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CYBERMEN [O:BGG:WHO] Cancels and Plays Artifacts Sean Franco (Cosmic Who)

Basic Power:
The Cybermen are superior to flesh. If an Artifact is played that affects you, you may choose to cancel it unless it is a Zap.

Advanced Power:
The Cybermen are masters of technology. As main player, you may use this power to play any Artifact instead of an Encounter card. The Artifact turns into an \"Attack 15\" card. If this power is zapped, you must replace the Artifact with an actual Encounter card.

History: Originating on Mondas, the destroyed tenth planet of our solar system, the Cybermen were once humans. Succumbing to weakness and disease, they gradually began to replace limbs and organs with cybernetic parts, until they had at last replaced all human emotion with cold, calculating logic. Now they seek to spread across the galaxy, acquiring resources and adding to their numbers.

Restriction: Use only with other Cosmic Who aliens.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Play this card after you play an Artifact to take the Artifact back into hand and instead discard a non-Encounter card. This supersedes the Master's power and Super Flare.

Super: You may use your power to make your Artifacts turn into "Attack 25" cards.

DALEKS [O:BGG:WHO] Survives and Plays Higher Attack Sean Franco (Cosmic Who)

Basic Power:
The Daleks always survive. As the defense after losing an encounter, you may leave one ship on that colony, losing the rest to the Warp. To do so, you must discard Attack cards and Reinforcements which add up to at least a total of 08.

Advanced Power:
The Daleks are evil. As a main player, you may use this power to reveal your encounter card during the Planning phase. If it is an Attack card, your opponent must play a lower Attack card if possible. If it is not an Attack card or if they do not have a lower Attack card, they may play any card they like.

History: The Daleks came from the planet Skaro, evolving from the genetic mutations after a millennium of nuclear war. The Daleks were bred to hate, encased in armored travel machines, armed with an energy weapon, and sent from their home to conquer and enslave the universe.

Restriction: Use only with other Cosmic Who aliens.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Play this card at any time during the Reveal phase. All Reinforcements played in this encounter count toward your side’s attack total, despite which side they were played on.

Super: As the main player, play this after you have revealed an Attack card and your opponent has revealed a Negotiate card. Your opponent does not collect compensation from you, but you randomly draw one card from his hand for each ship you had in the encounter.

HUMANS [B:BGG] Colonies Add to Defense and Collects Flares Sean Franco (Cosmic Who)

Basic Power:
Humanity is protected by UNIT. As the defense, each colony you control, home and foreign (and including the targeted planet), gives you a +1 to your attack total.

Advanced Power:
Humanity is protected by Torchwood. Each time a Flare is discarded by another player, you may use this power to add it to your hand.

History: Planet Earth always seemed like a quiet part of the universe, but it somehow draws all other aliens to it eventually. Despite its seeming place of unimportance, Earth has quickly found new was of protecting itself from the unending stream of alien invasion it faces.

Restriction: Use only with other Cosmic Who aliens.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Play this card if your color has been drawn from the Destiny deck. You may discard all Negotiate cards in hand and draw a new card for each card discarded.

Super: You may take any Flare played by another player (unless it gets passed to a specific alien) into your hand after its effects are resolved.

ICE WARRIORS [O:BGG:WHO] Discards Low Cards and Forces Discards Sean Franco (Cosmic Who)

Basic Power:
The Ice Warriors have no weaknesses in the cold. At the start of your turn, you may discard any Encounter card in your hand which is not an "Attack 06" or higher. If you have no Encounter cards left, reveal your hand, discard all cards, and draw a new hand. Your encounter continues immediately.

Advanced Power:
The Ice Warriors respect a legacy of honor. As main player, you may use this power to force your opponent to randomly discard a number of cards from hand equal to the number of victory points they have before ships are added to the Gate. If your opponent doesn't have any Encounter cards left after, you win the encounter.

History: Natives of the planet Mars, the Ice Warriors leave their frozen home for alliance with the rest of the galaxy as often as they leave to try to conquer a new battleground. Whether friend or foe, the Ice Warriors abide by a strict code of honor which often gives them the upper hand.

Restriction: Use only with other Cosmic Who aliens.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may double the value of your Attack card.

Super: At the start of your turn, you may discard any Encounter card in your hand which is not an "Attack 12" or higher. If you have no encounter cards left, you may draw a new hand.

JUDOON [O:BGG:WHO] Restricts Card Use and Targets Ships Sean Franco (Cosmic Who)

Basic Power:
The Judoon police the galaxy. As the defense or an ally, after alliances are resolved, you may declare that only one of each type of card (apart from Encounter cards) may be played for the remainder of this encounter. For example, if one player plays a Reinforcement card, no other Reinforcements may be played this encounter. If more than one player wishes to play a card type simultaneously, the player to your left may go first, continuing in clockwise order. You are exempt from this restriction and may play cards normally.

