The WARP Cosmic Encounter®
Expansions and Rules
Compiled by Jack Reda

Amazing Alien Database

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Homebrew of the day

You have the Power of Precedence
At the start of the game place a token in front of your planets. Whenever another player challenges your system (after they load the cone but before pointing it at any base or moon) they must first challenge your vanguard token. You each play cards. If you win, they must return home and end their turn. If they win, they may proceed with their challenge. No tokens are lost as a result of the vanguard challenge. If after challenging the vanguard your opponent has no challenge cards his turn ends. No consolation is gained from a vanguard challenge.


The Warp Alien Power database has over 2000 entries you can look through, including every offically printed alien (search by author, origin, expansion, variant, and more). Just click on "Homebrew of the Day" to access the Amazing Alien Database. If you play Cosmic Encounter long enough, you eventually find yourself in The Warp.

Normally, you wouldn't find this many zombies in the warp...

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