Play by Email
The WARP Play by Email

Play by Email

Strangely enough, Cosmic Encounter is a game that can easily be played via email. It's slow, but highly enjoyable, and allows for easy integration of new powers, cards, and effects. If you are interested in taking part in the next round of gaming, fill out this form below.

Your name:

Email to use for CE by Email:

What power set up do you prefer? Check one:

What expansions do you want to use? Check all that apply
Alternate Win Conditions. Antibodies. Armistice Cards. Asteroids. Bad Powers. Constellations. Conversion. Elementals. Hazards. Lucre. Moons. New Powers. Paradigm. Planetoids. Prisoners. Quarks. Reverse Hex. Secret Powers. Skews. Special Challenge Cards. Special Destiny. Tech. Theurgy.

Do you have access to email on a daily basis?: Yes. No. Monday through Friday. Weekends only.

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