The WARP Deals


Below are some examples of terms for deals collected from various sources (for Compromise-Compromise situations, or any other time players must "make a deal")

  • Base for a Base
  • Base for a Hand
  • Base for Random card(s)
  • Hand for a Hand
  • Random card(s) for random card(s)
  • Base for Lucre
  • Hand for Lucre
  • Card(s) for Lucre
  • Prisoners for (prisoners, base, hand, card(s), lucre)
  • Secret Hazard(s) for (prisoners, base, hand, card(s), lucre)
  • Everyone agrees to go home
  • Look at my hand and take one card *
  • Promise to ally (not to ally) with specific (or nonspecific) player for X challenges
  • Promise to play (not to play) specific (or nonspecific) cards in future
  • Promise to use (not use) Optional Power
  • Promise to attack (not attack) certain bases, moons or colors in future
  • Information for (prisoners, base, hand, card(s), lucre, information) ie: "I will give you my highest attack card, Mind, if you tell me what was in Sorcerer's hand when you last saw it."
  • Mix hands and draw back the same number of cards.
  • Player promises to "Punt" on next turn in exchange for (same, prisoners, base, hand, card(s), lucre, information)
  • Player promises to vacate a base or sacrifice a token in exchange for (same, prisoners, base, hand, card(s), lucre, information)
  • Any combinations of above.

    * Not allowed under normal gameplay