Advanced Power:
The Judoon isolate and infiltrate with an H20 scoop. As the offense, you may use this power to declare that you are targeting the ships on your opponent\'s home colony instead of their home colony itself. If you win the encounter, you may name a card type (e.g., Attack, Flare, etc.). Your opponent must give you all cards of the named type from their hand, but you do not get to land on their planet. Your offensive allies do not land on the planet either, and they get no other rewards. Losing defender ships still go to the Warp. Winning defensive allies collect rewards as normal.

History: Large rhinoceros soldiers, the Judoon act as the justice keeping force for the Medusa Cascade. Often police-for-hire rather than proper law enforcement, the Judoon will remove large pieces of a planet rather than land directly on it when hunting for its targets, in order to respect the jurisdiction of the individual planets.

Restriction: Use only with other Cosmic Who aliens.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: When allies are invited, give this card to any player to prevent them from being an ally in this encounter.

Super: If you win an encounter where you used the H20 scoop, you may land on the planet you targeted as well as naming and collecting a card type.

NESTENES AND AUTONS [O:BGG:WHO] Adds Extra Ships and Switches Ships Sean Franco (Cosmic Who)

Basic Power:
The Nestenes can inhabit enemy resources. As the main player, you may use this power to add ships you have on any of your opponent\'s planets to your side\'s attack total. These ships are not at risk.

Advanced Power:
The Autons can be controlled from a distance. As the offense, before cards are chosen, you may use this power to switch your ships in the Gate with your ships on any other single planet. If you lose the encounter, you may use your power to switch the ships back before lost ships go to the Warp.

History: The Nestenes are a psychic race with the unique ability to control plastic in any form from great distances. Their most frequent weapon were the Autons, plastic mannequins armed with an energy weapon. Able to completely infiltrate a society before launching an attack, the Nestenes always surprise their opponents with their numbers of soldiers already in place.

Restriction: Use only with other Cosmic Who aliens.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Play at that start of your turn to target one planet in your home system. All opponents who have colonies on that planet must send all but one ship in that colony to the Warp. Discard after playing.

Super: You may use your powers as an offensive ally.

SONTARANS [O:BGG:WHO] Retrieves 4 Ships and Causes Extra Ship Loss Sean Franco (Cosmic Who)

Basic Power:
Sontarans have the power to clone. During your regroup phase, you may regroup four ships instead of one, distributing them to as many colonies as possible.

Advanced Power:
Sontarans are disciplined. As a main player after winning an encounter, you may use this power to send any number of your defending ships on the encountered planet or any number of your attacking ships in the Gate to the Warp. If you do so, your opponent must lose that many ships of his choice to the Warp and discard that many non-Encounter cards of his choice from his hand.

History: A clone race bred for war, the Sontarans have been engaged in combat for all memory. Identical to each other in every way, a Sontaran Warrior is fiercely disciplined and always prepared to sacrifice themselves for a better strategic position in the battle. Their fleets seem endless sometimes, and they hunger for the next battle.

Restriction: Use only with other Cosmic Who aliens.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Play during an opponent's regroup phase. You may regroup as well.

Super: After losing an encounter, you may move all of your ships involved in the encounter to other colonies instead of the Warp. If you were the offense and this was your first encounter, you may now take a second encounter.

THE DOCTOR [O:BGG:WHO] Forcces Alliances and Negotiations Sean Franco (Cosmic Who)

Basic Power:
The Doctor inspires strength. As the offense, anyone you choose to invite as an ally must ally with you and send at least one ship to the Gate. Players do not have to send any ships if it causes them to abandon colonies.

Advanced Power:
The Doctor tries to find a better way. As the main player before cards are chosen, you may use this power to force your opponent to play a Negotiate card if possible. You may only do this if your side's ship total is greater than your opponent's.

History: Once a member of Time Lord society, the Doctor left his people when he became bored with their strict policy of non-interference. Stealing a TARDIS, the Doctor traveled through time and space, inevitably getting involved in trouble wherever he went and never allowing evil to triumph.

Restriction: Use only with other Cosmic Who aliens.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Play this just after your Destiny is drawn to ignore the Destiny and force the offense to draw destiny again. Pass this Flare to the Doctor after it has been played, or discard it if the Doctor is not in this game.

Super: You may force your offensive allies to bring at least two ships each, if possible. Players do not have to send all of the ships if it causes them to abandon colonies.

THE GUARDIANS [O:BGG:WHO] Changes Hand Size and Starts Auctions Sean Franco (Cosmic Who)

Basic Power:
The White Guardian restores order to the universe. At the start of your turn, you may use this power to force all players to discard down to the number of cards held by the player with the fewest cards, or force all players to draw cards (starting with you) up to the number held by the player with the most cards. Players discard or draw in clockwise order, starting with you.

