rich Planet: Whoever has the most tokens on this planet can always use his power, regardless of the number of home bases he has.

2. Dense Atmosphere: Attack Card values are halved in attacks on this planet.

3. Distant Planet: A player attacking this planet must first discard a card from his hand. (It takes more resources to get there.)

4. Close Planet: A main player's tokens (ships) on an adjacent planet add to his side's attack total.

5. Polluted Planet: One token (ship) must be removed from this planet to another base at the start of that player's turn. The owner of the token chooses it and where it goes.

6. Small Planet: No allies can be involved in challenges on this planet.

7. Hot Planet: Challenge Cards must be placed face up in challenges on this planet. Players may take back their card and play a different one upon seeing their opponent's card. Both players may do this as many times as they want until neither side wants to change the card played. (The planet is so close to its sun that everything is very brightly lit, so it's easy to see what an attacker is doing.)

8. Big Planet: Attacks on this planet only target half of the tokens, the others are not involved in the challenge.

9. Famous Planet: Counts as two planets for victory for other players, or one planet (one foreign base) for the player who's home system it's in.

10. Serene Planet: No attacks are allowed on this planet. You can still gain a base here through Negotiation or other means.

11: Mobile Planet: Whoever has the most tokens on this planet may relocate it to a system of their choice during the destiny phase. It is treated as a part of whatever system it occupies for purposes of counting bases, and pointing the encounter cone. Whoever has the most tokens on the planet is the defensive player if this planet is attacked.(if it's vacant, then the system owner is defender)

12: Jungle Planet: One token is immediately lost to the warp whenever a base is established on this planet.

13: Arctic Planet: Tokens on this planet can only be removed one at a time.

14: Cloudy Planet: When pointing the cone at this planet, the defender is chosen at random from the bases on the planet(excluding bases owned by the attacker) (the idea here is that the cloud cover is so heavy you can't see who you're attacking)

15: Mogo hates freeloaders: If you have a base on this planet(and aren't the owner) you must give Mogo one card from your hand at the beginning of each turn, or lose a token from the base to the warp. If you're the owner and you evict a foreign colony from Mogo, Mogo gives you the collected cards.

16: Nebulous Planet: Bases on this planet cannot have more than two tokens on them. (unless there's nowhere else to put them)

17: Lightning Planet: Whenever a base is attacked on this planet, both sides lose half their tokens(rounded up) to the warp. (Battle fleets get zapped straight to the warp by lightning)

18: Armistice World: All attack cards played here are treated as though they have a value of 0. If have a colony here and you lose a battle due to playing a negotiate you get compensation as normal but your ships to not go to the warp. (the winning player gets a colony as normal)

19: Cyborg Planet: Tokens located on this planet have a value of 2.

20: Ego eats invaders: Whenever you establish a base on this planet you must discard a non-encounter card or your tokens on the planet are sent to the warp.

21. Unstable Planet: Main Players in challenges in this planet play two attack cards face down, their opponents choose one at random to be played.

22. Metal Planet: This planet does not count as a base for any purpose, but anyone with a base here adds 5 to their total in ALL challenges. (There's no arable land, so it's not worth anything as a colony, but the metal resources give a military advantage. Maybe call this "Military Planet" or "Outpost Planet.")

23. Barrier Planet: You must have a base on this planet before you can attack any other planet in the same system.

24. Tidally Locked Planet: This planet has a permanent light side and dark side. Any base is on one side or the other. If only one player has a base on this planet, the next attack on it will be on the uninhabited side. The existing base is not at risk.

25. Anomalous Orbit Planet: Whenever an attack on this planet succeeds, play reverses direction.

26. Hollow Planet: Tokens lost in challenges on this planet do not go to the Warp - they go to the inside (designate however is convenient). When a player has no tokens in the Warp at the beginning of a challenge, he may draw a token from the hollow space and place it on this planet.

27. Vacation Planet: When you establish a base on this planet, you may immediately move as many of your tokens as you wish from other bases to this planet.

28. Dismal Planet: When you establish a base on this planet, you may immediately move as many of your tokens as you wish from this planet to other bases.

29. Red Zone Planet: You may remove all of your tokens on this planet to the Warp at any time, and take a free Flare from the unused Flare Deck.

30. Black Zone Planet: You may remove a token from this planet to the Warp at any time and draw a card from the Challenge Deck into your hand.

Variant by Adam McLean (contributions from Phil Fleischmann, mar hawkman)

See also Reverse Hex Systems