The WARP Display Any Alien

The Amazing Alien Database

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When viewing aliens, do you want to see:
The history? Yes
The art? Yes
The author? Yes
The theme? Yes
The notes? Yes
The type? Yes
Experience level? Yes
All Flares
FFG/Eon style "retained" Flares only (Wild & Super)
Mayfair style "one-shot" Flares only (Wild1 & Super1)
Nebulas (Con, Wild1, Super)
No Flares
Timing style?
Mayfair Icons
Fantasy Flight

ASTRAL [O:rec.c] USES ANY ELEMENT AT WILL Dave Hollinsworth (Elementals)

You have the power over elementals. When you have an Elemental in your hand, you may use any of the Elements on it. You must obey the timing icons for each Element, and the use that you choose must be legally playable for the current situation.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Elementals.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild1: Use any one component of an Elemental card, regardless of your involvement in a challenge. Play this Flare immediately before you play your Elemental.

Super1: You may keep the Elemental that you just used.

ETHER [M:rec.c] COLLECTS DISCARDED ELEMENTALS Dave Hollinsworth (Elementals)

You have the power to summon. Whenever any other player plays or discards an Elemental, you must pick it up and place it into you hand. When you play one, you must discard it. When you are required to draw a new hand due to lack of challenge cards, you may keep any Elementals in your hand, but you must reveal them to the other players. Then you take seven new cards.


Restriction: Use only in a game with Elementals.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resource type power.

Wild1: If you win a challenge as a main player, your opponent must immediately give you his hand. You add it to your own, and then give him back the same number of cards he gave you.

Super1: You may pick up all Edicts, Flares, and Elementals that are discarded during this challenge, discarding this one.

Displayed 2 powers.