Advanced Power:
The Black Guardian tempts his servants with rewards. As the defense, after your Destiny Card has been drawn, you may use this power to start an auction. Look through the Encounter Deck, select, and reveal one card; this is the prize. Shuffle and replace the deck after. Clockwise from you, the other players may reveal as many cards as they would like from their hand; this is their bid. After all players have made a bid, you may accept one bid and trade it for the prize, or reject all bids and discard the prize.

History: As the avatars of Order and Chaos, the White and Black Guardians have been manipulating the universe since its birth, each trying to tip the balance to their own respective element. Their lofty plans involve agents and servants from across time-space, and they quest constantly for the Key to Time, combing relics from across the cosmos to form the ultimate weapon.

Restriction: Use only with other Cosmic Who aliens.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: At the start of your turn, play this Flare force all other players to reveal all of the Flares in their hands. For each Flare revealed, you get a +1 to your attack total for this encounter. Pass this Flare to the Guardians after it has been played, or discard it if the Guardians are not in this game.

Super: At the start of any other player’s Destiny Phase, give this Flare to that player. Their Attack total is reduced by 10 during this Encounter.

THE MASTER [O:BGG:WHO] Plays Kickers and Keeps Zaps Sean Franco (Cosmic Who)

Basic Power:
The Master has no mercy. As main player if you play an Attack Card during your Planning phase, you may chose to play a second Attack card face up with it which acts as a Kicker x2 card.

Advanced Power:
The Master is a genius. When you are not the main player, you may use this power to play any \"Zap\" card normally, then return it to your hand. If a \"Zap\" card it played against you, you may use your power to add it to your hand after its effects are resolved.

History: Once a member of Time Lord society, the Master left his people to use his superior abilities to rule the universe. A genius by any standard, the Master would often pit alien races against each other to further his own ends, but was equally capable at executing a direct strategy of conquest.

Restriction: Use only with other Cosmic Who aliens.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: As the offense, play this after Destiny is drawn to ignore the Destiny and attack any player on any planet you choose, even if it is a player not on their home planet. Pass this Flare to the Master after it has been played, or discard it if the Master is not in this game.

Super: After winning an encounter as the offense, you may discard this Flare and four Zap cards to land one ship from the Gate on a second planet of your choice in the system you attacked.

TIMELORDS [O:BGG:WHO] Determines Turn Order and Allies Fill Hands Sean Franco (Cosmic Who)

Game Setup: Give each player, including you, a Time Lord token (use Grudge tokens). The Time Lords choose who goes first.

Basic Power:
The Time Lords have mastered time. Instead of going in normal turn order, you choose who takes the next turn after a turn is completed. You may only choose someone who still has their Time Lord token. When you choose someone (including yourself), they put their Time Lord token in the Warp. On the Start Turn phase after all players\' tokens are in the Warp, each player takes one token back. If you lose this power, play continues as normal, clockwise from the last player to have an encounter. If you regain this power, redistribute the tokens and immediately choose the next player to take their turn. Players may still take a second encounter if they won their first or had a successful negotiation (but may still not take more than two encounters in a row).

Advanced Power:
The Time Lords have mastered regeneration. As a main player after allies have joined, you may use your power to allow your allies to draw cards until they each have eight cards in hand. You may draw one card for each card drawn this way.

History: A race as old as time itself, the Time Lords hail from the planet Gallifrey. From their inception, they had mastered the power to travel through time and space. They also perfected regeneration: the ability to restore their physical form when it seemed that they had fallen. Once completely non-intrusive, the Time Lords have recently begun to influence the affairs of the universe from the shadows.

Restriction: Use only with other Cosmic Who aliens.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: After encounter cards are revealed, you may replace your card with a different card in your hand, returning your first care to your hand.

Super: Play this at the end of any encounter to look at the top card of the Destiny Deck.

WEEPING ANGELS [O:BGG:WHO] Gives Victory Points and Enters Gate Later Sean Franco (Cosmic Who)

Basic Power: The Weeping Angels can remove you from your time stream. If you lose an encounter as the defense and lose at least one ship, all ships involved in the encounter go to the Warp. Give one Angel token (Cosmic token) to your opponent (but not his allies). Each Angel token counts as one Victory Point for your opponent.

Advanced Power:
The Weeping Angels are fast. As the offense, use this power to not add ships to the Gate during the Launch but continue the encounter as normal. After cards are revealed, you must add between 2 and 5 ships to the Gate. You do not have to abandon colonies to add ships to the Gate.

History: The Weeping Angels come from unknown origins, and little in known about them. They are the perfect killers, sending you back in time to live yourself to death. They are faster than imaginable, but whenever they are looked at, they turn into stone to protect themselves, and become virtually indestructible.

Restriction: Use only with other Cosmic Who aliens.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: On your regroup phase, you may retrieve one extra ship from the Warp and put it on any of your home planets, even if you do not have a colony there. Pass this Flare to the Weeping Angels after it has been played, or discard it if the Weeping Angels are not in this game.

Super: You do not have to give your opponent an Angel token when you are defeated. Discard this Flare after use.

Displayed 12 powers.