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Fantasy Flight

FILTH [M:CC] Drives Away Others’ Ships Fantasy Flight

You have the power to Reek. Any time any of your ships are coexisting on the same planet as any other player’s ships, use this power to force the other player’s ships to return to his or her other colonies.

Your allies in a winning offensive encounter do not land on the defending planet with you. However, they each still gain a colony on any other planet of their choice (each player chooses separately) in the defending system.

When you lose an encounter as the defense on a planet where you have ships, use this power to force all opposing ships to return to their other colonies instead of landing on your planet. Your losing ships go to the warp normally and the planet is then ”fumigated”.

When you agree to trade colonies in a deal, you and that other player must each vacate a planet for the other player to land on.

History: The Filth’s reverence for the past leaves it unable to remove any trace of earlier events - whether yesterday’s glatorp stains or last year’s diseased kinzosh. Having driven all other lifeforms from their home worlds, they are slowly extending out to leave their mark - a ring around the Cosmos.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: At any time, you may declare one planet to be "filthy". All ships there are returned to their other colonies (or to the warp if they have no other colonies). Any ships that should land there during this encounter instead return to their other colonies. Give this flare to the Filth after use (or discard it, if Filth isn't playing).

Super: As the offense, when you aim the hyperspace gate at a planet, all other players' ships on that planet (including the defense) must immediately return to their other colonies (or to the warp if they have no other colonies).

Displayed 1 powers.