The WARP Constellations


This is an expansion that directs the objectives for each player at the start of the game.


When certain stars and planets are lined up, they form shapes in the sky. In the game, players try to capture specific planets in different systems.

Additional Equipment:

A set of Constellation cards, kept separate from the regular deck.

Additional Set-up:

Each player draws a Constellation card at the start of the game. Cards may be played face-up, or secretly.


Each player has a Constellation card that outlines which planets in various planetary systems they must occupy in order to win the game. Typically, they will detail six specific planets in varying systems, sometimes all different, sometimes more than one in a system.

In cases where the planet listed is a home planet, the player must occupy that base in their home system, regardless of how many external bases they occupy. When the card depicts more than one home base, the player must occupy all home bases depicted on the card, in addition to the others depicted (and how ever many additional external bases one needs in order to win).


This has a subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) effect on game play. Obviously, when one player is attacking a base they need, other players may not be so anxious to ally on the offensive side if it is not a base they also need. Uninvolved players will ally with the Defensive Main Player more often than in regular games (if there is such thing as a "regular" game).

Players will also have to defend certain home bases more fervently, or actually make challenges against their home system in order to regain a base (something that rarely occurs in games with our group).

The cards themselves will have many duplicate bases (depending on the number of players), so that joint attacks are still potentially beneficial for more than one party. The set of cards can continue to grow, depending on whether or not players wish to include moons in their win objectives, as well as other expansions.

In order to account for many different scenarios, I have constructed different Constellation "decks" for different numbers of players in a game. The actual formations of the Constellation are, of course irrelevant, but feel free to connect the planets and decide what shape they make.

You may use the Terrorist Paper to create your own Constellations.

Variant by Jack Reda